The minimal structure and motion problems with missing data for 1D retina vision

Oskarsson, Magnus; Åström, Karl; Overgaard, Niels Christian (2006). The minimal structure and motion problems with missing data for 1D retina vision. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 26, (3), 327 - 343
| Published | English
Oskarsson, Magnus ; Åström, Karl ; Overgaard, Niels Christian
Mathematics (Faculty of Engineering)
In this paper we investigate the structure and motion problem for calibrated one-dimensional projections of a two-dimensional environment. The theory of one-dimensional cameras are useful in several areas, e.g. within robotics, autonomous guided vehicles, projection of lines in ordinary vision and vision of vehicles undergoing so called planar motion. In a previous paper the structure and motion problem for all cases with non-missing data was classified and solved. Our aim is here to classify all structure and motion problems, even those with missing data, and to solve them. In the classification we introduce the notion of a prime problem. A prime problem is a minimal problem that does not contain a minimal problem as a sub-problem. We further show that there are infinitely many such prime problems. We give solutions to four prime problems, and using the duality of Carlsson these can be extended to solutions of seven prime problems. Finally we give some experimental results based on synthetic data.
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