Estimates of Temporal Edge Detection Filters in Human Vision

Ebelin, Pontus; Denes, Gyorgy; Akenine-Möller, Tomas; Åström, Kalle, et al. (2024-01-30). Estimates of Temporal Edge Detection Filters in Human Vision. ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, 21, (2)
| Published | English
Ebelin, Pontus ; Denes, Gyorgy ; Akenine-Möller, Tomas ; Åström, Kalle , et al.
Computer Vision and Machine Learning
LU Profile Area: Nature-based future solutions
LU Profile Area: Light and Materials
LU Profile Area: Proactive Ageing
LU Profile Area: Natural and Artificial Cognition
LTH Profile Area: AI and Digitalization
LTH Profile Area: Engineering Health
Stroke Imaging Research group
ELLIIT: the Linköping-Lund initiative on IT and mobile communication
eSSENCE: The e-Science Collaboration
Mathematical Imaging Group
Mathematics (Faculty of Engineering)
Centre for Mathematical Sciences
Evaluating and Improving Rendered Visual Experiences
WASP: Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program at Lund University
Research Group:
Computer Vision and Machine Learning
Stroke Imaging Research group
Mathematical Imaging Group
Edge detection is an important process in human visual processing. However, as far as we know, few attempts have been made to map the temporal edge detection filters in human vision. To that end, we devised a user study and collected data from which we derived estimates of human temporal edge detection filters based on three different models, including the derivative of the infinite symmetric exponential function and temporal contrast sensitivity function. We analyze our findings using several different methods, including extending the filter to higher frequencies than were shown during the experiment. In addition, we show a proof of concept that our filter may be used in spatiotemporal image quality metrics by incorporating it into a flicker detection pipeline.
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