The -145 km/s Absorption System of Eta Carinae

Vieira, G. L.; Gull, T. R.; Danks, A. C.; Johansson, Sveneric (2002). The -145 km/s Absorption System of Eta Carinae Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 34, (4), 1184 - 1184: The American Astronomical Society
Conference Proceeding/Paper | Published | English
Vieira, G. L. ; Gull, T. R. ; Danks, A. C. ; Johansson, Sveneric
Lund Observatory - Has been reorganised
With the STIS E230H mode (R 118,000), we have identified about twentyabsorption components in line of sight from Eta Carinae. Two components,one at -513 km/s and another at -145 km/s, are quite different incharacter from the others, mostly at intermediate velocities (Seeadjacent posters by T. Gull and A. Danks). The -145 km/s component issignificantly wider in fwhm, is seen in many more species, and the lowerlevel can be above 20,000 cm-1, well above the 2000 cm-1 noted in the-513 km/s component. In the spectral region from 2400 to 3160A,approximately 500 absorption lines have been identified. In this poster,we will present line identifications and atomic parameters of themeasured lines, hopefully providing insight as to what levels are beingexcited and by what processes. Observations were accomplished throughSTScI under proposal 9242 (Danks, P.I.). Funding is through the STIS GTOresources.
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