Growth and capture activities of nematophagous fungi in soil visualized by low temperature scanning electron microscopy

Jansson, Hans-Börje; Persson, C; Odselius, Rolf (2000). Growth and capture activities of nematophagous fungi in soil visualized by low temperature scanning electron microscopy. Mycologia, 92, (1), 10 - 15
| Published | English
Jansson, Hans-Börje ; Persson, C ; Odselius, Rolf
Department of Biology
Section V
Microbial Ecology
Research Group:
Microbial Ecology
Growth and capture activities of nematophagous fungi in soil were observed using the low temperature scanning electron microscopy technique. The advantages of this sample preparation technique, compared with conventional scanning electron microscopy, are that it does not involve chemical fixation and dehydration of the sample and, therefore, gives a more accurate view of organ isms in soil. Growth, sporulation, trap formation, capture and digestion of nematodes were observed in soil using the nematode-trapping fungi Arthrobotrys superba, A. dactyloides and A. oligospora CT, and the endoparasite Drechmeria coniospora.
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