Revolving permanent magnet causes rotating particle motion that makes new detection schemes possible in magnetomotive ultrasound

Evertsson, Maria; Sjostrand, Sandra; Erlov, Tobias; Svensson, Ingrid, et al. (2019-12-09). Revolving permanent magnet causes rotating particle motion that makes new detection schemes possible in magnetomotive ultrasound 2019 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, IUS 2019, 2019-October,, 2373 - 2375. 2019 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, IUS 2019. Glasgow, United Kingdom: IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Conference Proceeding/Paper | Published | English
Evertsson, Maria ; Sjostrand, Sandra ; Erlov, Tobias ; Svensson, Ingrid , et al.
Medical ultrasound
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Medicon Bridge
Research Group:
Medical ultrasound
Medicon Bridge

Magnetomotive ultrasound, MMUS, can reveal the presence of a magnetic contrast agent by applying an external magnetic field. If the interaction between the agent and the field is strong enough, a movement that can be detected by ultrasound is induced in the surrounding tissue, thereby inferring the contrast agent distribution. Electromagnets have been used to generate the necessary magnetic field, but due to their size, weight, and propensity to heat up, they are impractical to work with. Furthermore, the resulting magnetic force is directed mainly along the symmetry axis of such magnets, and thus the resulting movement is primarily a one-dimensional oscillation. We suggest the use of a rotating permanent magnet that generates a two-dimensional particle motion, and that this makes new detection schemes for MMUS possible. A prototype probe, containing a rotating neodymium magnet, was used to move a metallic sphere embedded in tissue-mimicking material. Cine loops recorded any in-plane movement with the magnetic probe placed in two different positions. A two-dimensional movement was demonstrated, using both our previously developed MMUS algorithm as well as a phase-based motion tracking algorithm. The conventional 1D MMUS processing detected the axial component in both magnetic probe positions, whereas the two-dimensional motion tracking algorithm estimated a rotational motion from the same measurements. The added dimension of motion could engender possibilities to more precise signal processing and thus improve robustness of magnetomotive motion detection. Moreover, the incorporation of a permanent magnet makes for a more practical device, as compared to using electromagnets.

2D ; Magnetomotive ; motion tracking ; permanent ; rotating
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