Sustainable AI : An inventory of the state of knowledge of ethical, social, and legal challenges related to artificial intelligence

Larsson, Stefan; Anneroth, Mikael; Felländer, Anna; Felländer-Tsai, Li, et al. (2019-04-09). Sustainable AI : An inventory of the state of knowledge of ethical, social, and legal challenges related to artificial intelligence In : AI Sustainability Center
Report | Published | English
Larsson, Stefan ; Anneroth, Mikael ; Felländer, Anna ; Felländer-Tsai, Li , et al.
Real Estate Science
Department of Technology and Society
Lund University AI Research
DATA/TRUST: Tillitsbaserad personuppgiftshantering i den digitala ekonomin
Hållbar AI - AI Ethics and Sustainability
This report is an inventory of the state of knowledge of ethical, social, and legal challenges related to artificial intelligence conducted within the Swedish Vinnova-funded project “Hållbar AI – AI Ethics and Sustainability”, led by Anna Felländer. Based on a review and mapping of reports and studies, a quantitative and bibliometric analysis, and in-depth analyses of the healt- care sector, the telecom sector, and digital platforms, the report proposes three recommendations. Sustainable AI requires: 1. a broad focus on AI governance and regulation issues, 2. promoting multi-disciplinary collaboration, and 3. building trust in AI applications and applied machine-learning, which is a matter of key importance and requires further study of the relationship between transparency and accountability.

This report is an inventory of the state of knowledge of ethical, social, and legal challenges related to artificial intelligence conducted within the Swedish Vinnova-funded project “Hållbar AI – AI Ethics and Sustainability”, led by Anna Felländer. Based on a review and mapping of reports and studies, a quantitative and bibliometric analysis, and in-depth analyses of the health care sector, the telecom sector, and digital platforms, the report proposes three recommendations. Sustainable AI requires: 1. a broad focus on AI governance and regulation issues, 2. promoting multidisciplinary collaboration, and 3. building trust in AI applications and applied machine-learning, which is a matter of key importance and requires further study of the relationship between transparency and accountability.
Sustainable AI ; AI ; AI transparency ; AI ethics ; explainable AI ; AI accountability ; Sustainable AI ; AI ethics ; trustworthy AI ; AI transparency ; Fairness ; Accountability ; FAT ; Multidisciplinarity ; Trust ; Trusted AI ; Computer Science ; Sociology (excluding Social Work, Social Psychology and Social Anthropology)
e2fa1b6a-860e-44b0-a359-fbd842c363db | Link: | Statistics

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