A computer-oriented method for reducing linearized multibody equations by incorporating constraints

Führer, Claus; Wallrapp, Oskar (1984). A computer-oriented method for reducing linearized multibody equations by incorporating constraints. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 46, (2), 169 - 175
| Published | English
Führer, Claus ; Wallrapp, Oskar
Mathematics (Faculty of Engineering)
Numerical Analysis
Research Group:
Numerical Analysis
Consider a spatial multibody system with rigid and elastic bodies. The bodies are linked by rigid interconnections (e.g. revolute joints) causing constraints, as well as by flexible interconnections (e.g. springs) causing applied forces. Small motions of the system with respect to a given nominal configuration can be described by linearized dynamic equations and kinematic constraint equations. We present a computer-oriented procedure which allows to develop a minimum number of these equations. There are three problems. First: algorithmic selection of position coordinates; second: condensation of the dynamic equations; third: evaluation of the constraint forces. To demonstrate the procedure, a closed loop multibody system is used as an example.
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