A Preliminary Case Study on Gender Norms in Robot-Assisted Diagnosis of Perinatal Depression : A Socio-Legal HRI Perspective

Tanqueray, Laetitia; Castellano, Ginevra; Larsson, Stefan (2021-08-12). A Preliminary Case Study on Gender Norms in Robot-Assisted Diagnosis of Perinatal Depression : A Socio-Legal HRI Perspective , 1 - 2. GenR Workshop. GENDERING ROBOTS: Ongoing (Re)configurations of Gender in Robotics
Conference Abstract | Published | English
Tanqueray, Laetitia ; Castellano, Ginevra ; Larsson, Stefan
Department of Technology and Society
Fairness in social robotics: gender as a case study for developing a multidisciplinary framework for social robotics and socio-legal studies of AI
We propose that an interdisciplinary approach is necessary to better understand the normative gender aspects of automating perinatal depression-care in socially assistive robots and how to take them into account at design stage. Consequently, the aim is twofold: firstly, to understand the existing normative gender aspects within perinatal depression, and secondly, to enable the socially assistive robot to “normatively adapt” to the patient. Both, we argue, are vital in order to automate trustworthy perinatal depression assistance within socially assistive robots, as well as overcome the current social prejudices attached to the condition.
social robotics ; gender ; socio-legal HRI ; Other Engineering and Technologies not elsewhere specified ; Gender Studies ; Law and Society
f26f441a-f1fc-466c-8aa4-04f79cee070a | Link: https://lup.lub.lu.se/record/f26f441a-f1fc-466c-8aa4-04f79cee070a | Statistics

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