Symbiotic fungi that are essential for plant nutrient uptake investigated with NMP

Pallon, Jan; Wallander, Håkan; Hammer, Edith; Arteaga, Natalia, et al. (2007). Symbiotic fungi that are essential for plant nutrient uptake investigated with NMP. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 260, (1), 149 - 152
| Published | English
Pallon, Jan ; Wallander, Håkan ; Hammer, Edith ; Arteaga, Natalia , et al.
Department of Physics
Nuclear Microprobe-lup-obsolete
Microbial Ecology
Biodiversity and Conservation Science
Plant Biology
Research Group:
Nuclear Microprobe-lup-obsolete
Microbial Ecology
Biodiversity and Conservation Science
Plant Biology
The nuclear microprobe (NMP) technique using PIXE for elemental analysis and STIM on/off axis for parallel mass density normalization has proven successful to investigate possible interactions between minerals and ectomycorrhizal (EM) mycelia that form symbiotic associations with forest trees. The ability for the EM to make elements biologically available from minerals and soil were compared in field studies and in laboratory experiments, and molecular analysis (PCR-RFLP) was used to identify ectomycorrhizal species from the field samplings. EM rhizomorphs associated with apatite in laboratory systems and in mesh bags incubated in forest ecosystems contained larger amounts of Ca than similar rhizomorphs connected to acid-washed sand. EM mycelium produced in mesh bags had a capacity to mobilize P from apatite-amended sand and a high concentration of K in some rhizomorphs suggests that these fungi are good accumulators of K and may have a significant role in transporting K to trees.

Spores formed by arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi in laboratory cultures were compared with spores formed in saline soils in Tunisia in Northern Africa. We found lower concentrations of P and higher concentrations of Cl in the spores collected from the field than in the spores collected from laboratory cultures. For the case of laboratory cultures, the distribution of e.g. P and K was found to be clearly correlated.
Rhizomorphs ; Arbuscular mycorrhiza ; PIXE ; Spores ; Ectomycorrhizal ; STIM ; Subatomic Physics ; Ecology ; Biological Sciences
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