About LUP

LUP SP (Lund University Student Papers) aims to:
Why register in LUP SP?
What is being registered?
Roles in LUP studentpapers
Workflow LUP student papers
How to search in LUP

LUP SP (Lund University Student Papers) aims to:

  • give students at Lund University an easy way of making their publications visible and freely available.
  • give a single entry point to publications by students with affiliation Lund University.
  • distribute information about publications from Lund University to other services.

The full text of publications is made freely available where possible. In LUP you will find research publications, refereed and un-refereed, doctoral .

In this Info Site you will find information about how to register and publish in LUP. If you are a reviewer you will also find information on the review process. You can also find pdf-versions of information for students as well as contact information..

Please contact publicera@lub.lu.se for questions regarding this site.


Lund University Student Papers (LUP SP) is the University's repository for Student theses. Here, students at the university register their publications. The public search interface is available for anyone. Many records contain full texts of the publications.

Why register in LUP SP?

The main aim of this service is to make your publication as visible and accessible on the Internet as possible. Most of the metadata fields are selected from that point of view. Even if the full text is not made freely available in the service it should be easy for someone who has found the record (in most cases through Google) to:

a) make a quick estimation if this work is of interest and

b) get information that makes it as easy as possible to acquire your work.

Exact and accurate information about you publication available to meet a) and b) increases the chance that the usage of your work will increase.

What is being registered?

It is possible to register different types of theses. As of today the system offers the following types for registration: Master's Degree (One Year), Master's Degree (Two Years), Professional qualifications (4 years - ), Professional qualifications ( - 4 years), 1st term paper, 2nd term paper, Miscellaneous, Projects etc., University Diploma, Bachelor Degree.

Roles in LUP SP

User - adding and editing own records in the system.
Teacher - Editing and distributing Student Papers before they are submitted.
Reviewer - reviewing records in the submission buffer.
Super Admin - highest level of access rights in the system. Gives Reviewers their access rights in the system etc.

Workflow LUP student papers

The student registers his/her papers in LUP student papers and submits the record for review. The record can now be accessed by the other students registered at the same course as well as the teacher, the record is NOT publically accessible at this stage of the workflow. The purpose of this stage is to make possible the distribution of papers amongst students registered on the same course before seminars. When the paper is approved the teacher sends the record to the reviewer who revises the bibliographical information before making the record public. If the bibliographic information is inconclusive the record is returned to the teacher. After the record has been modified it is sent to the reviewer. Once the record is public it is available in the public interface as well as accessible from search engines. Records from LUP student papers are imported to national services for student papers, Uppsök and uppsatser.se.

How to search in LUP SP

The public search interface is available at https://lup.lub.lu.se/student-papers/search. All bibliographic information about publications registered in LUP SP is searchable and visible in the public interface.