Cover page help text

    If you choose the option to include a cover page for your publication, a cover will automatically be generated based on the information you’ve entered in the registration form. After the file has been uploaded, you can preview the cover page by clicking on the link under “View with cover”. In order for changes and newly added information in the registration form to appear, the form needs to be saved first.

    The cover page is generated on-the-fly and will not affect the original uploaded document. Other file types than pdf are not supported. Since there are many different types of specialized pdf formats, there may also be some uploaded pdf:s  which aren’t supported by the cover page generator. If there is metadata in the original file such as bookmarks or attached files, this information will not be included in the generated document.

    The cover page option is available for the following document types: journal article, conference proceeding/paper and book chapter. If the information is missing or incorrect, this means that you have to add or edit information in the form. Remember to save before you preview the cover page, otherwise the changes won’t appear in the preview.

    Information from the following fields in the form is used to create the cover pages (not all fields are mandatory):

    Document Type Fields
    Journal Article Department, Journal Title, Author (“et al” is used if more than 3 authors), Title, Year, Volume, Issue, Pages, DOI, Publisher, Right Owners' Statement
    Conference Department, Conference Name, Conference Date, Conference Location, Author (“et al” is used if more than 3 authors), Title, Publication/Series, Year, Volume, Issue, Pages, DOI, Publisher, Right Owners' Statement
    Book Chapter Department, Book Title, Author (“et al” is used if more than 3 authors), Chapter Title, Editor, Year, Pages, Publisher, Right Owners' Statement

    The cover page will detect the publication language selected in the cataloging form and generate a Swedish version of the cover page for Swedish publications. For all other selected languages the cover page will be in English.

    If the automatically generated cover page doesn’t show all the information you want on the cover in a satisfying way you can always create a cover page manually using the templates on this web page: