
    What is it?
    RefMole is a tool for using registered data in LUP for presenting an up-to-date list of references on any web page. Based on the criteria you choose, RefMole will generate a snippet of code which can easily be inserted in the code of any web page where you wish to present your references.

    How do you use it?

    First you choose if you want the search to be based on lucat id (this will create a list of publications for a specified LU author based on records where he/she has been verified), department, research group or project. To find out which id’s to use for the different units follow the links:

    Research Group

    Citation style:
    There are currently six different citation styles to choose from: Standard, AMA, APA, APSA, Harvard and MLA. Document types: Specify which type of document you wish to include.

    Publication year:
    Enter either a specific year or a range (e.g. “2012” or “2010-2012”. If left blank, the search will include all years. It is also possible to enter a start year and a dash to include all forthcoming years.

    Date approved:
    This field is used if you wish to include the latest publications from a person or unit. Select date approved “2012-01-01” and publication year “2012-“ to include publications which have been made public in LUP from January 1st 2012 with publication year 2012 and onwards. The sorting is done on two levels. First the publication year in descending order and, within each publication year, by date approved (descending order). If left blank date approved will not be checked in the search.

    Citations per page:
    Here you can choose how many results you want to include and, also, if you want a “Show more citations”-link when there are more available results for the query.

    Sort direction:
    Choose if the list should be sorted by descending (default) or ascending order. If you are using the “data approved”-field to display the latest publications, you should use the default sorting.

    Creating lists based on Department id or Research Group/Project

    Department id’s
    You can find the id for a specific department by selecting the department in the organization tree in the search form in LUP registration, and clicking on Search. When the result list appears, you can see the exact search query displayed above the result list (“department exact…”). Use the id included here for creating the search in RefMole.

    Research Group/Project
    To find the id for a research group or a project, open a new cataloguing form in LUP Registration. Go to the Context-tab and open the list where you select Research Group/Project. Scroll down until you find the one you’re looking for, and then click on the information-icon. Use the id shown in the pop-up-window. Close the form without saving.

LUP - Lund University Publications, 2007, Lund University Libraries, Head Office