Agro-ecological assessment of Phonxay district, Louang Phrabang province, Lao PDR : a minor field study
(2005) In Lunds universitets Naturgeografiska institution - SeminarieuppsatserDept of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science
- Abstract (Swedish)
- Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning: För att kunna planera jordbruket så att all mark används på bästa sätt behövs en databas som innehåller lämplig data. Det finns inte någon sådan för Laos, därför har vi valt att göra en databas och med hjälp av den beskriva norra Laos och speciellt Phonxay distriktet. Projektet gjordes i samarbete med National Agricultural and Forestry Institute (NAFRI) i Laos och kommer att utgöra ett pilotprojekt där våra metoder och resultat kan komma att användas som en mall för framtida undersökningar.
Under uppbyggnaden av databasen behövde vi transformera alla kartor för att de skulle får samma referenssystem, beräkna potentiell evapotranspiration och interpolera alla klimatfaktorer. För transformationerna... (More) - Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning: För att kunna planera jordbruket så att all mark används på bästa sätt behövs en databas som innehåller lämplig data. Det finns inte någon sådan för Laos, därför har vi valt att göra en databas och med hjälp av den beskriva norra Laos och speciellt Phonxay distriktet. Projektet gjordes i samarbete med National Agricultural and Forestry Institute (NAFRI) i Laos och kommer att utgöra ett pilotprojekt där våra metoder och resultat kan komma att användas som en mall för framtida undersökningar.
Under uppbyggnaden av databasen behövde vi transformera alla kartor för att de skulle får samma referenssystem, beräkna potentiell evapotranspiration och interpolera alla klimatfaktorer. För transformationerna använde vi en treparameters transformation. För att beräkna den potentiella evapotranspirationen använde vi FAOs Penman Monteiths kombinations ekvation. För interpolationerna av klimatfaktorerna använde vi den interpolationsmetod som passade bäst för varje klimatfaktor.
För att beskriva norra Laos och Phonxay distriktet gjorde vi växtperiods-zoner, agro-ekologiska zoner, begränsnings zoner, två exempel på grödlämplighetskartor och jämförelser mellan olika demografiska och socioekonomiska faktorer. För att beräkna växtperioden skapade vi en modell i ett GIS (Geografiskt Informations System) som tog hänsyn till temperatur, nederbörd och potentiell evapotranspiration. För att göra de agro-ekologiska zonerna gjorde vi en överlagrings i ett GIS mellan jordmån, temperatur, sluttnings-lutning, växtperiods-zoner, och administrativa gränser. Målet med denna analys var att identifierade områden med liknande biofysikaliska förutsättningar. För grödlämplighetskartorna valde vi att titta på banan och ananas eftersom dessa är viktiga inkomstgrödor i området. Denna modell tog hänsyn till de specifika kraven för varje gröda när det gäller temperatur, nederbörd, jordmån och växtperiod.
Vår databas innehåller data om klimat, jordmåner, topografi, population, växtperiod, agro-ekologiska zoner, begränsnings zoner, lämplighetskartor och markanvändningskartor.
I Phonxay distriktet finns två olika växtperiod-zoner med 214 och 244 dagar vardera. Det finns 16 olika agro-ekologiska zoner av vilka 7 är lämpliga för jordbruk. 32 % av området är lämpligt för jordbruk enligt begränsnings zonerna. De områden som är lämpliga för banan och ananas produktion stämmer väl överens med begränsnings zonerna.
När vi jämförde de agro-ekologiska zonerna, begränsnings zonerna och markanvändningskartan såg vi att marken inte används på bästa sätt. Mark som har stor lämplighet för jordbruk används t ex inte för ett sådant ändamål. Med tanke på befolkningsökningen och den stora fattigdomen i Phonxay anser vi att marken kunde utnyttjas mer optimalt för att förbättra situationen för distriktets innevånare. Detta kräver givetvis utökade insatser från både hjälporganisationer och den Laotiska regeringen. (Less) - Abstract
- When developing policies for agricultural land and land use planning, it is essential to
have access to a land resource database. In Lao PDR, no such database previously
existed, so we therefore attempted to make one and to implement its use by describing
Phonxay District, Louang Phrabang Province, Lao PDR.
All input data in the form of digital maps were transformed to Lao National Datum 1997.
The potential evapotranspiration was calculated using the FAO Penman-Monteith
Combination Method and was then, together with temperature and precipitation data,
interpolated to cover northern Lao PDR. By using the database, growing period zones,
agro-ecological zoning, zones of soil and terrain constraints and two examples of land
... (More) - When developing policies for agricultural land and land use planning, it is essential to
have access to a land resource database. In Lao PDR, no such database previously
existed, so we therefore attempted to make one and to implement its use by describing
Phonxay District, Louang Phrabang Province, Lao PDR.
All input data in the form of digital maps were transformed to Lao National Datum 1997.
The potential evapotranspiration was calculated using the FAO Penman-Monteith
Combination Method and was then, together with temperature and precipitation data,
interpolated to cover northern Lao PDR. By using the database, growing period zones,
agro-ecological zoning, zones of soil and terrain constraints and two examples of land
suitability assessment were performed for Phonxay District. The socio-economic and
demographic characteristics of the district were also described.
Two growing period zones and 16 agro-ecological zones were mapped, in which seven of
the zones had great potential for agricultural production. The constraint zones confirmed
that 31.7 % of land in Phonxay was suitable for agriculture, being classified to zone of
slight or no constrains. Bananas and pineapples suitability classification in the area
corresponded well with the zones of no or slight constraint, and the agro-ecological zones
suitable for agricultural production. The socio-economic comparisons of the district
showed that villages with a mixed population are generally better of than other villages. (Less) - Abstract
- Summary: When developing policies for agricultural land and land use planning, it is essential to
have access to a land resource database. This database should include biophysical
information, socio-economic, demographic and administrative data to simplify
description of an area. In Lao PDR, no such database previously existed. Our objective
therefore became to make a land resource database and to use this database to describe
northern Lao PDR, with focus on Phonxay District, Louang Phrabang Province, in
regards to both its biophysical components and socio-economic aspects.
The database building includes transformation of geographic coordinate systems,
calculation of potential evapotranspiration and interpolation of the climate... (More) - Summary: When developing policies for agricultural land and land use planning, it is essential to
have access to a land resource database. This database should include biophysical
information, socio-economic, demographic and administrative data to simplify
description of an area. In Lao PDR, no such database previously existed. Our objective
therefore became to make a land resource database and to use this database to describe
northern Lao PDR, with focus on Phonxay District, Louang Phrabang Province, in
regards to both its biophysical components and socio-economic aspects.
The database building includes transformation of geographic coordinate systems,
calculation of potential evapotranspiration and interpolation of the climate variables,
temperature, potential evapotranspiration and precipitation data. All input data in the
form of digital maps were transformed to Lao National Datum 1997 by using a threeparameter
method or by georeferencing. The parameters for the three-parameter
transformations were provided by the National Geographical Department of Lao PDR.
The potential evapotranspiration was calculated by using the FAO Penman-Monteith
Combination Method. Missing climatic data was estimated with alternative methods and
evaluated. The potential evapotranspiration was then, together with the temperature and
precipitation, interpolated, using the best interpolation technique for each individual
variable, to cover northern Lao PDR. The interpolations were evaluated using a jackknife
To describe northern Lao PDR and Phonxay District we used methodologies including
division of the area into growing period zones, agro-ecological zones, zones of soil and
terrain constraints, two examples of land suitability assessments and socio-economic and
demographic analysis. The growing period zones were calculated from the precipitation
and potential evapotranspiration data. Growth was considered possible if the mean
monthly precipitation was larger then the mean monthly potential evapotranspiration
divided by two. agro-ecological zones were mapped and each zone has a unique
combination of biophysical characteristics. The zoning takes into consideration the
temperature, the growing period zones, the annual mean precipitation, soil and
topography. The zones of soil and terrain constraints were based on the characteristics of
the soil and the slope, such as soil depth, soil fertility, soil drainage, soil texture and
terrain slope. Land suitability assessment was performed for banana and pineapple. The
crop requirements, temperature, growing period, precipitation and soil conditions were
taken into consideration for both crops. The socio-economic data was used to describe
Phonxay District and to perform a comparison between different socio-economic and
demographic information to evaluate the relationships.
The transformations and interpolations of temperature, precipitation and potential
evapotranspiration, together with the growing period zones, agro-ecological zones and
zones of terrain and soil constraints, resulted in a land resource database. Two growing period zones were found in Phonxay District, with 244 days and 214 days
respectively. The district contains 16 different agro-ecological zones in regards to
temperature, precipitation, soil and terrain. Of these 16 zones, 7 had great potential for
agricultural production. The constraint zones confirmed that 31.7 % of land in Phonxay
was suitable for agriculture, being classified to zone of slight or no constraints.
Bananas and pineapples suitability classification in the area corresponds well with the
zones of no or slight constraint and the agro-ecological zones with potential for
agricultural production. Very small areas are considered well suitable for the growth of
these two crops.
When comparing the agro-ecological zones with the present land use map, the result
showed that, even though quite large areas have great agricultural potentials, only small
areas are used as such today. The comparison also indicated that an increase of forest is
needed to accomplish the goals of the conservation and the protection areas. One of the
reasons for that potential land is not used for agriculture could be the absence of roads in
these areas. The relationship between zones of constraints and road access showed that
70.6 % of the villages situated in zones of no constraint or slight constraints (potential for
agriculture) have no roads. This makes transport to the market impossible.
The socio-economic and demographic analysis showed that the literacy rate in Phonxay
District is 34 %, the population growth is 5 % per annum, the immortality rate (IMR) is
118.9, and the main religion in the district is animist. The analysis also showed that
villages with a mixed ethnic population generally are better of than villages with
homogeneous ethnicity. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
- author
- Nilsson, Emelie and Svensson, Anna-Karin
- supervisor
- organization
- alternative title
- En agro-ekologisk bedömning av Phonxaydistriktet i Laos
- year
- 2005
- type
- H1 - Master's Degree (One Year)
- subject
- keywords
- climatology, cartography, pedology, Penman monteith combination method, soil science, GIS, geomorphology, physical geography, naturgeografi, geomorfologi, marklära, kartografi, klimatologi
- publication/series
- Lunds universitets Naturgeografiska institution - Seminarieuppsatser
- report number
- 112
- funder
- SIDA, Minor Field Study programme (MFS)
- language
- English
- additional info
- Supervisors Lao PDR: Peter Jones, Landuse Planning Research Advisor &
Thongphath Leuangkhamma, Head of the Forest Inventory and Planning Division, both at National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute (NAFRI), Vientiane, Lao PDR. - id
- 1333226
- date added to LUP
- 2005-09-29 00:00:00
- date last changed
- 2011-12-12 17:49:32
@misc{1333226, abstract = {{Summary: When developing policies for agricultural land and land use planning, it is essential to have access to a land resource database. This database should include biophysical information, socio-economic, demographic and administrative data to simplify description of an area. In Lao PDR, no such database previously existed. Our objective therefore became to make a land resource database and to use this database to describe northern Lao PDR, with focus on Phonxay District, Louang Phrabang Province, in regards to both its biophysical components and socio-economic aspects. The database building includes transformation of geographic coordinate systems, calculation of potential evapotranspiration and interpolation of the climate variables, temperature, potential evapotranspiration and precipitation data. All input data in the form of digital maps were transformed to Lao National Datum 1997 by using a threeparameter method or by georeferencing. The parameters for the three-parameter transformations were provided by the National Geographical Department of Lao PDR. The potential evapotranspiration was calculated by using the FAO Penman-Monteith Combination Method. Missing climatic data was estimated with alternative methods and evaluated. The potential evapotranspiration was then, together with the temperature and precipitation, interpolated, using the best interpolation technique for each individual variable, to cover northern Lao PDR. The interpolations were evaluated using a jackknife routine. To describe northern Lao PDR and Phonxay District we used methodologies including division of the area into growing period zones, agro-ecological zones, zones of soil and terrain constraints, two examples of land suitability assessments and socio-economic and demographic analysis. The growing period zones were calculated from the precipitation and potential evapotranspiration data. Growth was considered possible if the mean monthly precipitation was larger then the mean monthly potential evapotranspiration divided by two. agro-ecological zones were mapped and each zone has a unique combination of biophysical characteristics. The zoning takes into consideration the temperature, the growing period zones, the annual mean precipitation, soil and topography. The zones of soil and terrain constraints were based on the characteristics of the soil and the slope, such as soil depth, soil fertility, soil drainage, soil texture and terrain slope. Land suitability assessment was performed for banana and pineapple. The crop requirements, temperature, growing period, precipitation and soil conditions were taken into consideration for both crops. The socio-economic data was used to describe Phonxay District and to perform a comparison between different socio-economic and demographic information to evaluate the relationships. The transformations and interpolations of temperature, precipitation and potential evapotranspiration, together with the growing period zones, agro-ecological zones and zones of terrain and soil constraints, resulted in a land resource database. Two growing period zones were found in Phonxay District, with 244 days and 214 days respectively. The district contains 16 different agro-ecological zones in regards to temperature, precipitation, soil and terrain. Of these 16 zones, 7 had great potential for agricultural production. The constraint zones confirmed that 31.7 % of land in Phonxay was suitable for agriculture, being classified to zone of slight or no constraints. Bananas and pineapples suitability classification in the area corresponds well with the zones of no or slight constraint and the agro-ecological zones with potential for agricultural production. Very small areas are considered well suitable for the growth of these two crops. When comparing the agro-ecological zones with the present land use map, the result showed that, even though quite large areas have great agricultural potentials, only small areas are used as such today. The comparison also indicated that an increase of forest is needed to accomplish the goals of the conservation and the protection areas. One of the reasons for that potential land is not used for agriculture could be the absence of roads in these areas. The relationship between zones of constraints and road access showed that 70.6 % of the villages situated in zones of no constraint or slight constraints (potential for agriculture) have no roads. This makes transport to the market impossible. The socio-economic and demographic analysis showed that the literacy rate in Phonxay District is 34 %, the population growth is 5 % per annum, the immortality rate (IMR) is 118.9, and the main religion in the district is animist. The analysis also showed that villages with a mixed ethnic population generally are better of than villages with homogeneous ethnicity.}}, author = {{Nilsson, Emelie and Svensson, Anna-Karin}}, language = {{eng}}, note = {{Student Paper}}, series = {{Lunds universitets Naturgeografiska institution - Seminarieuppsatser}}, title = {{Agro-ecological assessment of Phonxay district, Louang Phrabang province, Lao PDR : a minor field study}}, year = {{2005}}, }