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Bemanning i Sverige - med utgångspunkt i direktiv 2008/104/EG och dess likabehandlingsprincip

Källse, Helene LU (2010) JURM01 20101
Department of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
I slutet av år 2008 antogs ett nytt EU-direktiv om arbetskraftsuthyrning. Direktivet ska vara implementerat i Sverige senast 5 december 2011.

I direktivet finns en central princip om likabehandling av uthyrda arbetstagare med anställda i kundföretag. Denna likabehandling omfattar grundläggande arbets- och anställningsvillkor. Från denna princip finns möjligheter till undantag. Medlemsstaten kan besluta om att undantag från principen får göras genom kollektivavtal. Det finns i dagsläget kollektivavtal i Sverige som ger bemanningsanställda ett skydd med garantilön. Det är vanligt förekommande med garantilön och garantilönens omfattning har ökat. Det är dock endast LO-avtalet som uppställer en icke-diskrimineringsprincip. Konstruktionen av... (More)
I slutet av år 2008 antogs ett nytt EU-direktiv om arbetskraftsuthyrning. Direktivet ska vara implementerat i Sverige senast 5 december 2011.

I direktivet finns en central princip om likabehandling av uthyrda arbetstagare med anställda i kundföretag. Denna likabehandling omfattar grundläggande arbets- och anställningsvillkor. Från denna princip finns möjligheter till undantag. Medlemsstaten kan besluta om att undantag från principen får göras genom kollektivavtal. Det finns i dagsläget kollektivavtal i Sverige som ger bemanningsanställda ett skydd med garantilön. Det är vanligt förekommande med garantilön och garantilönens omfattning har ökat. Det är dock endast LO-avtalet som uppställer en icke-diskrimineringsprincip. Konstruktionen av LO-avtalets princip är något annorlunda än direktivets likabehandlingsprincip. Personaluthyrning är i Sverige vanligast inom tjänstemannasektorn där principen om likabehandling inte finns med i kollektivavtalet.

Det intressanta med direktivet är att EU:s medlemsstater har nått en överenskommelse efter en lång period av förhandling, inom ett område där skillnaderna mellan de olika medlemsstaterna är ganska stora. Direktivet är dessutom intressant i och med att direktivet har ett dubbelt syfte, inte bara att skydda arbetstagarna utan också att förbättra möjligheterna för bemanningsföretagen att verka, detta i och med en positiv inställning till flexibilitet från politiskt håll. Ytterligare en intressant aspekt, beträffande Sverige, är de krav som ställs för att lyckas genomföra direktivet fullt ut utan att göra avkall på den svenska modellen. Direktivet öppnar dessutom upp för en diskussion kring ämnet personaluthyrning. (Less)
In the end of 2008 a new EU directive concerning temporary agency work was finally adopted. The Directive is to be implemented in Sweden by December 5th, 2011.

The Directive has a central principle of equal-treatment concerning basic working and employment conditions of temporary workers with employees in the user undertaking, as if they would have been employed directly by this company. From this principle there are possible derogations. The member state may decide to make exemptions to this rule through collective bargaining. There are collective agreements in Sweden which provides temporary agency workers protection, with a wage guarantee. This wage guarantee is common and its level has risen. Although, only the LO-agreement... (More)
In the end of 2008 a new EU directive concerning temporary agency work was finally adopted. The Directive is to be implemented in Sweden by December 5th, 2011.

The Directive has a central principle of equal-treatment concerning basic working and employment conditions of temporary workers with employees in the user undertaking, as if they would have been employed directly by this company. From this principle there are possible derogations. The member state may decide to make exemptions to this rule through collective bargaining. There are collective agreements in Sweden which provides temporary agency workers protection, with a wage guarantee. This wage guarantee is common and its level has risen. Although, only the LO-agreement (Swedish Trade Union Confederation) has a non-discrimination principle. Its construction is different compared to the equal-treatment principle in the Directive. Temporary agency work is more common among professional employees, for whom there is no equal-treatment principle in the collective agreement.

What makes this Directive interesting is the fact that the EU member states have reached an agreement after a long time of negotiations in a field where the regulations differ a lot from one member state to another. Another issue is that the Directive has a double purpose, to protect workers, but also to develop the possibilities for temporary agencies to grow, in the light of the new approach regarding flexibility visible on the political agenda. Another interesting aspect, as regards Sweden, is the necessity to fully implement the Directive, without compromising the Swedish labour market model. This Directive opens up for a discussion around agency work. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Källse, Helene LU
JURM01 20101
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
Arbetsrätt, EG-rätt
date added to LUP
2010-03-29 12:28:29
date last changed
2010-03-29 12:28:29
  abstract     = {{In the end of 2008 a new EU directive concerning temporary agency work was finally adopted. The Directive is to be implemented in Sweden by December 5th, 2011. 

The Directive has a central principle of equal-treatment concerning basic working and employment conditions of temporary workers with employees in the user undertaking, as if they would have been employed directly by this company. From this principle there are possible derogations. The member state may decide to make exemptions to this rule through collective bargaining. There are collective agreements in Sweden which provides temporary agency workers protection, with a wage guarantee. This wage guarantee is common and its level has risen. Although, only the LO-agreement (Swedish Trade Union Confederation) has a non-discrimination principle. Its construction is different compared to the equal-treatment principle in the Directive. Temporary agency work is more common among professional employees, for whom there is no equal-treatment principle in the collective agreement.

What makes this Directive interesting is the fact that the EU member states have reached an agreement after a long time of negotiations in a field where the regulations differ a lot from one member state to another. Another issue is that the Directive has a double purpose, to protect workers, but also to develop the possibilities for temporary agencies to grow, in the light of the new approach regarding flexibility visible on the political agenda. Another interesting aspect, as regards Sweden, is the necessity to fully implement the Directive, without compromising the Swedish labour market model. This Directive opens up for a discussion around agency work.}},
  author       = {{Källse, Helene}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Bemanning i Sverige - med utgångspunkt i direktiv 2008/104/EG och dess likabehandlingsprincip}},
  year         = {{2010}},