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LUP Student Papers


Grupptalan - Problematiken kring finansieringen av rättegångskostnaderna, ur ett Access to Justice-perspektiv

Feldt, Kristina LU (2010) JURM01 20101
Department of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Lagen (2002:599) om grupprättegång (GrL) trädde i kraft i januari 2003. Grupptalanförfarandet är intressant ur ett rättsvetenskapligt perspektiv eftersom taleformen skiljer sig mycket åt från den traditionella civilrättsliga tvåpartsprocessen i svensk rätt. Dess tillkomst är en reaktion på ändrade samhällsförhållanden och ett nytt affärsklimat som har bidragit till nya rättsliga problem. Det uppstår allt oftare situationer när många människor har samma eller liknande krav mot en motpart. Den svenska kontradiktoriska tvåpartsprocessen har inte varit anpassad efter sådana gruppanspråk utan har ställt hinder i vägen för enskilda som inte har kunnat kräva ut sina rättigheter. Därmed har skett en försämring av rättssäkerheten och... (More)
Lagen (2002:599) om grupprättegång (GrL) trädde i kraft i januari 2003. Grupptalanförfarandet är intressant ur ett rättsvetenskapligt perspektiv eftersom taleformen skiljer sig mycket åt från den traditionella civilrättsliga tvåpartsprocessen i svensk rätt. Dess tillkomst är en reaktion på ändrade samhällsförhållanden och ett nytt affärsklimat som har bidragit till nya rättsliga problem. Det uppstår allt oftare situationer när många människor har samma eller liknande krav mot en motpart. Den svenska kontradiktoriska tvåpartsprocessen har inte varit anpassad efter sådana gruppanspråk utan har ställt hinder i vägen för enskilda som inte har kunnat kräva ut sina rättigheter. Därmed har skett en försämring av rättssäkerheten och domstolsinstitutet har delvis förlorat sin roll som ett system där alla medborgare ska kunna kräva sina rättigheter.

Alla enskilda medborgare har rätt att få sina rättigheter prövade i ett effektivt rättsmedel inför domstol eller annan beslutande myndighet. Denna rättssäkerhetsgaranti brukar benämnas Access to Justice, tillgång till rättslig prövning. När enskilda inte har råd att driva en process eller då det inte finns ett effektivt sätt att pröva flera likadana anspråk sker en kränkning av den enskildes rättighet. Samhällets rättssystem har alltså tvingats till en utveckling för att kunna erbjuda enskilda samma tillgång till rättsprövning som tidigare. GrL är ett resultat av denna anpassning efter nyuppkomna rättsliga problem. Den stora fördelen med grupprättegång jämfört med en individuell process är att de anspråkshavare som blir passiva gruppmedlemmar inte behöver ta något ansvar för rättegångskostnaderna.

Antalet grupprättegångar som har initierats under åren som lagen har varit i kraft har dock varit färre än förväntat. Då jag har haft förmånen att biträda en advokat vid förberedelsen av en grupptalan har jag stött på en del praktiska problem kring inledandet. Bland annat upptäcktes att den ekonomiska risk som läggs på käranden har haft en avskräckande verkan på benägenheten att driva en process för gruppmedlemmars räkning. I uppsatsen behandlas därför lagstiftarens intentioner och överväganden kring stiftandet av lagen, samt resonemanget kring varför det inte har fungerat på avsett sätt. Uppsatsen behandlar de metoder som finns för att bekosta grupptalan och det analyseras varför dessa inte har fungerat. Som utgångspunkt för att undersöka lagens tillämpning har jag främst behandlat den praxis som har uppkommit på området.

År 2008 företogs en utredning som hade till syfte att utvärdera huruvida lagen har uppfyllt de syften varmed den infördes. Utredningen konstaterar precis som jag att svårigheterna att få fram medel till rättegångskostnaderna inte är i enlighet med lagens syfte. Min slutsats är ett konstaterande att de befintliga alternativen, som behandlas i lagens förarbeten, är otillräckliga och att lagens tillämpning därmed försvåras i praktiken. Därefter följer en diskussion kring huruvida de metoder som har utvecklats genom praxis för att bekosta talan i de fall då de förefintliga alternativen inte har fungerat kan bidra till att lagens tillämpning underlättas, vilket jag tror. Dessa metoder kan användas i fler situationer och ökar tillgängligheten. Jag studerar även hur andra rättssystem har reglerat finansieringen, då de svenska reglerna kring grupptalaninstitutet enligt mig eventuellt borde ändras i detta avseende. Oaktat den problematik som har uppstått kring tillämpningen av lagen är min slutsats att lagen är viktig ur ett Access to Justice-perspektiv och att dess syfte att göra domstolsprocessen mer lättillgänglig för enskilda inte helt har förfelats. Dess tillkomst är en viktig utveckling för det svenska rättssystemet och har förhoppningsvis en handlingsdirigerande effekt på marknadens aktörer genom sin blotta existens. (Less)
In January 2003, the Swedish Act (2002:599) on Group Litigations (GrL) came into force. It stipulated a possibility to initiate a Class Action in Swedish Courts. The Class Action as a litigation form is very different from the traditional civil proceedings in Swedish law. It is a reaction to changing social conditions and a new business climate that has contributed to new legal issues. During the last years, there has been an increase of situations where a group of people have the same or similar claims against another party. The Swedish adversarial civil proceeding has not been adapted to such mass claims but has caused problems for individuals who have not been able to claim their rights in courts. This has been a deterioration of the... (More)
In January 2003, the Swedish Act (2002:599) on Group Litigations (GrL) came into force. It stipulated a possibility to initiate a Class Action in Swedish Courts. The Class Action as a litigation form is very different from the traditional civil proceedings in Swedish law. It is a reaction to changing social conditions and a new business climate that has contributed to new legal issues. During the last years, there has been an increase of situations where a group of people have the same or similar claims against another party. The Swedish adversarial civil proceeding has not been adapted to such mass claims but has caused problems for individuals who have not been able to claim their rights in courts. This has been a deterioration of the legal security of individuals and the judicial institution has partly lost its role as an establishment for all citizens to demand their rights.

All citizens are entitled to claim their rights in an effective remedy before a court or other governmental authority. This legal guarantee is usually called Access to Justice. When individuals can not afford to run a process or when there is no effective way to hear several claims together, it causes a violation of individual rights. The legal system has thus been forced into a development to offer individuals the same access to judicial trial as before. GrL is the result of this adaption. The major advantage of group trial compared to an individual proceeding is that the claimants who become group members do not need to take any responsibility for the costs of litigation.

The number of class actions that have been initiated over the years has been lower than expected. Since I have been privileged to assist a lawyer in the preparation of a Class Action, I have encountered some practical problems related to its initiation. Among other things discovered, I noticed that the financial risk imposed on the plaintiff has a deterrent effect on the propensity to run a Class Action for the group members’ sake. This paper therefore discusses the legislature's intentions and reflections regarding the founding of GrL.

In 2008, an investigation was established to evaluate whether the law has fulfilled the objectives by which it was introduced. The report concludes like I do that the difficulty of obtaining funds for the costs is not in compliance with the legal purpose.

My conclusion is an establishment that the existing financing options, mentioned in the legislative travail préparatoire, is inadequate and that GrL’s scope of application is impeded. This conclusion is followed by a discussion about whether the financing methods developed through practice could contribute to implementing the law easier, which I think. The paper also includes a comparison of how other jurisdictions have regulated funding, regarding that the Swedish Class Action regulations contingently should be changed in this respect. Notwithstanding the problems that have arisen over the application of the law, my conclusion is that the law is important from an Access to Justice perspective, and that its purpose to make the civil law litigation form more accessible to individuals is not entirely failed. Although the insufficient funding opportunities has resulted in fewer applications than desired, GrL is an important development for the Swedish legal system and hopefully it might have a directing effect on the market's players by their very existence. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
  abstract     = {{In January 2003, the Swedish Act (2002:599) on Group Litigations (GrL) came into force. It stipulated a possibility to initiate a Class Action in Swedish Courts. The Class Action as a litigation form is very different from the traditional civil proceedings in Swedish law. It is a reaction to changing social conditions and a new business climate that has contributed to new legal issues. During the last years, there has been an increase of situations where a group of people have the same or similar claims against another party. The Swedish adversarial civil proceeding has not been adapted to such mass claims but has caused problems for individuals who have not been able to claim their rights in courts. This has been a deterioration of the legal security of individuals and the judicial institution has partly lost its role as an establishment for all citizens to demand their rights.

All citizens are entitled to claim their rights in an effective remedy before a court or other governmental authority. This legal guarantee is usually called Access to Justice. When individuals can not afford to run a process or when there is no effective way to hear several claims together, it causes a violation of individual rights. The legal system has thus been forced into a development to offer individuals the same access to judicial trial as before. GrL is the result of this adaption. The major advantage of group trial compared to an individual proceeding is that the claimants who become group members do not need to take any responsibility for the costs of litigation.

The number of class actions that have been initiated over the years has been lower than expected. Since I have been privileged to assist a lawyer in the preparation of a Class Action, I have encountered some practical problems related to its initiation. Among other things discovered, I noticed that the financial risk imposed on the plaintiff has a deterrent effect on the propensity to run a Class Action for the group members’ sake. This paper therefore discusses the legislature's intentions and reflections regarding the founding of GrL.

In 2008, an investigation was established to evaluate whether the law has fulfilled the objectives by which it was introduced. The report concludes like I do that the difficulty of obtaining funds for the costs is not in compliance with the legal purpose. 

My conclusion is an establishment that the existing financing options, mentioned in the legislative travail préparatoire, is inadequate and that GrL’s scope of application is impeded. This conclusion is followed by a discussion about whether the financing methods developed through practice could contribute to implementing the law easier, which I think. The paper also includes a comparison of how other jurisdictions have regulated funding, regarding that the Swedish Class Action regulations contingently should be changed in this respect. Notwithstanding the problems that have arisen over the application of the law, my conclusion is that the law is important from an Access to Justice perspective, and that its purpose to make the civil law litigation form more accessible to individuals is not entirely failed. Although the insufficient funding opportunities has resulted in fewer applications than desired, GrL is an important development for the Swedish legal system and hopefully it might have a directing effect on the market's players by their very existence.}},
  author       = {{Feldt, Kristina}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Grupptalan - Problematiken kring finansieringen av rättegångskostnaderna, ur ett Access to Justice-perspektiv}},
  year         = {{2010}},