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Uppföljning av patienter behandlade för depression inom öppenvårdspsykiatrin i Region Skåne

Comstedt, Dan LU and Haraldsson, Lisa LU (2012) PSPT02 20121
Department of Psychology
The purpose of the following study was to investigate the prevalence of relapse and recurrence in patients treated for depression in the outpatient psychiatry of Region Skåne, Sweden. This was done one year after they had finished treatment. Furthermore, the study also aimed to examine the current incidence of depressive symptoms as well as potential risk factors for relapse and recurrence. A sample group of 146 individuals were contacted by mail and asked to return their written consent together with a completed copy of MADRS-S. A telephone interview was also conducted to map potential current and/or prior episodes of depression based on the assessment instrument SCID-I. Of those contacted, 20 were included in the study. The results... (More)
The purpose of the following study was to investigate the prevalence of relapse and recurrence in patients treated for depression in the outpatient psychiatry of Region Skåne, Sweden. This was done one year after they had finished treatment. Furthermore, the study also aimed to examine the current incidence of depressive symptoms as well as potential risk factors for relapse and recurrence. A sample group of 146 individuals were contacted by mail and asked to return their written consent together with a completed copy of MADRS-S. A telephone interview was also conducted to map potential current and/or prior episodes of depression based on the assessment instrument SCID-I. Of those contacted, 20 were included in the study. The results showed that 55 percent of the participants had experienced a new episode of depression during the year of follow-up. In addition, 70 percent were simultaneously experiencing mild or moderate depressive symptoms. Concerning the risk factors, the results showed that the age and gender of the participants did not affect the risk of relapse or recurrence. However, a moderate effect size was demonstrated regarding employment and age of onset. This indicated that individuals who were younger in age and had employment increased the risk of relapse and recurrence. A strong effect size also showed that a higher number of previous episodes were associated with higher rates of relapse and recurrence. However, none of these differences were statistically significant. Since the small sample size may have made it difficult to detect statistically significant differences, more studies in this field are required. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka sjukdomsförloppet vid depression avseende förekomst av återfall och återinsjuknande ett år efter avslutad depressionsbehandling inom Region Skånes öppenvårdspsykiatri. Studien syftade även till att kartlägga den aktuella symtom- och sjukdomsbilden samt att undersöka potentiella riskfaktorer för återfall och återinsjuknande. En urvalsgrupp bestående av 146 individer kontaktades via brev och ombads returnera sitt skriftliga samtycke samt ett ifyllt exemplar av MADRS-S, varpå en telefonintervju genomfördes. Under denna kartlades eventuella, aktuella och/eller tidigare, depressionsepisoder utifrån bedömnings¬instrumentet SCID-I. Sammanlagt deltog 20 personer i studien. Resultaten visade att 55... (More)
Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka sjukdomsförloppet vid depression avseende förekomst av återfall och återinsjuknande ett år efter avslutad depressionsbehandling inom Region Skånes öppenvårdspsykiatri. Studien syftade även till att kartlägga den aktuella symtom- och sjukdomsbilden samt att undersöka potentiella riskfaktorer för återfall och återinsjuknande. En urvalsgrupp bestående av 146 individer kontaktades via brev och ombads returnera sitt skriftliga samtycke samt ett ifyllt exemplar av MADRS-S, varpå en telefonintervju genomfördes. Under denna kartlades eventuella, aktuella och/eller tidigare, depressionsepisoder utifrån bedömnings¬instrumentet SCID-I. Sammanlagt deltog 20 personer i studien. Resultaten visade att 55 procent av deltagarna hade genomgått en ny depressionsepisod under uppföljningsåret samt att 70 procent för närvarande upplevde lindriga eller måttliga depressiva symtom. Vad gäller riskfaktorer visade sig deltagarnas ålder och kön ej signifikant påverka risken för återfall eller återinsjuknande. En medelstark effektstorlek uppvisades dock för variablerna debutålder och sysselsättning på så sätt att lägre ålder vid insjuknandet och att vara sysselsatt tenderar att vara förknippat med högre nivåer av återfall och återinsjuknande. För antalet tidigare episoder uppmättes en stark effektstorlek som indikerade att fler episoder ökade risken för återfall och återinsjuknande. Ovan nämnda skillnader var dock inte statistiskt signifikanta. Då den lilla stickprovsstorleken kan ha medfört svårigheter att påvisa eventuella skillnader efterfrågas fler studier på området. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Comstedt, Dan LU and Haraldsson, Lisa LU
PSPT02 20121
H2 - Master's Degree (Two Years)
öppenvårdspsykiatri, MADRS-S, SCID-I, riskfaktorer, återinsjuknande, återfall, depression
date added to LUP
2012-05-30 14:15:52
date last changed
2012-05-30 14:15:52
  abstract     = {{The purpose of the following study was to investigate the prevalence of relapse and recurrence in patients treated for depression in the outpatient psychiatry of Region Skåne, Sweden. This was done one year after they had finished treatment. Furthermore, the study also aimed to examine the current incidence of depressive symptoms as well as potential risk factors for relapse and recurrence. A sample group of 146 individuals were contacted by mail and asked to return their written consent together with a completed copy of MADRS-S. A telephone interview was also conducted to map potential current and/or prior episodes of depression based on the assessment instrument SCID-I. Of those contacted, 20 were included in the study. The results showed that 55 percent of the participants had experienced a new episode of depression during the year of follow-up. In addition, 70 percent were simultaneously experiencing mild or moderate depressive symptoms. Concerning the risk factors, the results showed that the age and gender of the participants did not affect the risk of relapse or recurrence. However, a moderate effect size was demonstrated regarding employment and age of onset. This indicated that individuals who were younger in age and had employment increased the risk of relapse and recurrence. A strong effect size also showed that a higher number of previous episodes were associated with higher rates of relapse and recurrence. However, none of these differences were statistically significant. Since the small sample size may have made it difficult to detect statistically significant differences, more studies in this field are required.}},
  author       = {{Comstedt, Dan and Haraldsson, Lisa}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Uppföljning av patienter behandlade för depression inom öppenvårdspsykiatrin i Region Skåne}},
  year         = {{2012}},