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Upplevelser av följsamhet vid internetbaserad depressionsbehandling: en intervjustudie av patienter inom psykiatrisk öppenvård

Rasmusson, Ted LU and Johansson, Jon LU (2012) PSPT02 20121
Department of Psychology
Abstract (Swedish)
Syftet med studien var att, i en psykiatrisk öppenvårdskontext, undersöka upplevelser av följsamhet hos patienter som genomgått en internetbaserad guidad självhjälpsbehandling för egentlig depression. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med deprimerade patienter och analyserades utifrån Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Resultatet visar att tidigare behandlare, personer i patientens omgivning samt den aktuella behandlaren upplevs påverka följsamheten. Andra faktorer var patienternas tillit till och igenkänning i behandlingen, samt möjligheten att anpassa behandlingen till livet i övrigt. Komorbida tillstånd uppfattades som försvårande omständigheter för följsamheten medan depressionen i sig upplevdes som både försvårande och... (More)
Syftet med studien var att, i en psykiatrisk öppenvårdskontext, undersöka upplevelser av följsamhet hos patienter som genomgått en internetbaserad guidad självhjälpsbehandling för egentlig depression. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med deprimerade patienter och analyserades utifrån Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Resultatet visar att tidigare behandlare, personer i patientens omgivning samt den aktuella behandlaren upplevs påverka följsamheten. Andra faktorer var patienternas tillit till och igenkänning i behandlingen, samt möjligheten att anpassa behandlingen till livet i övrigt. Komorbida tillstånd uppfattades som försvårande omständigheter för följsamheten medan depressionen i sig upplevdes som både försvårande och motiverande. Utifrån den kvalitativa ansatsen belyser studien ett delvis outforskat forskningsområde inom internetterapi. Resultatet är hypotesgenerande utifrån att ge förslag på hur behandlingen kan utvecklas för att förbättra följsamheten. Studien väcker tankar kring vidare forskning utifrån möjligheten att prognosticera följsamhet, hur andra diagnoser påverkar följsamhet och möjligheten att använda den terapeutiska förmågan i skriven form. (Less)
The purpose of this study was to examine how patients in outpatient psychiatric care experience factors influencing their adherence to an Internet-based guided self-help treatment for major depression. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with six patients and analyzed with Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. The results show that other health care professionals, people in the patient’s environment, and the Internet therapist were experienced as affecting adherence. Other influencing factors were: patients' trust and recognition in their treatment, and the ability to adapt the treatment to life in general. Comorbid conditions were perceived as aggravating circumstances for adherence while depression itself was perceived as both... (More)
The purpose of this study was to examine how patients in outpatient psychiatric care experience factors influencing their adherence to an Internet-based guided self-help treatment for major depression. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with six patients and analyzed with Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. The results show that other health care professionals, people in the patient’s environment, and the Internet therapist were experienced as affecting adherence. Other influencing factors were: patients' trust and recognition in their treatment, and the ability to adapt the treatment to life in general. Comorbid conditions were perceived as aggravating circumstances for adherence while depression itself was perceived as both aggravating and motivating. Based on the qualitative approach the study highlights a partially unexplored area of research in Internet therapy. The results generate new research hypotheses, by giving suggestions as to how the treatment can be developed to improve adherence in the future. The study highlights the need for further research focusing on how to predict adherence, how comorbid diagnoses affect adherence and therapist’s ability to use written communication in treatment. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Rasmusson, Ted LU and Johansson, Jon LU
PSPT02 20121
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
Följsamhet, internetbaserad psykoterapi, guidad självhjälp, depression, IPA, adherence, internet-based psychotherapy, guided self-help
date added to LUP
2012-06-07 10:41:22
date last changed
2012-06-07 10:41:22
  abstract     = {{The purpose of this study was to examine how patients in outpatient psychiatric care experience factors influencing their adherence to an Internet-based guided self-help treatment for major depression. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with six patients and analyzed with Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. The results show that other health care professionals, people in the patient’s environment, and the Internet therapist were experienced as affecting adherence. Other influencing factors were: patients' trust and recognition in their treatment, and the ability to adapt the treatment to life in general. Comorbid conditions were perceived as aggravating circumstances for adherence while depression itself was perceived as both aggravating and motivating. Based on the qualitative approach the study highlights a partially unexplored area of research in Internet therapy. The results generate new research hypotheses, by giving suggestions as to how the treatment can be developed to improve adherence in the future. The study highlights the need for further research focusing on how to predict adherence, how comorbid diagnoses affect adherence and therapist’s ability to use written communication in treatment.}},
  author       = {{Rasmusson, Ted and Johansson, Jon}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Upplevelser av följsamhet vid internetbaserad depressionsbehandling: en intervjustudie av patienter inom psykiatrisk öppenvård}},
  year         = {{2012}},