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Civilrättsliga följder vid brott mot processuella avtal i skiljeförfarandet

Svartz, Sebastian LU (2012) JURM02 20121
Department of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Uppsatsen ämnar behandla vilka civilrättsliga följder ett brott mot ett avtal, som på något sätt styr processen i ett skiljeförfarande, kan få. En anledning till att allt fler näringsidkare väljer att lösa sina tvister i ett skiljeförfarande beror antagligen på att möjligheterna att kontrollera processen är större i jämförelse med ett motsvarande förfarande i allmän domstol. Det kan handla om att parterna vill ha en så effektiv process som möjligt och därför är intresserade av att på olika sätt begränsa förfarandet eller att de är måna om att uppgifter som framkommer under förfarandet inte förs vidare och därför ska omfattas av sekretess. I skiljeförfarandet finns möjlighet till detta. Parterna kan i stor utsträckning styra processen genom... (More)
Uppsatsen ämnar behandla vilka civilrättsliga följder ett brott mot ett avtal, som på något sätt styr processen i ett skiljeförfarande, kan få. En anledning till att allt fler näringsidkare väljer att lösa sina tvister i ett skiljeförfarande beror antagligen på att möjligheterna att kontrollera processen är större i jämförelse med ett motsvarande förfarande i allmän domstol. Det kan handla om att parterna vill ha en så effektiv process som möjligt och därför är intresserade av att på olika sätt begränsa förfarandet eller att de är måna om att uppgifter som framkommer under förfarandet inte förs vidare och därför ska omfattas av sekretess. I skiljeförfarandet finns möjlighet till detta. Parterna kan i stor utsträckning styra processen genom processuella avtal. De processuella överenskommelserna återfinns i olika avtal kopplade till skiljeförfarandet. Ett av dessa avtal är skiljeavtalet som reglerar förhållandet mellan de tvistande parterna. Vidare kan parterna styra skiljemännens handlingsutrymme genom processuella föreskrifter i skiljemannaavtalet. Slutligen kan även processuella klausuler återfinnas i det tvistiga huvudavtalet.

För att överhuvudtaget kunna lägga en processuell föreskrift till grund för en talan krävs att föreskriften är giltig enligt de krav på rättssäkerhet som finns i skiljeförfarandet. Dessa krav återfinns främst i den för skiljeförfarandet grundläggande principen om partsautonomi men kan även härledas till reglerna om en rättvis rättegång i EKMR. Vidare måste den processuella överenskommelsen anses vara skälig enligt avtalslagens regler och då främst enligt generalklausulen i 36 § avtalslagen. Om överenskommelsen uppfyller de processuella och avtalsrättsliga kraven kan antagligen ett brott mot den göras gällande. Beroende på om det är en skiljepart eller någon av skiljemännen som brutit mot avtalet varierar dock vilka påföljder som kan komma att aktualiseras. Relationen mellan parterna regleras i stort enligt de allmänna avtalsrättsliga principerna och den klassiska påföljdskatalogen torde vara tillgänglig när en skiljepart riktar anspråk mot den andre skiljeparten. Relationen mellan skiljeparter och skiljemän liknar både den mellan en syssloman och dennes uppdragsgivare och den mellan en domare och domstolsparter. På grund av detta uppkommer frågor om skiljeparternas möjlighet att, tillsammans eller själva, häva skiljemannaavtalet och kräva skadestånd av skiljemännen för avtalsbrott. Typen av avtalsrelation påverkar även vilket ansvar som kan krävas av skiljemännen och för vilket handlande. Skiljeparterna och skiljemännen har en möjlighet att genom avtal påverka i vilken utsträckning de ska vara ansvariga för sitt handlande i skiljeförfarandet. Både krav på att ett visst skadebelopp ska utbetalas för ett avtalsbrott eller begränsningar av skadetyp och ansvarsnivå är möjligt. Detta sker genom vitesklausuler och olika typer av ansvarsfriskrivningar. (Less)
This essay examines which consequence a breach of contract aimed at dictating the process in arbitration can have under civil law.
One of the reasons why more businesses choose to solve their disputes in arbitration proceedings probably depends on the fact that their possibilities to influence this process is greater in comparison to an equal process undertaken in general court. The parties might want to have a process that is as efficient as possible and thus are interested in limiting the proceedings or they might be keen not to let information that is brought up in the procedure be passed on and therefore should be covered by confidentiality. In arbitration there is a possibility to effectively do this. The parties are, to a large... (More)
This essay examines which consequence a breach of contract aimed at dictating the process in arbitration can have under civil law.
One of the reasons why more businesses choose to solve their disputes in arbitration proceedings probably depends on the fact that their possibilities to influence this process is greater in comparison to an equal process undertaken in general court. The parties might want to have a process that is as efficient as possible and thus are interested in limiting the proceedings or they might be keen not to let information that is brought up in the procedure be passed on and therefore should be covered by confidentiality. In arbitration there is a possibility to effectively do this. The parties are, to a large extent, able to direct the procedure through procedural agreements. These procedural agreements can be found in several different contracts relating to the arbitration. These contracts are first and foremost the arbitration agreement, which governs the procedure between the parties. Moreover the parties can steer the conduct and mandate of the arbitrators through procedural clauses in the arbitrator’s agreement. Lastly, procedural clauses could also be found in the disputed contract.
To be able, at all, to use a procedural clause as the basis for an action in court, the clause needs to be able valid in accordance with the requirements established within arbitration for legal security. These requirements can mainly be found in arbitration’s fundamental principle of party autonomy, but could also be deduced from the right to fair trial in ECHR. Moreover the procedural agreement needs to be found reasonable in accordance with contract law, especially article 36 in the Swedish Contract Act.
If the agreement fulfils the procedural requirements and the requirements under contract law, a breach of the agreement could probably be claimed. However, depending on whether a party to the procedure or an arbitrator is responsible for the breach, the consequences for it will vary. The relationship between the parties is mainly regulated through general principles in contract law, and the classic catalogue of sanctions should be applicable when one party to the arbitration directs claims against another party. The relationship between parties to the arbitration and the arbitrators resembles both the relationship between a service provider and his client and between a judge and litigants. Because of this question arises, whether the parties to arbitration have the possibility, together or on their own, to rescind/revoke the arbitrator’s agreement and demand damages of the arbitrators’ for a breach of contract. The relationship also influence which liability that could be demanded of the arbitrators’ and for which conduct. The parties to the arbitration and arbitrators, moreover, have the possibility to effect to which extent they should be liable for their conduct during the arbitration, through contracts. Requirements both on that a certain amount of damage shall be paid for a breach of contract or limitation types of damage and the level of responsibility is also possible to contract. This is conducted through penalty clauses and different types of disclaimers. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Svartz, Sebastian LU
alternative title
Consequence a breach of contract, aimed at dictating the proceeding in arbitration, can have under civil law
JURM02 20121
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
civilrätt, processrätt, förmögenhetsrätt
date added to LUP
2012-10-15 13:41:02
date last changed
2012-10-15 13:41:02
  abstract     = {{This essay examines which consequence a breach of contract aimed at dictating the process in arbitration can have under civil law. 
One of the reasons why more businesses choose to solve their disputes in arbitration proceedings probably depends on the fact that their possibilities to influence this process is greater in comparison to an equal process undertaken in general court. The parties might want to have a process that is as efficient as possible and thus are interested in limiting the proceedings or they might be keen not to let information that is brought up in the procedure be passed on and therefore should be covered by confidentiality. In arbitration there is a possibility to effectively do this. The parties are, to a large extent, able to direct the procedure through procedural agreements. These procedural agreements can be found in several different contracts relating to the arbitration. These contracts are first and foremost the arbitration agreement, which governs the procedure between the parties. Moreover the parties can steer the conduct and mandate of the arbitrators through procedural clauses in the arbitrator’s agreement. Lastly, procedural clauses could also be found in the disputed contract.
To be able, at all, to use a procedural clause as the basis for an action in court, the clause needs to be able valid in accordance with the requirements established within arbitration for legal security. These requirements can mainly be found in arbitration’s fundamental principle of party autonomy, but could also be deduced from the right to fair trial in ECHR. Moreover the procedural agreement needs to be found reasonable in accordance with contract law, especially article 36 in the Swedish Contract Act.
If the agreement fulfils the procedural requirements and the requirements under contract law, a breach of the agreement could probably be claimed. However, depending on whether a party to the procedure or an arbitrator is responsible for the breach, the consequences for it will vary. The relationship between the parties is mainly regulated through general principles in contract law, and the classic catalogue of sanctions should be applicable when one party to the arbitration directs claims against another party. The relationship between parties to the arbitration and the arbitrators resembles both the relationship between a service provider and his client and between a judge and litigants. Because of this question arises, whether the parties to arbitration have the possibility, together or on their own, to rescind/revoke the arbitrator’s agreement and demand damages of the arbitrators’ for a breach of contract. The relationship also influence which liability that could be demanded of the arbitrators’ and for which conduct. The parties to the arbitration and arbitrators, moreover, have the possibility to effect to which extent they should be liable for their conduct during the arbitration, through contracts. Requirements both on that a certain amount of damage shall be paid for a breach of contract or limitation types of damage and the level of responsibility is also possible to contract. This is conducted through penalty clauses and different types of disclaimers.}},
  author       = {{Svartz, Sebastian}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Civilrättsliga följder vid brott mot processuella avtal i skiljeförfarandet}},
  year         = {{2012}},