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LUP Student Papers


Egenmäktighet med barn - en studie av 7 kap. 4 § BrB

Näsström, Magdalena LU (2013) JUR092 20131
Department of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Uppsatsen behandlar brottet egenmäktighet med barn som regleras i 7 kap. 4 § BrB. Syftet med uppsatsen är att redogöra för och analysera bestämmelsen om egenmäktighet med barn. Uppsatsen behandlar även bestämmelsens historiska bakgrund, dess utveckling samt rättstillämpning och i förekommande fall även annan lagstiftning som kan bli tillämplig i samband med det aktuella brottet.

I bestämmelsens första stycke stadgas om ansvar för obehöriga ingrepp i eller missbruk av vårdnad över barn som enligt FB:s regler eller andra bestämmelser utövas av föräldrar eller andra för barnet förordnade vårdnadshavare. Bestämmelsen i andra stycket avser intrång i den faktiska vården av barn då barnet vårdas med stöd av LVU. Tredje stycket stadgar om... (More)
Uppsatsen behandlar brottet egenmäktighet med barn som regleras i 7 kap. 4 § BrB. Syftet med uppsatsen är att redogöra för och analysera bestämmelsen om egenmäktighet med barn. Uppsatsen behandlar även bestämmelsens historiska bakgrund, dess utveckling samt rättstillämpning och i förekommande fall även annan lagstiftning som kan bli tillämplig i samband med det aktuella brottet.

I bestämmelsens första stycke stadgas om ansvar för obehöriga ingrepp i eller missbruk av vårdnad över barn som enligt FB:s regler eller andra bestämmelser utövas av föräldrar eller andra för barnet förordnade vårdnadshavare. Bestämmelsen i andra stycket avser intrång i den faktiska vården av barn då barnet vårdas med stöd av LVU. Tredje stycket stadgar om ansvar för grovt brott enligt bestämmelsens första och andra stycke.

I bestämmelsens första stycke regleras ansvar för tre fall; dels då en utomstående person obehörigen skiljer barnet från vårdnadshavaren, dels då en av två personer, som har gemensam vårdnad om barnet, utan beaktansvärt skäl egenmäktigt bortför barnet, och dels då en vårdnadshavare obehörigen bemäktigar sig barnet och därigenom själv tar sig rätt. Det första fallet behandlas i bestämmelsens första mening, det andra och tredje fallet i bestämmelsens andra mening.

Straffskalan för brottet egenmäktighet med barn av normalgraden uppgår till böter eller fängelse i högst ett år och avser brott begånget enligt första eller andra stycket. Straffet för grovt brott är fängelse i lägst sex månader och högst fyra år.

Uppsatsen behandlar även begånget brott enligt 7 kap. 4 § BrB med åberopande av nödbestämmelsen för straffrihet, på vilket sätt medverkansbestämmelsen i 23 kap. 4 § BrB kan bli tillämplig, rätten till skadestånd för vårdnadshavare som har skilts från vårdnaden om barnet samt möjligheten att på nytt dömas för brottet egenmäktighet med barn.

I uppsatsen redogörs även för 7 kap. 5 § BrB vari stadgas om straffansvar för försök till egenmäktighet med barn, grovt brott, samt för bestämmelsen i 7 kap. 6 § BrB som stadgar om inskränkningar i talans väckande enligt vilken åklagare får åtala endast om åtal är påkallat ur allmän synpunkt. (Less)
The paper deals with the offence arbitrary conduct concerning a child which is regulated in Chapter 7, 4 § Swedish Penal Code. The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyze the regulation of arbitrary conduct concerning a child. The paper also addresses the regulation’s historical background, its development and enforcement and, where appropriate, other legislation that may be applicable in connection with the offence in question.

The provision in the first paragraph prescribes liability for unauthorized interference with or misuse of custody of children under Parental Code's rules or other regulations exercised by the parents or other for the child appointed custodians. The provision in the second paragraph refers to intrusion... (More)
The paper deals with the offence arbitrary conduct concerning a child which is regulated in Chapter 7, 4 § Swedish Penal Code. The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyze the regulation of arbitrary conduct concerning a child. The paper also addresses the regulation’s historical background, its development and enforcement and, where appropriate, other legislation that may be applicable in connection with the offence in question.

The provision in the first paragraph prescribes liability for unauthorized interference with or misuse of custody of children under Parental Code's rules or other regulations exercised by the parents or other for the child appointed custodians. The provision in the second paragraph refers to intrusion into the actual care of the child when the child is cared for under The Care of Young Persons Act (LVU). The third paragraph statutes liability for felony according to the first and second paragraph.

The provision in the first paragraph governs responsibility in three cases: first, when a third party without authorization separates the child from the custodian, and second when one of two people who have joint custody of the child, without substantial reason arbitrarily abducts the child, and third when a guardian unlawfully seizes the child and thereby itself takes on the right. The first case is dealt with in the first sentence of the provision, the second and third case are dealt with in the second sentence of the provision.

The scale of penalties for the offence arbitrary conduct concerning a child of normal degree amounts to a fine or imprisonment not exceeding one year and refers to offence committed according to the first or second paragraph. The penalty for the felony is imprisonment of between six months and four years.
The paper also deals with the offence committed in accordance with Chapter 7, 4 § Swedish Penal Code, invoking rules of distress for impunity, and on which grounds participation provision in Chapter 23, 4 § Swedish Penal Code may be applicable, the right to compensation for guardians who have been separated from the custody of the child and the possibility of re-sentencing for the crime arbitrary conduct concerning a child.

The paper also presents Chapter 7, 5 § Swedish Penal Code which provides for liability for attempted arbitrary conduct concerning a child, felony, and for the provision of Chapter 7, 6 § Swedish Penal Code, which provides for restrictions on the commencement of proceedings under which the prosecutor may prosecute only if prosecution is warranted in the public interest. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Näsström, Magdalena LU
alternative title
The offence arbitrary conduct concerning a child - a study of Chapter 7, 4 § Swedish Penal Code
JUR092 20131
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
date added to LUP
2013-02-11 12:17:40
date last changed
2013-02-11 12:17:40
  abstract     = {{The paper deals with the offence arbitrary conduct concerning a child which is regulated in Chapter 7, 4 § Swedish Penal Code. The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyze the regulation of arbitrary conduct concerning a child. The paper also addresses the regulation’s historical background, its development and enforcement and, where appropriate, other legislation that may be applicable in connection with the offence in question.

The provision in the first paragraph prescribes liability for unauthorized interference with or misuse of custody of children under Parental Code's rules or other regulations exercised by the parents or other for the child appointed custodians. The provision in the second paragraph refers to intrusion into the actual care of the child when the child is cared for under The Care of Young Persons Act (LVU). The third paragraph statutes liability for felony according to the first and second paragraph.

The provision in the first paragraph governs responsibility in three cases: first, when a third party without authorization separates the child from the custodian, and second when one of two people who have joint custody of the child, without substantial reason arbitrarily abducts the child, and third when a guardian unlawfully seizes the child and thereby itself takes on the right. The first case is dealt with in the first sentence of the provision, the second and third case are dealt with in the second sentence of the provision.

The scale of penalties for the offence arbitrary conduct concerning a child of normal degree amounts to a fine or imprisonment not exceeding one year and refers to offence committed according to the first or second paragraph. The penalty for the felony is imprisonment of between six months and four years.
The paper also deals with the offence committed in accordance with Chapter 7, 4 § Swedish Penal Code, invoking rules of distress for impunity, and on which grounds participation provision in Chapter 23, 4 § Swedish Penal Code may be applicable, the right to compensation for guardians who have been separated from the custody of the child and the possibility of re-sentencing for the crime arbitrary conduct concerning a child.

The paper also presents Chapter 7, 5 § Swedish Penal Code which provides for liability for attempted arbitrary conduct concerning a child, felony, and for the provision of Chapter 7, 6 § Swedish Penal Code, which provides for restrictions on the commencement of proceedings under which the prosecutor may prosecute only if prosecution is warranted in the public interest.}},
  author       = {{Näsström, Magdalena}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Egenmäktighet med barn - en studie av 7 kap. 4 § BrB}},
  year         = {{2013}},