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LUP Student Papers


Barnpornografibrott - Barndefinitionens utveckling fram till 2010 års reform

Atanasov, Marinella LU (2012) JURM01 20122
Department of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Denna uppsats redogör för barnpornografibrottets barndefinitions utveckling från dess tillkomst och fram till 2010 års reform. Definitionen av barn och ett införande av en bestämd 18 års gräns har varit föremål för diskussion i tidigare förarbeten.

Pornografin avkriminaliserades i Sverige i början av 1970 talet och tanken var att endast nödvändiga inskränkningar skulle få göras i yttrandefriheten och det skulle vara upp till var och en att fritt välja vilka framställningar man ville ta del av. Eftersom den ökande förekomsten av barn i pornografiska sammanhang väckte starka reaktioner i samhället eskalerade debatten i riksdagen om ett förbud mot barnpornografi. År 1979 lade regeringen fram ett förslag om kriminalisering... (More)
Denna uppsats redogör för barnpornografibrottets barndefinitions utveckling från dess tillkomst och fram till 2010 års reform. Definitionen av barn och ett införande av en bestämd 18 års gräns har varit föremål för diskussion i tidigare förarbeten.

Pornografin avkriminaliserades i Sverige i början av 1970 talet och tanken var att endast nödvändiga inskränkningar skulle få göras i yttrandefriheten och det skulle vara upp till var och en att fritt välja vilka framställningar man ville ta del av. Eftersom den ökande förekomsten av barn i pornografiska sammanhang väckte starka reaktioner i samhället eskalerade debatten i riksdagen om ett förbud mot barnpornografi. År 1979 lade regeringen fram ett förslag om kriminalisering av viss befattning med pornografiska bilder av barn och barnpornografibrottet blev i och med detta ett straffrättsligt begrepp i Sverige men i bestämmelsen fanns ingen uttrycklig definition av barn. Svar på denna definition fick sökas i förarbetena till bestämmelsen, av vilka framgick att med barn avsågs en person vars pubertetsutveckling inte var färdig. Det straffbelagda området vad gäller all befattning med barnpornografi utvidgades från och med år 1999 års reform och syftet med kriminaliseringen var att all befattning med barnpornografi ska vara straffbart. Det infördes en barndefinition i bestämmelsen att med barn avses en person som inte har avslutat sin pubertetsutveckling eller som, när det framgår av bilden och omständigheterna kring den, är under 18 år. En bidragande faktor till att lagstiftningen har påverkats så drastiskt är den tekniska utvecklingen som möjliggjort att pornografiska bilder av barn sprids och produceras okontrollerbart samt att lagstiftningen möjliggjort att ta befattning med sådana bilder utan att, i de flesta fall, ställas till svars.

Detta pubertetsutvecklingskriterium har präglat barndefinitionen ända fram till dagens reform av barnpornografibrottet och tyvärr resulterat i att fullt pubertetsutvecklade individer under 18 år föll utanför det
skydd som barnpornografibrottet erbjuder och detta på grund av att pubertetskriteriet i andra ledet av definitionen är avhängigt att det ska framgå av bilden eller omständigheterna kring den att det avbildade fullt pubertetsutvecklade barnet är under 18 år. (Less)
This paper describes the childpornographyoffense´s child definition and its development from its inception and until the reform 2010. The definition of children and the introduction of a fixed18-year limit have been discussed in earlier legislative history.

Pornography was decriminalized in Sweden in the early 1970s, and the idea was that only necessary restrictions would have to be made in freedom of speech and it would be up to every person to freely choose which requests it wanted to take advantage of. Because of the increasing presence of children in the pornographic scene aroused strong reactions in society escalated the debate in the Parliament about a ban on child pornography. In 1979, the Government put forward a... (More)
This paper describes the childpornographyoffense´s child definition and its development from its inception and until the reform 2010. The definition of children and the introduction of a fixed18-year limit have been discussed in earlier legislative history.

Pornography was decriminalized in Sweden in the early 1970s, and the idea was that only necessary restrictions would have to be made in freedom of speech and it would be up to every person to freely choose which requests it wanted to take advantage of. Because of the increasing presence of children in the pornographic scene aroused strong reactions in society escalated the debate in the Parliament about a ban on child pornography. In 1979, the Government put forward a proposal for criminalization of certain dealings in pornographic images of children and child pornography offence became a criminal concept in Sweden but there was no explicit definition of children in the provision. In response to this definition was sought in the legislative history for this provision, one of which showed that the child was a person whose puberty development was not finished. The punishable area for all concerned with child pornography increased from the reform 1999 and the purpose of the criminalization was that all dealing with child pornography should be punishable. It was introduced a children's definition of a child which "means a person who has not completed their puberty development or, when it is clear from the image, and the circumstances surrounding it, are under the age of 18. A contributing factor to that legislation have been affected as drastically is the technical progress made that pornographic images of children and production uncontrollable and the legislation has made it possible to take post with such images without, in most cases, be held to account.

This puberty development criterion has characterized the child definition right up to today's reform of childpornographycrime and unfortunately resulted in that individuals under 18 years of age who has finished their puberty fell outside the protection that the childpornographycrime provides, and this because the puberty criterion in the second part of the definition is depended on the image or the circumstances surrounding it, that the fully developed child is under18 years of age. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Atanasov, Marinella LU
alternative title
Childpornography offense
JURM01 20122
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
Allmän rättslära (jurisprudence), EU-rätt (EU-law), straffrätt (criminal law).
date added to LUP
2013-11-08 13:10:05
date last changed
2013-11-08 13:10:05
  abstract     = {{Summary
This paper describes the childpornographyoffense´s child definition and its development from its inception and until the reform 2010. The definition of children and the introduction of a fixed18-year limit have been discussed in earlier legislative history. 

Pornography was decriminalized in Sweden in the early 1970s, and the idea was that only necessary restrictions would have to be made in freedom of speech and it would be up to every person to freely choose which requests it wanted to take advantage of. Because of the increasing presence of children in the pornographic scene aroused strong reactions in society escalated the debate in the Parliament about a ban on child pornography. In 1979, the Government put forward a proposal for criminalization of certain dealings in pornographic images of children and child pornography offence became a criminal concept in Sweden but there was no explicit definition of children in the provision. In response to this definition was sought in the legislative history for this provision, one of which showed that the child was a person whose puberty development was not finished. The punishable area for all concerned with child pornography increased from the reform 1999 and the purpose of the criminalization was that all dealing with child pornography should be punishable. It was introduced a children's definition of a child which "means a person who has not completed their puberty development or, when it is clear from the image, and the circumstances surrounding it, are under the age of 18. A contributing factor to that legislation have been affected as drastically is the technical progress made that pornographic images of children and production uncontrollable and the legislation has made it possible to take post with such images without, in most cases, be held to account.

This puberty development criterion has characterized the child definition right up to today's reform of childpornographycrime and unfortunately resulted in that individuals under 18 years of age who has finished their puberty fell outside the protection that the childpornographycrime provides, and this because the puberty criterion in the second part of the definition is depended on the image or the circumstances surrounding it, that the fully developed child is under18 years of age.}},
  author       = {{Atanasov, Marinella}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Barnpornografibrott - Barndefinitionens utveckling fram till 2010 års reform}},
  year         = {{2012}},