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Föräldrars skadeståndsansvar - ett politiskt och skandinaviskt perspektiv

Wallén, Emilia LU (2013) LAGF03 20132
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
In 2010 a new regulation in the Swedish tort law, meaning an increased responsibility for guardians when liability have been imposed upon their child, was introduced. For the parents, given that they are also the guardians, this means a limited liability when their child have caused damage by committing a crime. The liability exists unattached to the parents actions and is based only on the child’s act. It is similar to a strict liability. The introduction of the provision caused a political debate and the parties did not at all agree upon whether this new regulation truly can lead to reduced youth crime, which was the purpose of the introduction. Not only the political parties but also others like referral organisations and other... (More)
In 2010 a new regulation in the Swedish tort law, meaning an increased responsibility for guardians when liability have been imposed upon their child, was introduced. For the parents, given that they are also the guardians, this means a limited liability when their child have caused damage by committing a crime. The liability exists unattached to the parents actions and is based only on the child’s act. It is similar to a strict liability. The introduction of the provision caused a political debate and the parties did not at all agree upon whether this new regulation truly can lead to reduced youth crime, which was the purpose of the introduction. Not only the political parties but also others like referral organisations and other commentators have made their point of view. The essay describes the meaning of the regulation but also the debate regarding the provision. A central part is also the comparison made with our two neighbouring countries Norway and Denmark which have similar regulations. The new legislation in Denmark regarding the increasing liability for the parents was introduced the year before the one in Sweden while the legislation in Norway was introduced already in the 60’s. The regulations of the three countries are being separately described to give a basic understanding of the purpose, the formulation and the meaning of the different regulations. The political debate in Sweden is compared with the one held in Denmark by the time of the introduction of their legislation and there is a clear coherent pattern in opinions and party affiliation between the two countries. This pattern is subject for reflection in the analysis. Another discussion in the analysis is the differences and similarities existing in the three countries’ regulations and the different introductions’ possible impact on each other. There are many existing similarities and it is highly likely that the countries have been affected by each other. Some of the difficulties which are described regarding the regulation are the economical injustice between different families with different incomes and also the difficulty for a parent to assure that their child is not committing a crime. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
År 2010 infördes en ny bestämmelse i den svenska skadeståndsrätten som innebär ett principalansvar för vårdnadshavare då ett barn har ådömts skadeståndsansvar. Detta innebär att föräldrar, förutsatt att dessa också är vårdnadshavare till barnet, har ett begränsat skadeståndsansvar när deras barn vållat skada på grund av brott. Ansvaret föreligger oberoende av förälderns eget agerande och grundar sig bara på barnets handlande. Det liknar alltså ett strikt ansvar. Bestämmelsen gav vid införandet upphov till en politisk debatt och partierna var allt annat än överens om ifall denna nya bestämmelse verkligen kan leda till minskad ungdomsbrottslighet, vilket var syftet med införandet. Även andra såsom olika remissinstanser men också andra... (More)
År 2010 infördes en ny bestämmelse i den svenska skadeståndsrätten som innebär ett principalansvar för vårdnadshavare då ett barn har ådömts skadeståndsansvar. Detta innebär att föräldrar, förutsatt att dessa också är vårdnadshavare till barnet, har ett begränsat skadeståndsansvar när deras barn vållat skada på grund av brott. Ansvaret föreligger oberoende av förälderns eget agerande och grundar sig bara på barnets handlande. Det liknar alltså ett strikt ansvar. Bestämmelsen gav vid införandet upphov till en politisk debatt och partierna var allt annat än överens om ifall denna nya bestämmelse verkligen kan leda till minskad ungdomsbrottslighet, vilket var syftet med införandet. Även andra såsom olika remissinstanser men också andra samhällsdebattörer har tyckt till om bestämmelsen. Uppsatsen visar på bestämmelsen och dess innebörd men också på den debatt som förts kring regleringen. En central del i uppsatsen är också den komparation som görs med våra två grannländer Norge och Danmark som har liknande bestämmelser. Danmarks nya lag innefattande ett skärpt föräldraansvar infördes året innan den svenska bestämmelsen medan Norge har haft sin reglering sedan 60-talet. De tre ländernas regleringar redogörs för var och en för sig att kunna ge en grundläggande förståelse för vad som har varit syftet, utformningen samt innebörden av de olika reglerna. Den politiska debatten som fördes i Sverige jämförs med den som fördes i Danmark vid införandet av deras nya lag och ett sammanhängande mönster i åsikter och partitillhörighet är tydligt mellan de båda länderna. Detta mönster tas sedan upp till reflektion i analysen. I den analyserande delen diskuteras också de olika likheter och skillnader som finns mellan de tre ländernas regleringar på området samt hur dessa påverkats av varandra vid införandena. Det finns många likheter och att länderna påverkats av varandra är högst troligt. En del av den problematik som berörs angående regleringen är den ekonomiska orättvisan mellan olika familjer med olika inkomst samt svårigheten för föräldrar att hålla sådan uppsikt över sina barn som krävs för att veta att de inte begår brott. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Wallén, Emilia LU
LAGF03 20132
M2 - Bachelor Degree
vårdnadshavare, föräldrar, komparativ rätt, principalansvar, skadeståndsrätt
date added to LUP
2014-01-28 17:26:33
date last changed
2014-01-28 17:26:33
  abstract     = {{In 2010 a new regulation in the Swedish tort law, meaning an increased responsibility for guardians when liability have been imposed upon their child, was introduced. For the parents, given that they are also the guardians, this means a limited liability when their child have caused damage by committing a crime. The liability exists unattached to the parents actions and is based only on the child’s act. It is similar to a strict liability. The introduction of the provision caused a political debate and the parties did not at all agree upon whether this new regulation truly can lead to reduced youth crime, which was the purpose of the introduction. Not only the political parties but also others like referral organisations and other commentators have made their point of view. The essay describes the meaning of the regulation but also the debate regarding the provision. A central part is also the comparison made with our two neighbouring countries Norway and Denmark which have similar regulations. The new legislation in Denmark regarding the increasing liability for the parents was introduced the year before the one in Sweden while the legislation in Norway was introduced already in the 60’s. The regulations of the three countries are being separately described to give a basic understanding of the purpose, the formulation and the meaning of the different regulations. The political debate in Sweden is compared with the one held in Denmark by the time of the introduction of their legislation and there is a clear coherent pattern in opinions and party affiliation between the two countries. This pattern is subject for reflection in the analysis. Another discussion in the analysis is the differences and similarities existing in the three countries’ regulations and the different introductions’ possible impact on each other. There are many existing similarities and it is highly likely that the countries have been affected by each other. Some of the difficulties which are described regarding the regulation are the economical injustice between different families with different incomes and also the difficulty for a parent to assure that their child is not committing a crime.}},
  author       = {{Wallén, Emilia}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Föräldrars skadeståndsansvar - ett politiskt och skandinaviskt perspektiv}},
  year         = {{2013}},