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Barns rättigheter vid utvisning av förälder på grund av brott

Besatari, Bekime LU (2013) LAGF03 20132
Faculty of Law
Department of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
I Sverige berörs 200 barn per år av att en förälder utvisas ur landet. Barn har en del rättigheter dels genom vissa bestämmelser som finns i svenska lagar som FB, SOL och UtlL men även i EKMR och barnkonventionen. Möjligheterna att utesluta utvisning i ett mål kring utvisningsfrågan på grund av brott där utlänningen har barn i riket finner man främmst i 8kap 11§ UtlL. Denna lagändring infördes efter en utredning som gjorts 2004 som innebär att man ska se till barnets behov av kontakt med föräldern, hur kontakten tidigare varit och hur den kan komma att påverkas vid eventuell utvisning detta ska vägas mot brottets svårighetsgrad. Barns bästa ska enligt barnkonventionens artikel 3 alltid komma i första rummet men det är inte menat att... (More)
I Sverige berörs 200 barn per år av att en förälder utvisas ur landet. Barn har en del rättigheter dels genom vissa bestämmelser som finns i svenska lagar som FB, SOL och UtlL men även i EKMR och barnkonventionen. Möjligheterna att utesluta utvisning i ett mål kring utvisningsfrågan på grund av brott där utlänningen har barn i riket finner man främmst i 8kap 11§ UtlL. Denna lagändring infördes efter en utredning som gjorts 2004 som innebär att man ska se till barnets behov av kontakt med föräldern, hur kontakten tidigare varit och hur den kan komma att påverkas vid eventuell utvisning detta ska vägas mot brottets svårighetsgrad. Barns bästa ska enligt barnkonventionens artikel 3 alltid komma i första rummet men det är inte menat att barnets bästa ska vara ensamt utslagsgivande utan i de fall där andra intressen kolliderar med barnets bästa måste en avvägning göras. Då Sverige valt att inte inkorporera barnkonventionen i svensk lag är domstolarna inte heller bundna av dess bestämmelser. Enligt barnombudsmannen är det ett omfattande tolkningsarbete av barnkonventionen som ska göras i varje enskillt fall för att barnets bästa ska tillgodoses. I europakonventionen för de mänskliga rättigheterna och de grundläggande friheterna som Sverige låtit inkorporera 1995, har rättsväsendet vägledning via den praxis som har utvecklats på området och därför även en bredare kunskap. Den största skillnaden mellan EKMR och barnkonventionen är att det finns fler rättigheter för barnet i barnkonventionen, där barns rättigheter accepteras som en självständig individ och inte endast som en del av familjens rättighet enligt artikel 8 i EKMR. Idag görs utredningar av sociala myndigheter i fall där utlänningen har barn i riket för att försöka tillgodose vad som är barnets bästa. Men då det är vuxna personer som utför tolkningarbetet och inte barnen själva trots att avgörandet främst berör dem, finns där en risk för svaghet i utredningen kring vad som är barns bästa. Denna svaghet kan uppmärksammas i dagens praxis. En inkorporering av barnkonventionen i svensk lag skulle kunna medföra praxis kring området och därmed utgöra breddare kunskap kring barnperspektivet i mål om utvisning på grund av brott. (Less)
In Sweden there are 200 children every year which is affected by a parent will be expelled from the country. Children have some rights partly through provisions in Swedish law such as FB, SOL and UtlL but also in EKMR and the child convention. The possibilities of limiting deportation order when the alien has children in the country are found mainly in the aliens act 8 chapters 11§. This provision was introduced in 2004 after an investigation into the child`s perspective in matters of deportation because of criminal consisted. To a child`s rights to be decisive in a case surrounding the deportation issue because of the crime, the child`s need for contact with the parent, how to contact previously been and how it may be affected by possible... (More)
In Sweden there are 200 children every year which is affected by a parent will be expelled from the country. Children have some rights partly through provisions in Swedish law such as FB, SOL and UtlL but also in EKMR and the child convention. The possibilities of limiting deportation order when the alien has children in the country are found mainly in the aliens act 8 chapters 11§. This provision was introduced in 2004 after an investigation into the child`s perspective in matters of deportation because of criminal consisted. To a child`s rights to be decisive in a case surrounding the deportation issue because of the crime, the child`s need for contact with the parent, how to contact previously been and how it may be affected by possible deportation weighed against the seriousness of the offense. Child`s best interest must under the CRC Article 3 always come first but it is not meant that the best interests shall be paramount, but in cases where other interests collide with the child`s best interests must be weighed against. When Sweden chose not incorporate the CRC into Swedish law, its provisions do not bind the courts. According to the commissioner for Children is a comprehensive interpretation work of the CRC is to be done in each case to child`s best interests must be satisfied. In the European Convention of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms as Sweden Commissioned incorporate in 1995, judicial guidance through the practice that has developed in the field and therefore also an enlarger knowledge. The biggest difference between the ECHR and the CRC are that there are more rights to the child in the CRC, where children`s rights are accepted as an autonomous individual and not just as part of the family`s rights under Article 8 of the ECHR. Today there are investigations that are done by the social services in case where foreigners have children in the kingdom to try to accommodate what is their best. There is a risk of weakness in the investigation when performing interpretation are made because there are adults making the work and not the children themselves despite the ruling primarily affects them, so is there a risk of weakness in the investigation into what the child’s best. This weakness can be noticed in today`s practice. The incorporation of the CRC into Swedish law could lead to practices surrounding area and hence constitute extensions of knowledge about children`s perspective in matters of deportations because of criminal. (Less)
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Besatari, Bekime LU
LAGF03 20132
M2 - Bachelor Degree
straffrätt, folkrätt, mänskliga rättigheter, barns rättigheter, utvisning på grund av brott
date added to LUP
2014-01-28 17:34:26
date last changed
2014-09-16 13:42:56
  abstract     = {{In Sweden there are 200 children every year which is affected by a parent will be expelled from the country. Children have some rights partly through provisions in Swedish law such as FB, SOL and UtlL but also in EKMR and the child convention. The possibilities of limiting deportation order when the alien has children in the country are found mainly in the aliens act 8 chapters 11§. This provision was introduced in 2004 after an investigation into the child`s perspective in matters of deportation because of criminal consisted. To a child`s rights to be decisive in a case surrounding the deportation issue because of the crime, the child`s need for contact with the parent, how to contact previously been and how it may be affected by possible deportation weighed against the seriousness of the offense. Child`s best interest must under the CRC Article 3 always come first but it is not meant that the best interests shall be paramount, but in cases where other interests collide with the child`s best interests must be weighed against. When Sweden chose not incorporate the CRC into Swedish law, its provisions do not bind the courts. According to the commissioner for Children is a comprehensive interpretation work of the CRC is to be done in each case to child`s best interests must be satisfied. In the European Convention of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms as Sweden Commissioned incorporate in 1995, judicial guidance through the practice that has developed in the field and therefore also an enlarger knowledge. The biggest difference between the ECHR and the CRC are that there are more rights to the child in the CRC, where children`s rights are accepted as an autonomous individual and not just as part of the family`s rights under Article 8 of the ECHR. Today there are investigations that are done by the social services in case where foreigners have children in the kingdom to try to accommodate what is their best. There is a risk of weakness in the investigation when performing interpretation are made because there are adults making the work and not the children themselves despite the ruling primarily affects them, so is there a risk of weakness in the investigation into what the child’s best. This weakness can be noticed in today`s practice. The incorporation of the CRC into Swedish law could lead to practices surrounding area and hence constitute extensions of knowledge about children`s perspective in matters of deportations because of criminal.}},
  author       = {{Besatari, Bekime}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Barns rättigheter vid utvisning av förälder på grund av brott}},
  year         = {{2013}},