Brottslighetens art- Artbrottets vara eller icke vara
(2014) LAGF03 20141Department of Law
Faculty of Law
- Abstract
- This paper touches the subject of crimes with a presumtion for imprisonment (will be referred to with the Swedish term artbrott) and the problems relating to it. The artbrott regulation is found in BrB 30th chapter 4§ and is used by the court when deciding upon a custodial sentence.
Artbrott is used mainly when the law regulates a penal value under 12 months, and the perpetrators actions motivate its use. The term artbrott appeared in Swedish law through the penal reform in 1989 replacing § 7 of chapter 1 in the previous BrB.
Crimes where the court needs to consider artbrott are treated slightly different concerning the choice of sentence. The main rule in 30:4 p. 1 states that the court shall chose a non-custodial sentence. Artbrott is... (More) - This paper touches the subject of crimes with a presumtion for imprisonment (will be referred to with the Swedish term artbrott) and the problems relating to it. The artbrott regulation is found in BrB 30th chapter 4§ and is used by the court when deciding upon a custodial sentence.
Artbrott is used mainly when the law regulates a penal value under 12 months, and the perpetrators actions motivate its use. The term artbrott appeared in Swedish law through the penal reform in 1989 replacing § 7 of chapter 1 in the previous BrB.
Crimes where the court needs to consider artbrott are treated slightly different concerning the choice of sentence. The main rule in 30:4 p. 1 states that the court shall chose a non-custodial sentence. Artbrott is an exception from the main rule. Crimes that fall within the scope of 30:4 are for example perjury, drunk driving and obstruction of the course of justice. An exhaustive list of artbrott is not possible since the court has the ability to create new ones. The last crime to be named an artbrott was organized pickpocketing. The artbrott regulation receives a lot of critisism from jurists because of its indecisive nature, it is hard to justify some crimes falling within the regulation and others falling outside of it.
The artbrott regulation is also critisized from a fairness perspective, because it leads to crimes with the same penal value being punished unequally. Critics mean that this is a breach of the principle of proportionality. The system of artbrott is not likely to be replaced because, as this paper will show, there is a lack of alternative methods. (Less) - Abstract (Swedish)
- Denna uppsats berör på ett grundläggande plan de problem som finns angående det som i lagtexten betecknas brottets art. Brottets art finns med i 30 kap. 4§ BrB andra stycket, och ska användas av domstolen då den beslutar om en frihetsberövande påföljd istället för en icke frihetsberövande påföljd. Brottets art, eller artbrottet som det också kallas, ska användas främst vid kortare fängelsestraff på under 12 månader, då gärningspersonens agerande vid brottstillfället motiverar det. Brottets art tillkom i lagtexten genom påföljdsbestämningsreformen 1989 och kom att ersätta 1 kap. 7§ i gamla brottsbalken, som var det lagrum som reglerade domstolens påföljdsval tidigare.
Artbrotten är alltså brott som ska särbehandlas när det gäller... (More) - Denna uppsats berör på ett grundläggande plan de problem som finns angående det som i lagtexten betecknas brottets art. Brottets art finns med i 30 kap. 4§ BrB andra stycket, och ska användas av domstolen då den beslutar om en frihetsberövande påföljd istället för en icke frihetsberövande påföljd. Brottets art, eller artbrottet som det också kallas, ska användas främst vid kortare fängelsestraff på under 12 månader, då gärningspersonens agerande vid brottstillfället motiverar det. Brottets art tillkom i lagtexten genom påföljdsbestämningsreformen 1989 och kom att ersätta 1 kap. 7§ i gamla brottsbalken, som var det lagrum som reglerade domstolens påföljdsval tidigare.
Artbrotten är alltså brott som ska särbehandlas när det gäller påföljdsval, genom att domstolen går ifrån huvudregeln i 30 kap. 4§ första stycket som säger att den i första hand ska välja en icke frihetsberövande påföljd för brott. Mened, grovt rattfylleri, vapenbrott, jaktbrott och övergrepp i rättssak är exempel på artbrott. Någon uttömmande lista över artbrott är inte möjlig att skapa, eftersom det tillkommer nya artbrott med jämna mellanrum. Det senaste brottet som blev ett artbrott var organiserad fickstöld.
Artbrotten får mycket kritik från jurister för dess oklara natur, då det är svårt att motivera att vissa brott skulle vara artbrott samt att andra inte är det. Artbrottet får också mycket kritik av rättvisehänsyn, där det inte anses stämma med proportionalitetsprincipen att vissa brott bestraffas hårdare än andra med samma straffvärde. Dock saknas alternativa metoder så det är knappast troligt att brottslighetens art kommer att försvinna från lagtexten inom kort. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
- author
- Nilsson, Linus LU
- supervisor
- organization
- course
- LAGF03 20141
- year
- 2014
- type
- M2 - Bachelor Degree
- subject
- keywords
- straffrätt, criminal law, artbrott, brottslighetens art, påföljdsval, fängelsepresumtion
- language
- Swedish
- id
- 4449255
- date added to LUP
- 2014-06-17 13:46:29
- date last changed
- 2014-06-17 13:46:29
@misc{4449255, abstract = {{This paper touches the subject of crimes with a presumtion for imprisonment (will be referred to with the Swedish term artbrott) and the problems relating to it. The artbrott regulation is found in BrB 30th chapter 4§ and is used by the court when deciding upon a custodial sentence. Artbrott is used mainly when the law regulates a penal value under 12 months, and the perpetrators actions motivate its use. The term artbrott appeared in Swedish law through the penal reform in 1989 replacing § 7 of chapter 1 in the previous BrB. Crimes where the court needs to consider artbrott are treated slightly different concerning the choice of sentence. The main rule in 30:4 p. 1 states that the court shall chose a non-custodial sentence. Artbrott is an exception from the main rule. Crimes that fall within the scope of 30:4 are for example perjury, drunk driving and obstruction of the course of justice. An exhaustive list of artbrott is not possible since the court has the ability to create new ones. The last crime to be named an artbrott was organized pickpocketing. The artbrott regulation receives a lot of critisism from jurists because of its indecisive nature, it is hard to justify some crimes falling within the regulation and others falling outside of it. The artbrott regulation is also critisized from a fairness perspective, because it leads to crimes with the same penal value being punished unequally. Critics mean that this is a breach of the principle of proportionality. The system of artbrott is not likely to be replaced because, as this paper will show, there is a lack of alternative methods.}}, author = {{Nilsson, Linus}}, language = {{swe}}, note = {{Student Paper}}, title = {{Brottslighetens art- Artbrottets vara eller icke vara}}, year = {{2014}}, }