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LUP Student Papers


Bevisprovokation i ett europarättsligt perspektiv - tillåtlighet och rättsverkningar

Weise, Anna LU (2014) LAGF03 20141
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
I svensk rätt finns ingen reglering kring vilka handlingar som är tillåtna under en bevisprovokation. Begreppet ”provokation” har inte heller fått en fast juridisk innebörd. I praxis och i förarbeten anses bevisprovokation vara tillåtet som en brottsutredande metod men beroende på hur den de facto genomförs kan det medföra rättsverkningar så som att efterföljande bevisning får lägre värde eller att den dömde får strafflindring.
Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka vilka begränsningar som finns för användandet av bevisprovokation och vilka rättsverkningar som uppstår genom att en otillbörlig bevisprovokation vidtagits.
I svensk rätt har främst polisens allmänna principer kring sin verksamhet lyfts fram som vägledande när provokativa... (More)
I svensk rätt finns ingen reglering kring vilka handlingar som är tillåtna under en bevisprovokation. Begreppet ”provokation” har inte heller fått en fast juridisk innebörd. I praxis och i förarbeten anses bevisprovokation vara tillåtet som en brottsutredande metod men beroende på hur den de facto genomförs kan det medföra rättsverkningar så som att efterföljande bevisning får lägre värde eller att den dömde får strafflindring.
Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka vilka begränsningar som finns för användandet av bevisprovokation och vilka rättsverkningar som uppstår genom att en otillbörlig bevisprovokation vidtagits.
I svensk rätt har främst polisens allmänna principer kring sin verksamhet lyfts fram som vägledande när provokativa åtgärder genomförs. I dessa föreskrivs proportionalitets- och behovsprincipen samt att en avvägning måste göras mellan intresset att lagföra brott och den enskildes intresse av rättsäkerhet.
Svaret på frågan om otillåten anskaffad bevisning får upptas under rättegången har besvarats jakande med hänvisning till den fria bevisföringen. Bevisning som tillkommit genom en otillbörlig bevisprovokation har istället givits ett lägre bevisvärde alternativt har domstolen låtit detta inverka förmildrande på den tilltalades straff.
I Europarättslig praxis har frågan istället besvarats med hänvisning till om rättegångsförfarandet i sin helhet varit rättvist för den tilltalade. Hur bevisningen i sig anskaffats är inte upp till Europadomstolen att avgöra lagligheten av. Däremot kan rättegången som helhet anses orättvis om den nationella domstolen tillåter bevisning som anskaffats i strid med rätten att inte vara verksam till egen nackdel (art. 6 EKMR) och denna bevisning utgör den avgörande bevisningen för den tilltalades skuld. Bevisning som anskaffats på ett sätt som strider med förbudet mot tortyr och annan omänsklig eller förnedrande behandling (art. 3 EKMR) torde enligt europadomstolen inte överhuvudtaget kunna åberopas, något som NJA 2011 s. 638 också öppnar upp en dörr för. (Less)
There are no rules in the Swedish legal system regarding which actions are allowed during a provocation of evidence. The term "provocation" has neither been given a firm legal significance.
In case law from the Swedish Supreme Court and in the preliminary work it is considered that provocation of proof as a criminal investigation method is allowed. However, depending on how it is actually implemented, it can produce effects such as subsequent evidence may have low value, or that the offender gets reduction of his sentence. The purpose of this study is to examine any restrictions on the use of provocation as an investigation method and the legal consequences when an improper provocation of evidence has been taken.
In Swedish legal... (More)
There are no rules in the Swedish legal system regarding which actions are allowed during a provocation of evidence. The term "provocation" has neither been given a firm legal significance.
In case law from the Swedish Supreme Court and in the preliminary work it is considered that provocation of proof as a criminal investigation method is allowed. However, depending on how it is actually implemented, it can produce effects such as subsequent evidence may have low value, or that the offender gets reduction of his sentence. The purpose of this study is to examine any restrictions on the use of provocation as an investigation method and the legal consequences when an improper provocation of evidence has been taken.
In Swedish legal system there are certain guidelines and general principles put forward to govern the use of provocation of evidence. Among these are primarily the general rules of police activity where provocative actions shall be implemented in accordance with the principles of proportionality and the principle of need and that a balance must be found between the interests of criminal prosecution and the individual interest of rule of law.
Swedish courts have answered the question regarding the admissibility of evidence, which has been acquired by unlawful means, affirmative. The reason for that is the free production of evidence. Evidence generated through an improper evidence provocation or otherwise through unclear circumstances, has instead been given a lower value or has the Court allowed this to affect mitigating on the defendant's punishment.
In European case law the European Court of Human Rights has answered the question with reference to whether the proceedings as a whole were fair. How the evidence itself was obtained is not up to the European Court to determine the legality of. However, the trial as a whole is considered unfair if the national courts allow evidence obtained in breach of the right to fair trial (Article 6 ECHR) or in violation of the prohibition against torture or other inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (Article 3 ECHR). (Less)
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Weise, Anna LU
LAGF03 20141
M2 - Bachelor Degree
Straffrätt, processrätt, EKMR, bevisprovokation, bevisvärdering, bevisföring, rättvis rättegång
date added to LUP
2014-06-19 09:44:32
date last changed
2014-06-19 09:44:32
  abstract     = {{There are no rules in the Swedish legal system regarding which actions are allowed during a provocation of evidence. The term "provocation" has neither been given a firm legal significance. 
In case law from the Swedish Supreme Court and in the preliminary work it is considered that provocation of proof as a criminal investigation method is allowed. However, depending on how it is actually implemented, it can produce effects such as subsequent evidence may have low value, or that the offender gets reduction of his sentence. The purpose of this study is to examine any restrictions on the use of provocation as an investigation method and the legal consequences when an improper provocation of evidence has been taken. 
In Swedish legal system there are certain guidelines and general principles put forward to govern the use of provocation of evidence. Among these are primarily the general rules of police activity where provocative actions shall be implemented in accordance with the principles of proportionality and the principle of need and that a balance must be found between the interests of criminal prosecution and the individual interest of rule of law. 
Swedish courts have answered the question regarding the admissibility of evidence, which has been acquired by unlawful means, affirmative. The reason for that is the free production of evidence. Evidence generated through an improper evidence provocation or otherwise through unclear circumstances, has instead been given a lower value or has the Court allowed this to affect mitigating on the defendant's punishment. 
In European case law the European Court of Human Rights has answered the question with reference to whether the proceedings as a whole were fair. How the evidence itself was obtained is not up to the European Court to determine the legality of. However, the trial as a whole is considered unfair if the national courts allow evidence obtained in breach of the right to fair trial (Article 6 ECHR) or in violation of the prohibition against torture or other inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (Article 3 ECHR).}},
  author       = {{Weise, Anna}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Bevisprovokation i ett europarättsligt perspektiv - tillåtlighet och rättsverkningar}},
  year         = {{2014}},