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Pengar och påverkan - Reglering av politiska partiers finansiering i Sverige och Finland

Schierwagen, Johan LU (2014) LAGF03 20141
Faculty of Law
Department of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Politiska partiers finansiering är en fråga som blir allt viktigare. I takt med att utgifterna för valkampanjer växer för varje val spelar privat bidragsgivande till partierna en allt större roll. Frågor om korruption och otillbörlig påverkan väcks ofta i sammanhanget. Hur lagstiftare väljer att reglera dessa bidrag varierar dock mellan olika länder, också inom Europa. Den här uppsatsen syftar till att göra en komparativ analys mellan regleringen av politiska partiers finansiering i svensk respektive finsk rätt. Ett särskilt fokus ligger på hur regleringarna förhåller sig till skyddet för grundläggande fri- och rättigheter. Uppsatsen redogör för både rätts- och statsvetenskapliga perspektiv på politisk finansiering och beaktar även... (More)
Politiska partiers finansiering är en fråga som blir allt viktigare. I takt med att utgifterna för valkampanjer växer för varje val spelar privat bidragsgivande till partierna en allt större roll. Frågor om korruption och otillbörlig påverkan väcks ofta i sammanhanget. Hur lagstiftare väljer att reglera dessa bidrag varierar dock mellan olika länder, också inom Europa. Den här uppsatsen syftar till att göra en komparativ analys mellan regleringen av politiska partiers finansiering i svensk respektive finsk rätt. Ett särskilt fokus ligger på hur regleringarna förhåller sig till skyddet för grundläggande fri- och rättigheter. Uppsatsen redogör för både rätts- och statsvetenskapliga perspektiv på politisk finansiering och beaktar även internationella organisationers inverkan på nationell lagstiftning inom området.

Sverige och Finland representerar i viss utsträckning två olika modeller för reglering av partifinansiering. Båda länderna använder sig av ett omfattande statligt partistöd men i övrigt går lösningarna isär. Finland representerar en restriktiv syn på politiska partiers finansiering och har ålagt partierna en sträng redovisningsskyldighet för intäkter och utgifter samt infört begränsningar i möjligheterna att ta emot vissa typer av bidrag. Sverige representerar å andra sidan en mer tillåtande syn. Lagstiftaren har nyligen för första gången reglerat partifinansiering genom att ålägga partierna viss redovisningsskyldighet. Man har dock avstått ifrån att införa begränsningar i möjligheterna att motta bidrag. Skillnaderna i regleringen har både historiska och konstitutionella skäl. Uppsatsen diskuterar avslutningsvis de olika lösningarna utifrån lagstiftningens syfte och internationella åtaganden. Slutsatsen är att det finns brister i den svenska lagstiftningen och att ändringar bör övervägas. I det arbetet kan den svenska lagstiftaren bitvis inspireras av Finland. (Less)
The financing of political parties is a matter of increasing importance. In step with the growing expenditures for political campaigns for each election, the contributions to political parties play a more essential role than earlier. The issue of corruption and inappropriate influence is often raised in this context. However, the way legislatures have chosen to regulate these contributions varies between different countries, also within Europe. This essay makes a comparative analysis between the regulations of political financing in Sweden and Finland. A particular focus lies upon the relation between these regulations and the protection of fundamental rights. The essay explains the financing of political parties both from a legal and a... (More)
The financing of political parties is a matter of increasing importance. In step with the growing expenditures for political campaigns for each election, the contributions to political parties play a more essential role than earlier. The issue of corruption and inappropriate influence is often raised in this context. However, the way legislatures have chosen to regulate these contributions varies between different countries, also within Europe. This essay makes a comparative analysis between the regulations of political financing in Sweden and Finland. A particular focus lies upon the relation between these regulations and the protection of fundamental rights. The essay explains the financing of political parties both from a legal and a political science perspective. It also considers international organizations' influence on national legislation in this area.

To some extent, Sweden and Finland represent two different models of political financing regulation. Both countries have chosen to give substantial public support to political parties but besides that, the legal solutions have taken different paths. Finland represents a restrictive view on political financing and has imposed a strict accounting responsibility together with restrictions on the possibilities of receiving contributions. Sweden, on the other hand, represents a more permissive view. The Swedish legislature has recently regulated political financing for the first time by imposing a limited accounting responsibility. However, there are no restrictions on how the political parties are allowed to receive contributions. The differences in regulations have both historical and constitutional reasons. This essay discusses the different legal solutions in the light of their purpose and international commitments. The conclusion is that there are inadequacies in the Swedish legislation and that changes should be considered. Finland can be a source of inspiration to the Swedish legislature in this context. (Less)
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Schierwagen, Johan LU
LAGF03 20141
M2 - Bachelor Degree
statsrätt, komparativ rätt, comparative law, politiska partier, political parties, partifinansiering, campaign finance, korruption, corruption
date added to LUP
2014-06-17 10:16:59
date last changed
2014-06-17 10:16:59
  abstract     = {{The financing of political parties is a matter of increasing importance. In step with the growing expenditures for political campaigns for each election, the contributions to political parties play a more essential role than earlier. The issue of corruption and inappropriate influence is often raised in this context. However, the way legislatures have chosen to regulate these contributions varies between different countries, also within Europe. This essay makes a comparative analysis between the regulations of political financing in Sweden and Finland. A particular focus lies upon the relation between these regulations and the protection of fundamental rights. The essay explains the financing of political parties both from a legal and a political science perspective. It also considers international organizations' influence on national legislation in this area. 

To some extent, Sweden and Finland represent two different models of political financing regulation. Both countries have chosen to give substantial public support to political parties but besides that, the legal solutions have taken different paths. Finland represents a restrictive view on political financing and has imposed a strict accounting responsibility together with restrictions on the possibilities of receiving contributions. Sweden, on the other hand, represents a more permissive view. The Swedish legislature has recently regulated political financing for the first time by imposing a limited accounting responsibility. However, there are no restrictions on how the political parties are allowed to receive contributions. The differences in regulations have both historical and constitutional reasons. This essay discusses the different legal solutions in the light of their purpose and international commitments. The conclusion is that there are inadequacies in the Swedish legislation and that changes should be considered. Finland can be a source of inspiration to the Swedish legislature in this context.}},
  author       = {{Schierwagen, Johan}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Pengar och påverkan - Reglering av politiska partiers finansiering i Sverige och Finland}},
  year         = {{2014}},