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Provocerat agerande eller agerande med bakomliggande hatmotiv? - en studie av domstolars bedömning av gärningar begångna efter ett homosexuellt närmande

Nilson, Matilda LU (2014) JURM02 20141
Department of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Hatbrotten uppmärksammas i allt större utsträckning i Sverige och flera åtgärder har vidtagits för att dessa brott ska bekämpas och förebyggas. Homo- och bisexuella personer anses vara en särskilt utsatt grupp i samhället och när ett brott begås med motiv att kränka offret på grund av dennes sexuella läggning ska gärningsmannen dömas strängare. Samtidigt finns det ett prejudicerande avgörande från mitten av 1990-talet där HD ansåg att ett homosexuellt närmande var en förhållandevis allvarlig provokation och därmed dömdes gärningsmannen lindrigare.

När en gärning föregåtts av ett homosexuellt närmande kan tre olika bedömningar aktualiseras; den tilltalade kan gå fri från ansvar eftersom han handlat i nödvärn, den tilltalade kan straffas... (More)
Hatbrotten uppmärksammas i allt större utsträckning i Sverige och flera åtgärder har vidtagits för att dessa brott ska bekämpas och förebyggas. Homo- och bisexuella personer anses vara en särskilt utsatt grupp i samhället och när ett brott begås med motiv att kränka offret på grund av dennes sexuella läggning ska gärningsmannen dömas strängare. Samtidigt finns det ett prejudicerande avgörande från mitten av 1990-talet där HD ansåg att ett homosexuellt närmande var en förhållandevis allvarlig provokation och därmed dömdes gärningsmannen lindrigare.

När en gärning föregåtts av ett homosexuellt närmande kan tre olika bedömningar aktualiseras; den tilltalade kan gå fri från ansvar eftersom han handlat i nödvärn, den tilltalade kan straffas lindrigare eftersom han provocerats av offrets beteende och den tilltalade kan straffas strängare eftersom hans motiv varit att kränka offret på grund av dennes sexuella läggning. Syftet med uppsatsen är att utreda hur domstolarna resonerar i dessa fall och på viket sätt domstolarna beaktar den omständigheten att gärningen föregåtts av ett homosexuellt närmande. När medför detta en mildare bedömning för den tilltalade? Hur resonerar domstolen kring ett eventuellt hatmotiv? Fokus ligger främst på resonemang om provokation och hatmotiv eftersom nödvärn endast åberopats i ett fåtal fall. Rättsfallen analyseras även med heteronormativitet som teoretisk utgångspunkt och en viktig aspekt är om heteronormativa föreställningar kommer till uttryck i domskälen.

I uppsatsens inledande och teoretiska del redogörs för gällande rätt avseende nödvärn, provokation och hatbrott. Uppsatsens senare del är av mer praktisk karaktär och består av en rättsfallsstudie där 22 avgöranden, majoriteten från tingsrätt och hovrätt, behandlas.

Domstolarna är relativt fria vid bedömningen av om den tilltalade provocerats och om det föreligger ett hatmotiv, medan det finns fler riktlinjer i förarbetena kring hur nödvärn ska bedömas, och det finns därmed en risk att utomrättsliga faktorer påverkar besluten. De viktigaste slutsatserna jag kom fram till är följande. Domstolarna tycks prioritera provokation framför hatbrott vilket leder till att något hatmotiv inte anses föreligga, alternativt att någon diskussion kring ett eventuellt hatmotiv inte förs, när gärningsmannen provocerats. Domstolarna visar även en obenägenhet att reflektera över omständigheter som kan tyda på att gärningen utgör ett hatbrott, till exempel att gärningsmannen inte lämnat en trovärdig version av händelseförloppet, att gärningen karakteriseras av övervåld och omständigheter som tyder på att gärningsmannen sedan tidigare haft en avsikt att begå våld mot offret. Detta ger uttryck för heteronormativa föreställningar där beteenden som avviker från normen ses som rimliga förklaringar till gärningsmännens reaktioner. Gärningsmannens motiv ifrågasätts inte eftersom denne tillhör normen och hans värderingar ses därmed som neutrala. Det finns därför en risk att gärningar som lagstiftaren angivit ska anses mer klandervärda straffas lindrigare istället för svårare.

Även om dessa brott inte följer den typiska mediebilden av hur ett hatbrott ska se ut och gärningsmannens våld delvis kan förklaras av att han utsattes för ett sexuellt närmande ska gärningsmannen straffas svårare om ett motiv för gärningen varit att kränka offret på grund av dennes sexuella läggning. Det är därför viktigt att eventuella hatmotiv uppmärksammas och utreds under förundersökningen samt att åklagaren åberopar sådana motiv och lyfter fram betydelsen av den sexuella läggningen. (Less)
Hate crimes are receiving increasing attention in Sweden and a number of measures have been taken to combat and prevent these crimes. Homo- and bisexual persons are considered a particularly vulnerable group in society and when a perpetrator, motivated by hate or bias, targets a person because of his or her sexual orientation he will receive a greater punishment. At the same time the Supreme Court has ruled, in a case from the middle of the 1990s, that a homosexual advance is considered a relatively severe provocation and therefore the perpetrator received a lesser punishment.

When a homosexual advance has preceded a criminal act the court can rule in three different ways; the defendant’s act can be justified if he acted in... (More)
Hate crimes are receiving increasing attention in Sweden and a number of measures have been taken to combat and prevent these crimes. Homo- and bisexual persons are considered a particularly vulnerable group in society and when a perpetrator, motivated by hate or bias, targets a person because of his or her sexual orientation he will receive a greater punishment. At the same time the Supreme Court has ruled, in a case from the middle of the 1990s, that a homosexual advance is considered a relatively severe provocation and therefore the perpetrator received a lesser punishment.

When a homosexual advance has preceded a criminal act the court can rule in three different ways; the defendant’s act can be justified if he acted in self-defense, the defendant can receive a lesser punishment because he was provoked by the victim’s behavior and the defendant can receive a greater punishment if his act was motivated by hate or bias. The purpose of this essay is to study how the courts argues in these cases and in which way the fact that a homosexual advance preceded the criminal act affects the verdict. When does it result in a lesser punishment? How do the courts argue regarding a possible hate motive? The essay mainly focuses on provocation and hate motives since there are only a few cases where the defendant claimed self-defense. The cases are being analyzed in the view of heteronormativity and a key aspect is if these norms are reflected in the courts rulings.

In the introductory and theoretical part of the essay current law regarding self-defense, provocation and hate crime is presented. In the later part of the essay a more practical approach is applied and this part consists of a case study where 22, mainly lower court, decisions has been processed.

The courts are relatively independent when determining whether the defendant has been provoked or whether a hate motive is present, while the legislator has provided more guidelines regarding the application of self-defense, and therefore there is a risk that other factors, than those that are strictly legal, are taken into account. The most important conclusions I have reached are the following. It appears as if the courts prioritize provocation above hate crimes which results in the court ruling that a hate motive is not present, or that the presence of a possible hate motive is not considered, if the perpetrator has been provoked. The courts are also demonstrating a disinclination to consider circumstances which indicate that the act constitutes a hate crime, such as the perpetrator not providing a credible statement of the events that occurred, the brutality of the act and circumstances indicating that the perpetrator had a previously settled intention to assault the victim. This expresses heteronormativity since behavior which deviates from the norm is considered a reasonable explanation to the perpetrator’s reaction. The motives of the perpetrator are not questioned since he belongs to the norm and his values are considered neutral. Thus, there is a risk that criminal acts which the legislator has determined to be more blameworthy receive a lesser punishment instead of a more severe.

These crimes do not fit the image of the typical hate crime, provided by the media, and the perpetrator’s violence can be partly explained by the fact that he was the subject of a homosexual advance. Still, if the perpetrator was motivated by hate or bias he should received an enhanced penalty. Therefore it is important that possible hate motives are noticed and investigated during the preliminary investigation and that the prosecutor invokes these motives and emphasizes the importance of the victim’s sexual orientation during the trial. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Nilson, Matilda LU
alternative title
Provoked conduct or conduct motivated by hate? - a study of courts' assessment of conducts committed after a homosexual advance
JURM02 20141
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
straffrätt, provokation, hatbrott
date added to LUP
2014-06-12 08:57:04
date last changed
2014-06-12 08:57:04
  abstract     = {{Hate crimes are receiving increasing attention in Sweden and a number of measures have been taken to combat and prevent these crimes. Homo- and bisexual persons are considered a particularly vulnerable group in society and when a perpetrator, motivated by hate or bias, targets a person because of his or her sexual orientation he will receive a greater punishment. At the same time the Supreme Court has ruled, in a case from the middle of the 1990s, that a homosexual advance is considered a relatively severe provocation and therefore the perpetrator received a lesser punishment.

When a homosexual advance has preceded a criminal act the court can rule in three different ways; the defendant’s act can be justified if he acted in self-defense, the defendant can receive a lesser punishment because he was provoked by the victim’s behavior and the defendant can receive a greater punishment if his act was motivated by hate or bias. The purpose of this essay is to study how the courts argues in these cases and in which way the fact that a homosexual advance preceded the criminal act affects the verdict. When does it result in a lesser punishment? How do the courts argue regarding a possible hate motive? The essay mainly focuses on provocation and hate motives since there are only a few cases where the defendant claimed self-defense. The cases are being analyzed in the view of heteronormativity and a key aspect is if these norms are reflected in the courts rulings. 

In the introductory and theoretical part of the essay current law regarding self-defense, provocation and hate crime is presented. In the later part of the essay a more practical approach is applied and this part consists of a case study where 22, mainly lower court, decisions has been processed. 

The courts are relatively independent when determining whether the defendant has been provoked or whether a hate motive is present, while the legislator has provided more guidelines regarding the application of self-defense, and therefore there is a risk that other factors, than those that are strictly legal, are taken into account. The most important conclusions I have reached are the following. It appears as if the courts prioritize provocation above hate crimes which results in the court ruling that a hate motive is not present, or that the presence of a possible hate motive is not considered, if the perpetrator has been provoked. The courts are also demonstrating a disinclination to consider circumstances which indicate that the act constitutes a hate crime, such as the perpetrator not providing a credible statement of the events that occurred, the brutality of the act and circumstances indicating that the perpetrator had a previously settled intention to assault the victim. This expresses heteronormativity since behavior which deviates from the norm is considered a reasonable explanation to the perpetrator’s reaction. The motives of the perpetrator are not questioned since he belongs to the norm and his values are considered neutral. Thus, there is a risk that criminal acts which the legislator has determined to be more blameworthy receive a lesser punishment instead of a more severe. 

These crimes do not fit the image of the typical hate crime, provided by the media, and the perpetrator’s violence can be partly explained by the fact that he was the subject of a homosexual advance. Still, if the perpetrator was motivated by hate or bias he should received an enhanced penalty. Therefore it is important that possible hate motives are noticed and investigated during the preliminary investigation and that the prosecutor invokes these motives and emphasizes the importance of the victim’s sexual orientation during the trial.}},
  author       = {{Nilson, Matilda}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Provocerat agerande eller agerande med bakomliggande hatmotiv? - en studie av domstolars bedömning av gärningar begångna efter ett homosexuellt närmande}},
  year         = {{2014}},