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Kvinnlig könsstympning och manlig omskärelse - en studie av regleringen avseende genitala ingrepp

Vesterlund, Isabelle LU (2014) JURM02 20141
Department of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Hur rättfärdig är icke lagen: den förbjuder såväl den rike
som den fattige att sova under broarna och tigga bröd.

Detta kända citat av författaren Anatole France illustrerar inledningsvis en övergripande del av mitt syfte med denna uppsats. Lagen ska i sin utformning som utgångspunkt vara generell, förutsägbar och lika för alla – ändock drabbar den oundvikligen olika (grupper) av befolkningen på olika sätt. Ibland är det inte lagens utformning som är problemet, utan det faktum att lagstiftningen kommit att tillämpas olika på olika grupper, på grundval av faktorer som inte avsetts eller erkänts.

Regleringen av genitala ingrepp är ett exempel på när lagstiftningen är olikartad till sin utformning på grundval av kön. Kritik har också... (More)
Hur rättfärdig är icke lagen: den förbjuder såväl den rike
som den fattige att sova under broarna och tigga bröd.

Detta kända citat av författaren Anatole France illustrerar inledningsvis en övergripande del av mitt syfte med denna uppsats. Lagen ska i sin utformning som utgångspunkt vara generell, förutsägbar och lika för alla – ändock drabbar den oundvikligen olika (grupper) av befolkningen på olika sätt. Ibland är det inte lagens utformning som är problemet, utan det faktum att lagstiftningen kommit att tillämpas olika på olika grupper, på grundval av faktorer som inte avsetts eller erkänts.

Regleringen av genitala ingrepp är ett exempel på när lagstiftningen är olikartad till sin utformning på grundval av kön. Kritik har också riktats mot att även rättstillämpningen ter sig olikartad utifrån andra aspekter, såsom etnicitet. I Sverige regleras genitala ingrepp på pojkar av rituella orsaker enligt lagen (2001:499) om omskärelse av pojkar (OmskL).2 Genitala ingrepp av rituella orsaker som utförs på flickor och kvinnor är i sin tur straffbelagt enligt lag (1982:316) om förbud mot könsstympning av kvinnor (LFK)3.

Omskärelse av religiösa skäl är således inte straffbelagt men omgärdat av en reglering avseende ingreppets utförande. Omskärelsen ska bland annat ske under tillsyn av legitimerad läkare eller godkänd religiös utövare och att tillräcklig bedövning ges ska säkerställas. 2007 utvärderade dock Socialstyrelsen OmskL och då framkom att många omskärelser fortfarande sker i hemmen och utförs av privatpersoner i icke-steril miljö med marginell smärtlindring eller ingen smärtlindring överhuvudtaget.

I takt med att befolkningsgrupper från främst Etiopien, Eritrea och senare Somalia invandrade till Sverige väcktes frågan om könsstympning på 1970-talet. LFK tillkom år 1982 och är avsedd att motverka rituell könsstympning av kvinnor. Lagen omfattar alla flickor och kvinnor, underåriga samt myndiga, och alla rituella ingrepp på de kvinnliga genitalierna är straffbelagda enligt lagen. Regleringen svarar mot Sveriges internationella åtaganden vad gäller mänskliga rättigheter, barnets rättigheter samt kvinnors och barns hälsa. Regleringen har skärpts fr.o.m. den 1 juli 1998 och fr.o.m. den 1 juli 1999, då lagstiftningen skärptes kraftigt och kriminaliseringen enligt lagen undantogs från principen om kravet på dubbel straffbarhet. Slutligen förlängdes preskriptionstiden år 2009. I april 2014 lades fram en SOU om straffskärpning för ett antal våldsbrott där LFK föreslås ändras på så vis att omständigheter i lagen som kan verka både i straffskärpande och straffmildrande riktning införs.

Uppmärksamheten kring könsstympade kvinnor har varit omfattande, många internationella samt nationella ansträngningar har vidtagits mot ingreppet sedan medvetenheten höjdes på 1970-talet. Omskärelsen av pojkar har inte fått samma uppmärksamhet i debatten eller i lagstiftningen. Detta är dock något som i allt större utsträckning kommit att ändras, allt fler röster höjs mot omskärelse av religiösa skäl. Det är dock bara i ett fåtal länder som reglering av omskärelse existerar. I Sverige är omskärelse numer en omtvistad fråga, kritik har riktats mot ingreppet bl.a. från Barnombudsmannen. Även Läkarförbundet publicerade nyligen en debattartikel på Svenska Dagbladet där man krävde att omskärelse av pojkar endast ska ske när den enskilde är i stånd att ge sitt samtycke. Flera Landsting har också motsatt sig att genomföra ingreppet.

Frågan om barns rättigheter och dessa rättigheters tillvaratagande har blivit en alltmer central del av dagens politik och mål i lagstiftningen. Att regleringen av genitala ingrepp skiljer sig förvånansvärt mycket åt enbart utifrån könstillhörighet, är dock något som inte tagits fasta på i fråga om barnets rättigheter. Debatten kring omskärelse blossar visserligen upp med jämna mellanrum, men splittrade forskningsresultat samt splittrade tolkningar av samma forskningsresultat gör debatten onyanserad och svårbemästrad vad gäller att bedöma argumentens tillförlitlighet.

Debatten och teorierna bakom de genitala ingreppen framstår som komplex. Det handlar om en kombination av flertalet faktorer, såsom medicin, kultur, politik och ideologier, som som flyter in i varandra och som används för att på samma gång legitimera samt misskreditera argument och åtgärder som syftar till helt olika ändamål i förhållande till lagstiftningen. (Less)
The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor
to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread.

This famous quotation by the author Anatole France will serve as an introduction to a major part of the scope of this essay. The law shall in its form be general, foreseeable and applied equably in regard to all citizens – despite this, the law strikes differently in its appliance in regard to different groups of the population. At times it is not the form of the law that is the problem, but rather the fact that the legislation in reality has turned out to be applied differently on the basis of different groups of the population, due to factors that was not originally the purpose with the law or... (More)
The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor
to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread.

This famous quotation by the author Anatole France will serve as an introduction to a major part of the scope of this essay. The law shall in its form be general, foreseeable and applied equably in regard to all citizens – despite this, the law strikes differently in its appliance in regard to different groups of the population. At times it is not the form of the law that is the problem, but rather the fact that the legislation in reality has turned out to be applied differently on the basis of different groups of the population, due to factors that was not originally the purpose with the law or factors that has not yet been recognized.

The regulation concerning genital procedures is an example of where the law is constructed differently based on gender. Furthermore, the application of the law has been accused of taking into consideration other aspects in addition to sex, such as ethnicity. Genital procedures performed on boys are regulated by the law of circumcision of boys (SFS 2001:499). Genital procedures performed on girls and women based on ritual grounds is criminalized by the law of prohibition of female genital mutilation (SFS 1982:316).

Thus, circumcision on religious grounds is not ciriminalized but regulated in its conduction. Circumcisions must be performed by a physician with medical licensure or an approved jewish mohel (a man that traditionally has performed circumcisions within the jewish community). Sufficient anesthesia must be provided.

As populations from mainly Ethiopia, Eritrea and eventually Somalia immigrated to Sweden, the topic of female genital mutilation arose in Sweden in the 1970's. The law of prohibition of female genital mutilation was adopted in 1982 and the aim is to prevent female genital mutilation. The law applies to both underage girls and women, and all ritual surgical procedures performed on the female genitals are criminalized by this law. The regulation is a response to the international treaties concerning human rights, childrens' rights and women and childrens' health. There has been an increase in the severity of the penalties as from the 1st of july 1998 and the 1st of july 1999, when double criminality was adopted. Ultimately the statues of limitations was prolonged in 2009. In april 2014 a public review was presented which suggested that several penalties concerning crimes' of violence should be increased, including female genital mutilation. New prerequisites are suggested to be adopted that will enable both an increase in the severity of the penalty and a mitigation of the sentence.

The attentiveness regarding women that has been subjected to genital mutilation has been extensive and several international and national efforts has been made to prevent the custom since the awareness rose in the 1970's. Circumcision of boys has not been subjected to the same amount of attention in the debate or in legislation, though seemingly this is about to change. However only a few countries have applied legislation in regard to the procedure. Circumcision is a debated topic in Sweden at present date. Among others, the government appointee who investigates discrimination concerning children, have criticized the procedure. The Medical Association of Sweden has also condemned circumcision recently, in an article published in the newspaper Svenska Dagbladet, demanding that circumcision of boys should only be allowed when the boy in question is old enough to give his free and concious consent. Several county councils have also refused to perform the procedure at regional hospitals.

The attention concerning childrens' rights in general has arisen as a central part of politics and scopes of legislation. The fact that the regulation concerning genital procedures is notably different solely because of gender, is a topic that has not been paid much attention to in reference to child advocacy. The debate is, for certain, the center of attention occasionally. However, scientists are in disagreement with each other regarding the results of scientific studies and the interpretation of these. The debate therefore appear somewhat unbalanced and there are difficulties assessing the reliability of the arguments.

The theories and explanations encopasing the genital procedures and the attending discourses appears to be quite complex. A combination of factors; such as medicine, culture, politics, and ideologies, blends together creating different arguments concerning legislation. These arguments are utilized to both legitimize and discredit arguments and efforts that essentially have different scopes. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Vesterlund, Isabelle LU
alternative title
Female genital cutting and male circumcision - a study of the legislation regarding genital procedures
JURM02 20141
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
date added to LUP
2017-06-02 16:36:29
date last changed
2017-06-02 16:36:29
  abstract     = {{The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor 
to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread.

This famous quotation by the author Anatole France will serve as an introduction to a major part of the scope of this essay. The law shall in its form be general, foreseeable and applied equably in regard to all citizens – despite this, the law strikes differently in its appliance in regard to different groups of the population. At times it is not the form of the law that is the problem, but rather the fact that the legislation in reality has turned out to be applied differently on the basis of different groups of the population, due to factors that was not originally the purpose with the law or factors that has not yet been recognized.

The regulation concerning genital procedures is an example of where the law is constructed differently based on gender. Furthermore, the application of the law has been accused of taking into consideration other aspects in addition to sex, such as ethnicity. Genital procedures performed on boys are regulated by the law of circumcision of boys (SFS 2001:499). Genital procedures performed on girls and women based on ritual grounds is criminalized by the law of prohibition of female genital mutilation (SFS 1982:316).

Thus, circumcision on religious grounds is not ciriminalized but regulated in its conduction. Circumcisions must be performed by a physician with medical licensure or an approved jewish mohel (a man that traditionally has performed circumcisions within the jewish community). Sufficient anesthesia must be provided. 

As populations from mainly Ethiopia, Eritrea and eventually Somalia immigrated to Sweden, the topic of female genital mutilation arose in Sweden in the 1970's. The law of prohibition of female genital mutilation was adopted in 1982 and the aim is to prevent female genital mutilation. The law applies to both underage girls and women, and all ritual surgical procedures performed on the female genitals are criminalized by this law. The regulation is a response to the international treaties concerning human rights, childrens' rights and women and childrens' health. There has been an increase in the severity of the penalties as from the 1st of july 1998 and the 1st of july 1999, when double criminality was adopted. Ultimately the statues of limitations was prolonged in 2009. In april 2014 a public review was presented which suggested that several penalties concerning crimes' of violence should be increased, including female genital mutilation. New prerequisites are suggested to be adopted that will enable both an increase in the severity of the penalty and a mitigation of the sentence.

The attentiveness regarding women that has been subjected to genital mutilation has been extensive and several international and national efforts has been made to prevent the custom since the awareness rose in the 1970's. Circumcision of boys has not been subjected to the same amount of attention in the debate or in legislation, though seemingly this is about to change. However only a few countries have applied legislation in regard to the procedure. Circumcision is a debated topic in Sweden at present date. Among others, the government appointee who investigates discrimination concerning children, have criticized the procedure. The Medical Association of Sweden has also condemned circumcision recently, in an article published in the newspaper Svenska Dagbladet, demanding that circumcision of boys should only be allowed when the boy in question is old enough to give his free and concious consent. Several county councils have also refused to perform the procedure at regional hospitals.

The attention concerning childrens' rights in general has arisen as a central part of politics and scopes of legislation. The fact that the regulation concerning genital procedures is notably different solely because of gender, is a topic that has not been paid much attention to in reference to child advocacy. The debate is, for certain, the center of attention occasionally. However, scientists are in disagreement with each other regarding the results of scientific studies and the interpretation of these. The debate therefore appear somewhat unbalanced and there are difficulties assessing the reliability of the arguments. 

The theories and explanations encopasing the genital procedures and the attending discourses appears to be quite complex. A combination of factors; such as medicine, culture, politics, and ideologies, blends together creating different arguments concerning legislation. These arguments are utilized to both legitimize and discredit arguments and efforts that essentially have different scopes.}},
  author       = {{Vesterlund, Isabelle}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Kvinnlig könsstympning och manlig omskärelse - en studie av regleringen avseende genitala ingrepp}},
  year         = {{2014}},