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Straffbudet mened - Föreligger det med hänsyn till dess skyddsintressen ett behov av att utvidga dess tillämpningsområde?

Tügel, Alparslan LU (2014) JURM01 20141
Department of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
För det fall ett straffbuds tillämpningsområde inte omfattar gärningstyper som kan skada dess skyddsintressen, föreligger det p.g.a. avsaknaden av lagens straffhot, en förhöjd risk för att viktiga enskilda, allmänna och/eller statliga intressen utsätts för kränkningar. Det faktum att ett straffbud inte omfattar handlingar som kan skada dess skyddsintressen, är dock inte tillräckligt för att det ska vara befogat att utvidga dess tillämpningsområde. Kriminalisering är en ingripande samhällsåtgärd, varför ett flertal kriterier måste vara uppfyllda för att dess användande ska vara befogat. I uppsatsen undersöks om straffbudet mened (15:1 BrB) bereder ett tillräckligt skydd mot gärningstyper som kan skada dess skyddsintressen. Vidare undersöks... (More)
För det fall ett straffbuds tillämpningsområde inte omfattar gärningstyper som kan skada dess skyddsintressen, föreligger det p.g.a. avsaknaden av lagens straffhot, en förhöjd risk för att viktiga enskilda, allmänna och/eller statliga intressen utsätts för kränkningar. Det faktum att ett straffbud inte omfattar handlingar som kan skada dess skyddsintressen, är dock inte tillräckligt för att det ska vara befogat att utvidga dess tillämpningsområde. Kriminalisering är en ingripande samhällsåtgärd, varför ett flertal kriterier måste vara uppfyllda för att dess användande ska vara befogat. I uppsatsen undersöks om straffbudet mened (15:1 BrB) bereder ett tillräckligt skydd mot gärningstyper som kan skada dess skyddsintressen. Vidare undersöks om det skulle framstå som befogat att utvidga dess tillämpningsområde, i syfte att bereda dess skyddsintressen ett förstärkt skydd.

Menedsbrottets förarbeten, SOU 1944:69 och prop. 1948:80, behandlar frågan om vad som är dess skyddsintressen i allmänna ordalag. En rättshistorisk undersökning av lagstiftarens syn på brottets skyddsintressen möjliggör säkrare slutsatser om hur lagstiftaren uppfattat dem inom ramen för nämnda motiv. En undersökning av motivuttalanden till belysande av brottets skyddsintressen tillkomna efter år 1948 gör det vidare möjligt att avgöra om lagstiftarens syn på brottets skyddsintressen förändrats sedan år 1948. I uppsatsen konkluderas vid en sammantagen bedömning att brottets skyddsintressen är: statens judiciella funktion, varmed avses statens intresse av att domstolarna fattar materiellt riktiga domar och beslut; publica fides, varmed avses intresset av att det råder allmän tillit till inför domstol avgivna utsagors sanningsenlighet, samt de enskilda parternas rättssäkerhet, varmed avses intresset av att parterna inte lider obefogade rättsförluster.

För att ansvar för mened ska komma i fråga fordras i objektivt hänseende dels avläggande av laga ed, samt dels lämnande av osann uppgift eller förtigande av sanningen. I subjektivt hänseende krävs uppsåt, den som handlat grovt oaktsamt kan dock straffas jämte 15:3 BrB. Menedsbrottet är fullbordat när förhöret är avslutat i dess helhet. I 15:4 BrB föreskrivs ansvarsfrihet från mened under vissa omständigheter.

I uppsatsen konkluderas att menedsbrottet enligt sin nuvarande utformning inte omfattar två gärningstyper som var och en dels kan skada brottets skyddsintressen, och dels skulle framstå som befogade att kriminalisera. Det sagda avser för det första osanna utsagor som avgetts av ett vittne som är närstående till tilltalad i brottmål. För det andra avser det subjektiv mened, d.v.s. då ett vittne lämnat en subjektivt osann men objektivt sann utsaga. I uppsatsen konkluderas vidare att osanna utsagor som avgetts p.g.a. oaktsamhet kan skada brottets skyddsintressen, men att de inte skulle framstå som befogade att kriminalisera. I uppsatsen konkluderas även att utsagor som varit utan betydelse för saken inte kan orsaka skada på brottets skyddsintressen, varför det inte finns anledning att inskränka utrymmet för ansvarsfrihet jämte 15:4 BrB. Slutligen konkluderas att det inte finns skäl att tidigarelägga brottets fullbordandetidpunkt. (Less)
In case the scope of a criminal provision does not include acts that can harm its legal goods, there is due to the absence of the threat of punishment, an increased risk that important individual, general and/or state interests are subjected to violations. However, the fact that a criminal provision does not include acts that can harm its legal goods is not sufficient to justify the expansion of its scope. Criminalization constitutes an intrusive measure; therefore several criteria must be fulfilled in order for its use to be justified. This essay examines whether the perjury statute (chap. 15, sec. 1 of the Penal Code) offers an adequate protection against acts that can harm its legal goods. Furthermore, it examines if it would be... (More)
In case the scope of a criminal provision does not include acts that can harm its legal goods, there is due to the absence of the threat of punishment, an increased risk that important individual, general and/or state interests are subjected to violations. However, the fact that a criminal provision does not include acts that can harm its legal goods is not sufficient to justify the expansion of its scope. Criminalization constitutes an intrusive measure; therefore several criteria must be fulfilled in order for its use to be justified. This essay examines whether the perjury statute (chap. 15, sec. 1 of the Penal Code) offers an adequate protection against acts that can harm its legal goods. Furthermore, it examines if it would be justified to expand its scope, in order to provide an enhanced protection for its legal goods.

The preparatory works of the perjury statute, SOU 1944:69 and prop. 1948:80, address the question of what the legal goods of the statute are in general terms. A legal historical review of the legislatures view on the legal goods of the provision, allows for more certain conclusions regarding how the legislature perceived them in the aforementioned preparatory works. Furthermore, a review of statements made in preparatory works originating from after the year of 1948, allows for conclusions to be drawn on whether the legislatures understanding of the legal goods of the provision has changed since 1948. This essay concludes, after a comprehensive assessment, that the legal goods of the perjury statute are: the judicial function of the state, i.e. the state interest that the courts reach materially correct judgments and decisions; publica fides, i.e. the interest that there is general trust in the truthfulness of statements made before the courts; and the legal security of the parties to the case, i.e. the interest that the parties do not suffer unjustified legal losses.

The actus reus of perjury is committed when a person under legal oath gives untrue information or withholds the truth. The mens rea of the crime is intention, however a person whom has acted out of gross negligence can be held responsible pursuant to chap. 15, sec. 3 of the Penal Code. The crime of perjury is completed when the hearing is completed in its entirety. Chap. 15, sec. 4 provides for freedom from liability under certain circumstances.

The essay concludes that the crime of perjury does not include two acts that respectively can harm its legal goods, and be justifiably criminalized. Firstly, this applies to untrue statements given by witnesses whom are in a close relationship to the defendant. Secondly, it applies to subjective perjury, i.e. when a witness gives a statement which is subjectively untrue but objectively true. The essay further concludes that untrue statements given by negligence can harm the legal goods of the provision, but that it would not be justified to criminalize such acts. The essay also concludes that immaterial statements cannot harm the legal goods of the provision; hence there is no ground to decrease the freedom from liability pursuant to chap. 15, sec. 4 of the Penal Code. Finally, it is concluded that there is no reason to bring forward the time of competition of the crime. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Tügel, Alparslan LU
alternative title
The crime of perjury - Is there with regard to its legal goods reason to enhance its scope?
JURM01 20141
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
Straffrätt, brott, mened, ed, skyddsintresse, kriminalisering, utsaga, sanning, osanning
date added to LUP
2014-07-01 07:14:14
date last changed
2014-07-01 07:14:14
  abstract     = {{In case the scope of a criminal provision does not include acts that can harm its legal goods, there is due to the absence of the threat of punishment, an increased risk that important individual, general and/or state interests are subjected to violations. However, the fact that a criminal provision does not include acts that can harm its legal goods is not sufficient to justify the expansion of its scope. Criminalization constitutes an intrusive measure; therefore several criteria must be fulfilled in order for its use to be justified. This essay examines whether the perjury statute (chap. 15, sec. 1 of the Penal Code) offers an adequate protection against acts that can harm its legal goods. Furthermore, it examines if it would be justified to expand its scope, in order to provide an enhanced protection for its legal goods.

The preparatory works of the perjury statute, SOU 1944:69 and prop. 1948:80, address the question of what the legal goods of the statute are in general terms. A legal historical review of the legislatures view on the legal goods of the provision, allows for more certain conclusions regarding how the legislature perceived them in the aforementioned preparatory works. Furthermore, a review of statements made in preparatory works originating from after the year of 1948, allows for conclusions to be drawn on whether the legislatures understanding of the legal goods of the provision has changed since 1948. This essay concludes, after a comprehensive assessment, that the legal goods of the perjury statute are: the judicial function of the state, i.e. the state interest that the courts reach materially correct judgments and decisions; publica fides, i.e. the interest that there is general trust in the truthfulness of statements made before the courts; and the legal security of the parties to the case, i.e. the interest that the parties do not suffer unjustified legal losses.

The actus reus of perjury is committed when a person under legal oath gives untrue information or withholds the truth. The mens rea of the crime is intention, however a person whom has acted out of gross negligence can be held responsible pursuant to chap. 15, sec. 3 of the Penal Code. The crime of perjury is completed when the hearing is completed in its entirety. Chap. 15, sec. 4 provides for freedom from liability under certain circumstances.

The essay concludes that the crime of perjury does not include two acts that respectively can harm its legal goods, and be justifiably criminalized. Firstly, this applies to untrue statements given by witnesses whom are in a close relationship to the defendant. Secondly, it applies to subjective perjury, i.e. when a witness gives a statement which is subjectively untrue but objectively true. The essay further concludes that untrue statements given by negligence can harm the legal goods of the provision, but that it would not be justified to criminalize such acts. The essay also concludes that immaterial statements cannot harm the legal goods of the provision; hence there is no ground to decrease the freedom from liability pursuant to chap. 15, sec. 4 of the Penal Code. Finally, it is concluded that there is no reason to bring forward the time of competition of the crime.}},
  author       = {{Tügel, Alparslan}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Straffbudet mened - Föreligger det med hänsyn till dess skyddsintressen ett behov av att utvidga dess tillämpningsområde?}},
  year         = {{2014}},