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LUP Student Papers


Vår barnaskara - Ett arbete om social adekvans och barns rättigheter

Algotsson, Emma LU (2014) JURM02 20141
Department of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Våld mot barn förekommer världen över trots uttryckliga förbud. I barnkonventionens artikel 19 stadgas ett förbud mot fysiskt och psykiskt våld, konventionsstaterna ska vidta alla lämpliga lagstiftnings-, administrativa och sociala åtgärder samt åtgärder i utbildningssyfte för att skydda barnet. I artikel 23 (4) uppmanas konventionsstater att avskaffa skadliga sedvänjor vilka kan ha negativ effekt på barns hälsa, i artikel 28 (2) uppmanas konventionsstater att upprätthålla disciplin i skolan men med respekt för barns mänskliga värde. Syftet med barnkonventionen är tydligt, barn är individer med fri-och rättigheter precis som vuxna och dessa ska respekteras och följas i alla sammanhang.

För att ett handlande ska betraktas som brottsligt... (More)
Våld mot barn förekommer världen över trots uttryckliga förbud. I barnkonventionens artikel 19 stadgas ett förbud mot fysiskt och psykiskt våld, konventionsstaterna ska vidta alla lämpliga lagstiftnings-, administrativa och sociala åtgärder samt åtgärder i utbildningssyfte för att skydda barnet. I artikel 23 (4) uppmanas konventionsstater att avskaffa skadliga sedvänjor vilka kan ha negativ effekt på barns hälsa, i artikel 28 (2) uppmanas konventionsstater att upprätthålla disciplin i skolan men med respekt för barns mänskliga värde. Syftet med barnkonventionen är tydligt, barn är individer med fri-och rättigheter precis som vuxna och dessa ska respekteras och följas i alla sammanhang.

För att ett handlande ska betraktas som brottsligt förutsätts att gärningen uppfyller givna rekvisit, dels rekvisit för en otillåten gärning och dels rekvisit för personligt ansvar. För att en otillåten gärning ska anses begången förutsätts att gärningen är brottsbeskrivsenlig och inte kan göras ansvarsfri på grund av rättfärdigande omständigheter. Vid bedömningen av avsaknad av rättfärdigande omständigheter finns en oskriven regel som kallas social adekvans. Denna oskrivna ansvarsfrihetsgrund fungerar som en säkerhetsventil när andra mer etablerade ansvarsfrihetsgrunder inte räcker till, men där det vore orimligt att utkräva ett straffrättsligt ansvar. Det handlar således om intressekollisioner där ett annat intresse får företrädde framför det straffvärda.

I uppsatsen utreds begreppet social adekvans. Två typfall behandlas utifrån omskärelse av pojkar och lärares rätt att använda våld mot elever. Syftet är att undersöka argumenten bakom ett social adekvat handlande. Vilka intressen ansåg domstolen motivera ansvarsfrihet? Uppsatsen har ett barnrättsperspektiv och tanken är att undersöka hur barns rättigheter har tillgodosetts eller om barns rättigheter bör förstärkas ytterligare vid värderingen av socialadekvata handlingar.

Omskärelse och lärares rätt att använda visst våld har i praxis motiverats genom religion och vikten av att upprätthålla ordning i skolan. I uppsatsen analyseras sju rättsfall från samtliga tre instanser. I ett av dessa fall uttrycks barns rätt till kroppslig integritet och hälsa uttryckligen. I övrigt lyser ett uttryckligt stöd för barns rättigheter med sin frånvaro.

Vad som konstateras är att barns rätt bör ges större utrymme vid bedömningen av socialadekvata handlingar, nuvarande reglering om omskärelse kan anses strida mot barnkonventionen som sådan då ett rådgivande organ till FN uttryckligen angivit omskärelse som en skadlig sedvänja.

När det gäller lärares våld mot elever tycks detta ingripande dels stå mot våldsförbudet som sådan men också mot vad barnkonventionen uttalat om disciplin i skolan. Andra intressen som berör barns rätt bör också tas med i bedömningen däribland skydd mot diskriminering och rätten att komma till tals.

Tryggare kan ingen vara än vår barnaskara, men var finns trygghet när våld är verklighet? (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Violence against children occurs worldwide despite explicit prohibitions. In Article 19 in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child there is a prohibition against physical and psychological violence towards children. States shall take all appropriate legislative, administrative, social and educational measures to protect the child.

According to Article 23 (4) the convention states that parties should abolish harmful practices that can have negative effects on children's health.

In article 28 (2) states shall maintain discipline in the school, but with respect for the child's human dignity and in conformity with the present Convention. The purpose of the Convention is clear, children are individuals with rights and... (More)
Violence against children occurs worldwide despite explicit prohibitions. In Article 19 in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child there is a prohibition against physical and psychological violence towards children. States shall take all appropriate legislative, administrative, social and educational measures to protect the child.

According to Article 23 (4) the convention states that parties should abolish harmful practices that can have negative effects on children's health.

In article 28 (2) states shall maintain discipline in the school, but with respect for the child's human dignity and in conformity with the present Convention. The purpose of the Convention is clear, children are individuals with rights and freedoms as adults, and these should be respected and followed in all circumstances.

For an act to be considered as a criminal offense it has to fulfil certain necessary conditions. It has to be an unlawful act and the offender has to have personal responsibility. For the act to be unlawful the crime has to be described in the law and it can not be justified by circumstances such as self- defence or social adequacy. Social adequacy is an unwritten rule that justifies acts that are socially accepted in society. Sports and games, and medical operations are examples.

This paper investigated the concept of social adequacy. Two typical cases will be described, circumcision of boys and teachers' right to use force against students. The aim is to examine the arguments behind the courts assessment of social adequate behaviour. How does the court value the different interests. The essay has a child rights perspective and the idea is to examine how the court has met children’s rights, and if the rights of children should be further strengthened.

Circumcision has been motivated by religion and teachers right to use violence is motivated due to the importance of maintaining order in the school. This paper evaluates seven cases, in only one of these cases children’s rights is expressed. In the other cases the court barely mentions children´s rights.

This essay reach the conclusion that children's rights should be given more space in the judging procedure when it comes to social adequacy. The current regulation of circumcision may be considered as a violation of the Convection of the rights of the child. A recent report done by The International NGO Council expressly names circumcision as a harmful practice.

Regarding teachers' violence against students it seems to interfere with article 19 and 28 (2) discipline in school. Other interests that also should be considered are for example, protection against discrimination in article 2 and the child’s right to express their one view freely in all matters affecting the child in article 12.

Every child should have the right to a safe childhood no one should be exposed to violence. We have to take children’s rights seriously and make their voice matter. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Algotsson, Emma LU
alternative title
Our Children
JURM02 20141
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
Social adekvas, Barns rättigheter, Barnkonventionen, religion, våld mot elev, barns bästa
date added to LUP
2014-09-03 07:37:48
date last changed
2014-09-03 07:37:48
  abstract     = {{Violence against children occurs worldwide despite explicit prohibitions. In Article 19 in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child there is a prohibition against physical and psychological violence towards children. States shall take all appropriate legislative, administrative, social and educational measures to protect the child. 

According to Article 23 (4) the convention states that parties should abolish harmful practices that can have negative effects on children's health.

In article 28 (2) states shall maintain discipline in the school, but with respect for the child's human dignity and in conformity with the present Convention. The purpose of the Convention is clear, children are individuals with rights and freedoms as adults, and these should be respected and followed in all circumstances. 

For an act to be considered as a criminal offense it has to fulfil certain necessary conditions. It has to be an unlawful act and the offender has to have personal responsibility. For the act to be unlawful the crime has to be described in the law and it can not be justified by circumstances such as self- defence or social adequacy. Social adequacy is an unwritten rule that justifies acts that are socially accepted in society. Sports and games, and medical operations are examples. 

This paper investigated the concept of social adequacy. Two typical cases will be described, circumcision of boys and teachers' right to use force against students. The aim is to examine the arguments behind the courts assessment of social adequate behaviour. How does the court value the different interests. The essay has a child rights perspective and the idea is to examine how the court has met children’s rights, and if the rights of children should be further strengthened.

Circumcision has been motivated by religion and teachers right to use violence is motivated due to the importance of maintaining order in the school. This paper evaluates seven cases, in only one of these cases children’s rights is expressed. In the other cases the court barely mentions children´s rights.

This essay reach the conclusion that children's rights should be given more space in the judging procedure when it comes to social adequacy. The current regulation of circumcision may be considered as a violation of the Convection of the rights of the child. A recent report done by The International NGO Council expressly names circumcision as a harmful practice. 

Regarding teachers' violence against students it seems to interfere with article 19 and 28 (2) discipline in school. Other interests that also should be considered are for example, protection against discrimination in article 2 and the child’s right to express their one view freely in all matters affecting the child in article 12.

Every child should have the right to a safe childhood no one should be exposed to violence. We have to take children’s rights seriously and make their voice matter.}},
  author       = {{Algotsson, Emma}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Vår barnaskara - Ett arbete om social adekvans och barns rättigheter}},
  year         = {{2014}},