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Barnets rätt till psykiatrisk OCH psykologisk vård när vårdnadshavare inte når konsensus

Von Gertten Stenberg, Isabelle LU (2014) LAGM01 20142
Department of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Föreliggande uppsats är ett examensarbete på juristprogrammet. Uppsatsen är skriven inom området familjerätt och avser att belysa problematiken av beslutanderättens utformning vid gemensam vårdnad. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka bestämmelsen i 6 kap. 13 a § första punkten FB och hur paragrafen förhåller sig till när vårdnadshavare inte kan nå konsensus

Enligt svensk vårdnadslagstiftning är det till barnets bästa att vårdnadshavare innehar gemensam vårdnad samt att alla beslut rörande barnet skall tas gemensamt av föräldrarna. Tingsrätten kan idag besluta om gemensam vårdnad trots att det är emot en förälders vilja. Vid beslut från tingsrätten om gemensam vårdnad mot en förälders vilja skall full konsensus gälla, detta kan... (More)
Föreliggande uppsats är ett examensarbete på juristprogrammet. Uppsatsen är skriven inom området familjerätt och avser att belysa problematiken av beslutanderättens utformning vid gemensam vårdnad. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka bestämmelsen i 6 kap. 13 a § första punkten FB och hur paragrafen förhåller sig till när vårdnadshavare inte kan nå konsensus

Enligt svensk vårdnadslagstiftning är det till barnets bästa att vårdnadshavare innehar gemensam vårdnad samt att alla beslut rörande barnet skall tas gemensamt av föräldrarna. Tingsrätten kan idag besluta om gemensam vårdnad trots att det är emot en förälders vilja. Vid beslut från tingsrätten om gemensam vårdnad mot en förälders vilja skall full konsensus gälla, detta kan medföra negativa konsekvenser för barnet och föräldrarna. Emellertid anser lagstiftaren att den gemensamma beslutanderätten skall kvarstå och det strikta konsensuskravet är fortfarande lika starkt. Föräldrar som inte har valt att leva tillsammans men likväl har gemensam vårdnad kan detta medföra problem för. Uppstår oenighet gällande sakfrågor har tingsrätten ingen befogenhet att lösa dessa oenigheter. Domstolar har endast möjlighet att lösa oenigheter inom den gemensamma vårdnaden rörande vårdnad, boende och umgänge. Vårdnadshavare som inte kan enas skapar negativa effekter för barnet gällande barnets rätt till hälso- och sjukvården. Situationen skapar en status quo och lagstiftaren valde att motverka detta med inrättandet av 6 kap. 13 a § FB, den 1 maj 2012. Bestämmelsen innebär en möjlighet för socialnämnden att besluta gällande psykiatrisk eller psykologisk vård som skall kunna vidtas om en av vårdnadshavarna motsätter sig åtgärden och det krävs med hänsyn till barnets bästa. Bestämmelsen i 6 kap. 13 § FB innebär en inskränkning av det strikta konsensuskravet

I vår nya hälso- och sjukvårdslagstiftning, patientlagen, synliggörs barnet som patient i vården. Patientlagen innehåller ett flertal särbestämmelser om barn. Sjukvårdspersonalen skall göra bedömningen vad som är barnets bästa i det enskilda fallet med hänsyn taget till vad barnet själv ger uttryck för. I förarbeten till lagstiftningen betonas att i takt med att barnet blir äldre och mognare kommer han eller hon ensam inneha en självbestämmanderätt som rör personliga angelägenheter. Patientlagen är intressant ur synvinkeln att den enligt min mening inskränker vårdnadshavares bestämmanderätt.

Uppsatsen behandlar även ett antal avgöranden från förvaltningsrätterna och ett från kammarrätten. De presenterade avgörandena behandlar bestämmelsen i 6 kap. 13 a § första punkten föräldrabalken. Utslagen är tänkta att visa på hur domstolarna resonerar kring inskränkningen av vårdnadshavarnas bestämmanderätt i förhållande till barnets rätt till psykiatrisk eller psykologisk vård.

I analysen konstaterats det att en inskränkning av vårdnadshavares gemensamma bestämmanderätt har skett. Lagstiftaren har länge utgått från att vårdnadshavare alltid vet vad som är deras barns bästa och kan sätta barnets intresse framför sina egna. Det är en idealisk utgångspunkt på föräldraskapet men som tyvärr inte alltid stämmer överens med verkligheten. Sammanfattningsvis anser jag att regleringen i 6 kap. 13 a § FB likväl som regleringen i patientlagen utgör ett steg i rätt riktning för förtydligande av barnperspektivet i svensk lagstiftning. Emellertid valde lagstiftaren att inte inkludera somatisk vård i ovan presenterade bestämmelse. Vårdnadshavare som inte kan enas gällande somatisk sjukvård skapar fortfarande problem för barnet och min förhoppning är att inrättandet av patientlagen skall motverka detta. (Less)
The present essay is an examination paper for a degree of Master of Law. The essay is written in the area of family law and intends to highlight the problem of decision-making for joint custody. The purpose of this paper is to examine the provision in Chapter 6. 13 a § first point FB and how it relates to when the guardians can not reach consensus.

According to Swedish custody laws, it is the best for the child that guardians holds joint custody and that all decisions concerning the child shall be taken jointly by the parents. The district court can today decide on joint custody even though it is against a parent's will. That complete consensus must exist between guardians and that joint custody is decided against a parent's will have... (More)
The present essay is an examination paper for a degree of Master of Law. The essay is written in the area of family law and intends to highlight the problem of decision-making for joint custody. The purpose of this paper is to examine the provision in Chapter 6. 13 a § first point FB and how it relates to when the guardians can not reach consensus.

According to Swedish custody laws, it is the best for the child that guardians holds joint custody and that all decisions concerning the child shall be taken jointly by the parents. The district court can today decide on joint custody even though it is against a parent's will. That complete consensus must exist between guardians and that joint custody is decided against a parent's will have consequences for the child and the parents. However, the legislator considers the joint decision-making authority shall remain and the strict consensus requirement is still as strong. This may create problems for parents who have chosen not to live together but still have joint custody. When there are disagreements regarding matter of facts, the district court has no power to solve these. Courts are only able to resolve disagreements within the joint custody concerning custody, residence and contact. Guardians who fail to reach agreement create adverse effects for the child regarding the child's right to health care. This situation creates a status quo and the legislature has chosen to counter this with the establishment of Chapter 6. 13 a § FB on 1 May 2012. The provision represents an opportunity for the social welfare committee to decide regarding psychiatric or psychological care must be taken if one of the guardians opposes the measure, and it is required taking into account the child's best interests. The provision in Chapter 6. 13 § FB results in a reduction of the strict consensus requirement.

In our new healthcare law, the Patient Act, the child is made visible as a patient in healthcare. The Patient Act contains a number of special rules relating to children. The medical staff must advise what is the best interest of the child of the individual case taking into account what the child itself expresses. The preparatory works to the law emphasizes that as the child gets older and more mature, he or she alone hold a self-determination concerning personal matters. The Patient Act is interesting from the point of view that it in my opinion confines guardian discretion.

The essay also addresses a number of rulings by the administrative courts and one of Appeal. The presented finding deals with the provision in Chapter 6. 13 a § first point Parental Code. The rulings are intended to show the courts reasoning on the restriction of the guardians discretion in relation to the child's right to psychiatric or psychological healthcare.

The analysis found that a restriction of joint guardian discretion has occurred. The legislature has long assumed that the guardians always know what their child’s best are and that they can put the child's interests above their own. This is an ideal starting on parenting, but is unfortunately not always true. Overall, I believe that the rules in Chapter 6. 13 a § FB as well as the regulation of the Patient Act represents a step in the right direction for clarification of the child's perspective in the Swedish legislation. However, the legislature chose not to include somatic healthcare in the provision presented above. Guardians who fail to reach agreement regarding physical health care continue to create problems for the child and my hope is that the Patient Act shall counteract this. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Von Gertten Stenberg, Isabelle LU
alternative title
The child's right to psychiatric and psychological care when guardians do not reach consensus
LAGM01 20142
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
date added to LUP
2015-04-21 14:37:56
date last changed
2015-04-21 14:37:56
  abstract     = {{The present essay is an examination paper for a degree of Master of Law. The essay is written in the area of family law and intends to highlight the problem of decision-making for joint custody. The purpose of this paper is to examine the provision in Chapter 6. 13 a § first point FB and how it relates to when the guardians can not reach consensus. 

According to Swedish custody laws, it is the best for the child that guardians holds joint custody and that all decisions concerning the child shall be taken jointly by the parents. The district court can today decide on joint custody even though it is against a parent's will. That complete consensus must exist between guardians and that joint custody is decided against a parent's will have consequences for the child and the parents. However, the legislator considers the joint decision-making authority shall remain and the strict consensus requirement is still as strong. This may create problems for parents who have chosen not to live together but still have joint custody. When there are disagreements regarding matter of facts, the district court has no power to solve these. Courts are only able to resolve disagreements within the joint custody concerning custody, residence and contact. Guardians who fail to reach agreement create adverse effects for the child regarding the child's right to health care. This situation creates a status quo and the legislature has chosen to counter this with the establishment of Chapter 6. 13 a § FB on 1 May 2012. The provision represents an opportunity for the social welfare committee to decide regarding psychiatric or psychological care must be taken if one of the guardians opposes the measure, and it is required taking into account the child's best interests. The provision in Chapter 6. 13 § FB results in a reduction of the strict consensus requirement. 

In our new healthcare law, the Patient Act, the child is made visible as a patient in healthcare. The Patient Act contains a number of special rules relating to children. The medical staff must advise what is the best interest of the child of the individual case taking into account what the child itself expresses. The preparatory works to the law emphasizes that as the child gets older and more mature, he or she alone hold a self-determination concerning personal matters. The Patient Act is interesting from the point of view that it in my opinion confines guardian discretion.

The essay also addresses a number of rulings by the administrative courts and one of Appeal. The presented finding deals with the provision in Chapter 6. 13 a § first point Parental Code. The rulings are intended to show the courts reasoning on the restriction of the guardians discretion in relation to the child's right to psychiatric or psychological healthcare.

The analysis found that a restriction of joint guardian discretion has occurred. The legislature has long assumed that the guardians always know what their child’s best are and that they can put the child's interests above their own. This is an ideal starting on parenting, but is unfortunately not always true. Overall, I believe that the rules in Chapter 6. 13 a § FB as well as the regulation of the Patient Act represents a step in the right direction for clarification of the child's perspective in the Swedish legislation. However, the legislature chose not to include somatic healthcare in the provision presented above. Guardians who fail to reach agreement regarding physical health care continue to create problems for the child and my hope is that the Patient Act shall counteract this.}},
  author       = {{Von Gertten Stenberg, Isabelle}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Barnets rätt till psykiatrisk OCH psykologisk vård när vårdnadshavare inte når konsensus}},
  year         = {{2014}},