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Avtalad rätt att slutfakturera utan skyldighet att slutprestera? -Några civilrättsliga utgångspunkter

Högh, Tommy LU (2014) LAGM01 20142
Department of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Avtal kan, med vissa undantag, omfatta i stort sett vad som helst. Varje dag ingås enormt många avtal och den vanligaste typen av avtal torde vara rena köpeavtal. Trots att denna typ av avtal generellt sett har ett liknande innehåll och ändamål, d.v.s. parterna avtalar i regel om en naturaprestation och en penningprestation, kan avtalens utformning variera. Detta inkluderar givetvis de påföljder som kan aktualiseras vid endera parts avtalsbrott.

Även själva lydelsen i avtalen kan variera trots att flera avtal med olika lydelser i praktiken är tänkta att ha samma eller liknande juridiska innehåll. Detta ställer stora krav på att domstolarna på ett konkret och förutsebart sätt nyttjar de medel som finns för att utröna varje avtals... (More)
Avtal kan, med vissa undantag, omfatta i stort sett vad som helst. Varje dag ingås enormt många avtal och den vanligaste typen av avtal torde vara rena köpeavtal. Trots att denna typ av avtal generellt sett har ett liknande innehåll och ändamål, d.v.s. parterna avtalar i regel om en naturaprestation och en penningprestation, kan avtalens utformning variera. Detta inkluderar givetvis de påföljder som kan aktualiseras vid endera parts avtalsbrott.

Även själva lydelsen i avtalen kan variera trots att flera avtal med olika lydelser i praktiken är tänkta att ha samma eller liknande juridiska innehåll. Detta ställer stora krav på att domstolarna på ett konkret och förutsebart sätt nyttjar de medel som finns för att utröna varje avtals faktiska innehåll. Först när avtalets innehåll fastställts kan det bli aktuellt att gå vidare med en oskälighetsbedömning om det finns en obalans i avtalet eller på annat sätt framgår att något förhållande väcker betänkligheter. I uppsatsen uppmärksammas ett avtalsvillkor som kan innebära att en säljare under vissa omständigheter har rätt att kräva betalning utan att behöva prestera sin del av avtalet. Uppsatsen utgår främst från kommersiella avtal.

Den typ av avtalsvillkor som är föremål för granskning presumeras ha syftet att ge en säljare i ett avtal om löpande tillhandahållande av tjänster möjlighet att slutfakturera köparen för avtalade tjänster som ännu inte tillhandahållits och inte heller kommer att tillhandahållas för det fall att köparen fallit i dröjsmål med betalningen.

Granskningen av avtalsvillkoret genomförs på det mer allmänna planet främst eftersom det enligt mig inte är särskilt intressant att snäva in området till att avse fullt ut givna omständigheter. Detta leder emellertid till att inga konkreta slutsatser kan dras om varken avtalsvillkorets tolkning eller oskälighet i det enskilda fallet. Däremot uppmärksammas ett antal omständigheter som påverkar bedömningen i det enskilda fallet även om de i uppsatsen förblir oklara. Granskningen sker utifrån avtalstolkning, inkorporeringsregler, utfyllningsregler samt oskälighetsbedömningen enligt 36 § avtalslagen. Uppsatsens underlag består i första hand av HD:s praxis, doktrin och lagförarbeten. Ambitionen med uppsatsen är att ta fram de mer generella riktlinjer som kan utrönas för att sedan undersöka hur dessa riktlinjer kan appliceras på uppsatsens avtalsvillkor. (Less)
Agreements may, with certain exceptions, include basically anything. Each day enormous number of agreements are concluded and the most common type of agreement is probably the purchase agreement. Although this type of agreements generally have a similar content and purpose, i.e. the parties generally agree on one performance in kind and one in money, the design of agreements may vary. This of course includes the penalties that could be utilized by any of the parties in case of a breach of agreement.

The wording itself in the agreements may vary greatly even though several agreements with different wordings are supposed to have the same or similar legal content. This puts great demands on the courts to, in an actual and predictable... (More)
Agreements may, with certain exceptions, include basically anything. Each day enormous number of agreements are concluded and the most common type of agreement is probably the purchase agreement. Although this type of agreements generally have a similar content and purpose, i.e. the parties generally agree on one performance in kind and one in money, the design of agreements may vary. This of course includes the penalties that could be utilized by any of the parties in case of a breach of agreement.

The wording itself in the agreements may vary greatly even though several agreements with different wordings are supposed to have the same or similar legal content. This puts great demands on the courts to, in an actual and predictable manner, utilize the available resources to determine the actual content of each agreement. First after the content of the agreement is established it might be necessary to proceed with an assessment of unfairness if there is an imbalance in the agreement or if any other conditions raises concern. In this research paper I will highlight a contractual term which might entail that, under certain circumstances, a seller is entitled to claim payment without being obliged to perform his part of the agreement. This research paper is primarily focused on commercial agreements.

The reviewed contractual term is presumed to have the aim of providing a seller in an agreement on an ongoing provision of services the opportunity to invoice the buyer for the remaining of the agreed services not yet provided, nor will be provided, if the buyer delays in payment.

The review of the contractual term is performed in a general point of view, mainly because it is, according to me, not very interesting to narrow the field to relate to fully given circumstances. However, this leads to the fact that no specific conclusions can be made about the contractual term itself regarding neither interpretation nor unfairness in the individual case. Nevertheless I will highlight a number of circumstances that might affect the assessment of the individual case even if these circumstances will remain unclear. The review is mainly based on contractual interpretation, incorporation rules, rules for filling incomplete contracts and the assessment of unfairness according to 36 § avtalslagen. The research paper is based primarily on HD's cases, doctrine and legislative history and the paper aim to determine the more general guidelines that can be found and then examine how these guidelines might be applied to the given contractual term. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Högh, Tommy LU
alternative title
Contractual right to invoice without obligation to perform? -Some starting points according to private law
LAGM01 20142
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
skadeståndsrätt, förmögenhetsrätt, civilrätt, avtalsrätt
date added to LUP
2015-02-18 10:06:37
date last changed
2015-02-18 10:06:37
  abstract     = {{Agreements may, with certain exceptions, include basically anything. Each day enormous number of agreements are concluded and the most common type of agreement is probably the purchase agreement. Although this type of agreements generally have a similar content and purpose, i.e. the parties generally agree on one performance in kind and one in money, the design of agreements may vary. This of course includes the penalties that could be utilized by any of the parties in case of a breach of agreement.

The wording itself in the agreements may vary greatly even though several agreements with different wordings are supposed to have the same or similar legal content. This puts great demands on the courts to, in an actual and predictable manner, utilize the available resources to determine the actual content of each agreement. First after the content of the agreement is established it might be necessary to proceed with an assessment of unfairness if there is an imbalance in the agreement or if any other conditions raises concern. In this research paper I will highlight a contractual term which might entail that, under certain circumstances, a seller is entitled to claim payment without being obliged to perform his part of the agreement. This research paper is primarily focused on commercial agreements.

The reviewed contractual term is presumed to have the aim of providing a seller in an agreement on an ongoing provision of services the opportunity to invoice the buyer for the remaining of the agreed services not yet provided, nor will be provided, if the buyer delays in payment.
The review of the contractual term is performed in a general point of view, mainly because it is, according to me, not very interesting to narrow the field to relate to fully given circumstances. However, this leads to the fact that no specific conclusions can be made about the contractual term itself regarding neither interpretation nor unfairness in the individual case. Nevertheless I will highlight a number of circumstances that might affect the assessment of the individual case even if these circumstances will remain unclear. The review is mainly based on contractual interpretation, incorporation rules, rules for filling incomplete contracts and the assessment of unfairness according to 36 § avtalslagen. The research paper is based primarily on HD's cases, doctrine and legislative history and the paper aim to determine the more general guidelines that can be found and then examine how these guidelines might be applied to the given contractual term.}},
  author       = {{Högh, Tommy}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Avtalad rätt att slutfakturera utan skyldighet att slutprestera? -Några civilrättsliga utgångspunkter}},
  year         = {{2014}},