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Hedersrelaterade våldsbrott- är detta ett problem i Sverige?

Besatari, Bekime LU (2015) LAGM01 20151
Department of Law
Honor-related violence is something that also occurs in Sweden. However we have no legislation in Sweden that regulate these offenses. Committing a violent crime where the subject was honor-related, convicted offenders in accordance with the other violent crimes governed by Chapters 3 and 4 Penal Code.
The purpose of this work is to investigate the lack of statutory regulation concerning the honor crimes that violence can represent. The main leading issue in the study is whether there is a problem about the foreseeable, or whether this compromised for those offenders who are sentenced in the honor-related violence crimes.
In Sweden, we lack an accepted definition around the concept of "honor violence" which has contributed to the... (More)
Honor-related violence is something that also occurs in Sweden. However we have no legislation in Sweden that regulate these offenses. Committing a violent crime where the subject was honor-related, convicted offenders in accordance with the other violent crimes governed by Chapters 3 and 4 Penal Code.
The purpose of this work is to investigate the lack of statutory regulation concerning the honor crimes that violence can represent. The main leading issue in the study is whether there is a problem about the foreseeable, or whether this compromised for those offenders who are sentenced in the honor-related violence crimes.
In Sweden, we lack an accepted definition around the concept of "honor violence" which has contributed to the diverging views on the issue. There are politicians who equate the honor-related violence and crimes of violence against women. What they mean is that one should be careful when discussing such a topic. Discussing crimes that occur from different ethnic backgrounds, can mean becoming racist when discriminating against certain groups in society.
The honor-related crimes are different in comparison with men's violence against women.
From the cases investigated, the offenders expressed that they did not see any other solution to the problems, when commiting honor related crimes. These offenders often come from a society where you see mitigating circumstances in order to restore honor.
Sweden has acted with some activities but these are not sufficient when the problems remain. The criteria for laws may be different and has led to public debates. It requires a lot of criteria meetings for something to be criminalized. The honor-related violent crime meets almost all criteria. To counteract the undesirable behavior and increase predictability for the offenders, some form of criminalization. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Hedersrelaterade våldsbrott är något som förekommer även i Sverige. Vi har dock ingen lagstiftning i Sverige som reglerar dessa brott. Begås ett våldsbrott där motivet varit hedersrelaterat, döms gärningsmännen i enlighet med de övriga våldsbrotten som regleras i 3 och 4 kap brottsbalken.
Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka vad bristen på lagreglering avseende de hedersrelaterade våldsbrotten kan utgöra. Den ledande frågan i undersökningen är om det finns ett problem vad gäller förutsebarheten, eller om denna äventyrats för de gärningsmän som döms i de hedersrelaterade våldsbrotten.
I Sverige saknar vi även en vedertagen definition kring begreppet ”hedersrelaterade våldsbrott” vilket har bidragit till att det råder olika... (More)
Hedersrelaterade våldsbrott är något som förekommer även i Sverige. Vi har dock ingen lagstiftning i Sverige som reglerar dessa brott. Begås ett våldsbrott där motivet varit hedersrelaterat, döms gärningsmännen i enlighet med de övriga våldsbrotten som regleras i 3 och 4 kap brottsbalken.
Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka vad bristen på lagreglering avseende de hedersrelaterade våldsbrotten kan utgöra. Den ledande frågan i undersökningen är om det finns ett problem vad gäller förutsebarheten, eller om denna äventyrats för de gärningsmän som döms i de hedersrelaterade våldsbrotten.
I Sverige saknar vi även en vedertagen definition kring begreppet ”hedersrelaterade våldsbrott” vilket har bidragit till att det råder olika uppfattningar kring problemet. Det finns politiker som jämställer de hedersrelaterade våldsbrotten med mäns våld mot kvinnor. De menar att man ska vara försiktig med att hävda att det skulle röra sig om ett brott som exempelvis har etnisk bakgrund, detta kan innebära att man på ett rasistiskt sätt diskriminerar vissa grupper i samhället.
De hedersrelaterade brotten skiljer sig vid en jämförelse med mäns våld mot kvinnor.
Av de rättsfall som undersökts, har gärningsmännen uttryckt att de inte sett någon annan lösning på problemen, när de begått de hedersrelaterade brottet för att återupprätta sin heder. Oftast kommer de från ett samhälle där man ser förmildrande på omständigheter för att återupprätta hedern.
Sverige har agerat med vissa insatser men dessa är inte tillräckliga då problemen kvarstår. Kriterierna för lagstiftning kan se olika ut och har lett till offentliga debatter. Det krävs att en hel del kriterier uppfylls för att något ska kriminaliseras. De hedersrelaterade våldsbrotten uppfyller nästintill alla kriterier. För att motverka ett oönskat beteende och öka förutsebarheten för gärningsmännen krävs någon form av kriminalisering. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Besatari, Bekime LU
alternative title
Honor-related violence -is this a problem in Sweden?
LAGM01 20151
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
date added to LUP
2015-07-09 14:20:16
date last changed
2015-07-09 14:20:16
  abstract     = {{Honor-related violence is something that also occurs in Sweden. However we have no legislation in Sweden that regulate these offenses. Committing a violent crime where the subject was honor-related, convicted offenders in accordance with the other violent crimes governed by Chapters 3 and 4 Penal Code.
The purpose of this work is to investigate the lack of statutory regulation concerning the honor crimes that violence can represent. The main leading issue in the study is whether there is a problem about the foreseeable, or whether this compromised for those offenders who are sentenced in the honor-related violence crimes.
In Sweden, we lack an accepted definition around the concept of "honor violence" which has contributed to the diverging views on the issue. There are politicians who equate the honor-related violence and crimes of violence against women. What they mean is that one should be careful when discussing such a topic. Discussing crimes that occur from different ethnic backgrounds, can mean becoming racist when discriminating against certain groups in society.
The honor-related crimes are different in comparison with men's violence against women.
From the cases investigated, the offenders expressed that they did not see any other solution to the problems, when commiting honor related crimes. These offenders often come from a society where you see mitigating circumstances in order to restore honor.
Sweden has acted with some activities but these are not sufficient when the problems remain. The criteria for laws may be different and has led to public debates. It requires a lot of criteria meetings for something to be criminalized. The honor-related violent crime meets almost all criteria. To counteract the undesirable behavior and increase predictability for the offenders, some form of criminalization.}},
  author       = {{Besatari, Bekime}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Hedersrelaterade våldsbrott- är detta ett problem i Sverige?}},
  year         = {{2015}},