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LUP Student Papers


Barn som bevittnar våld i nära relationer,tillkomst, ansvar och tillämpning

Falk, Benita LU (2015) JUR092 20151
Department of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Det svenska samhället har under längre tid sett ut så att skyddet för familjelivet, den privata sfären, vägt tyngre än ett offentligrättsligt styrande. Den rättsliga utvecklingen har dock under tid varit föränderlig och lagstiftaren har vägt in parametrar som att barn kan vara utsatta i familjelivet där de som skall ta hand om dem är de som utsätter barnen för skadliga handlingar. Enligt FN:s barnkonvention skall barnets bästa beaktas i första hand och som ett led i att stärka utsatta barns rättigheter i kombination med att det framkommit medicinska studier som påvisat att barn som bevittnar våld i nära relationer påvisar samma symptom som de barn som själva utsätts för våldet fysiskt lyfte lagstiftaren fram barn som bevittnar våld såsom... (More)
Det svenska samhället har under längre tid sett ut så att skyddet för familjelivet, den privata sfären, vägt tyngre än ett offentligrättsligt styrande. Den rättsliga utvecklingen har dock under tid varit föränderlig och lagstiftaren har vägt in parametrar som att barn kan vara utsatta i familjelivet där de som skall ta hand om dem är de som utsätter barnen för skadliga handlingar. Enligt FN:s barnkonvention skall barnets bästa beaktas i första hand och som ett led i att stärka utsatta barns rättigheter i kombination med att det framkommit medicinska studier som påvisat att barn som bevittnar våld i nära relationer påvisar samma symptom som de barn som själva utsätts för våldet fysiskt lyfte lagstiftaren fram barn som bevittnar våld såsom brottsoffer i SoL mening. De utsatta barnen är dock inte brottsoffer i straffrättslig mening och kan således inte vara målsägande vid rättslig prövning. Lagstiftaren stadgade en rätt för barn som bevittnar våld av och/eller mot annan närstående att ansöka om brottsskadeersättning som ett led i att barnen som bevittnar våldet möjligen kan känna att de får lite upprättelse och att samhället påvisar att handlingen som är riktad att skada tilliten och tryggheten till en närstående ur samhällssynpunkt är förkastlig och tas på största allvar.
Inledningsvis kommer en kortare historisk tillbakablick av barns rättsliga ställning. Det finns vidare ett stycke om hur barn som bevittnar våld psykiskt blir påverkade. Jag är medveten om att denna del inte utgör juridik och därmed inte ligger under det juridiska examensarbetets ämnesområde. Jag är dock av den åsikten att för att förstå bakgrunden till det förstärkta skyddet måste man se till den konkreta skadan och därmed förstå vad lagstiftaren anser har ett skyddsvärde. Tillkomsten av förstärk skydd för barn som bevittnar våld följer i stor utsträckning den rättsutveckling och forskning som omgett våld mot kvinnor.
Uppsatsens syfte har varit att se till varför lagen kommit till, ansvarsfördelning samt om Sol 5:11 gett det utslag och förstärkta skydd som lagstiftaren åsyftat. Med lagstiftarens motiv som grund har kriterierna för att ha rätt till ersättningen tagits upp. Hur det familjerättsliga ansvaret ser ut och därefter det sociala ansvaret som vilar på kommunerna. Därtill ett urval av de referat som meddelats från BRÅ efter behandlade ansökningar om brottsskadeersättning. Avslutningsvis en analys samt slutsats av genomgångna förarbeten, rapporter, referat m.m. Här har dock den rättspsykologiska delen utelämnats då den inte utgör bas för analysen utan endast är med som en del i att förstå varför skyddsvärdet för barn uppmärksammats av lagstiftaren (Less)
Swedish society has for some time looked to the protection of family life, private life, weighed heavier than a public ruling. The legal development, however, has been changing over time, and the legislature has weighed in parameters that children can be exposed in family life where those who must care for them are those who expose children to harmful acts. According to the UNCRC, the child's best interests are taken into account in the first place, and as part of strengthening the rights of vulnerable children and the fact that it emerged medical studies that demonstrated that children who witness domestic violence demonstrates the same symptoms as the children themselves exposed to violence physically lifted the legislature until... (More)
Swedish society has for some time looked to the protection of family life, private life, weighed heavier than a public ruling. The legal development, however, has been changing over time, and the legislature has weighed in parameters that children can be exposed in family life where those who must care for them are those who expose children to harmful acts. According to the UNCRC, the child's best interests are taken into account in the first place, and as part of strengthening the rights of vulnerable children and the fact that it emerged medical studies that demonstrated that children who witness domestic violence demonstrates the same symptoms as the children themselves exposed to violence physically lifted the legislature until children who witness violence as victims in solar sentence. The most vulnerable children are not victims of criminal law sense and thus can not be injured parties in trial. The legislature decreed a right for children who witness violence by and / or against other related parties to apply for crime victim compensation as part of the children who witness violence may possibly feel they get little redress and to society demonstrates that the document is aimed to harm the trust and security to a related socially reprehensible and is taken very seriously.

Initially, there is a brief historical review of the legal status of children. There is also a paragraph about how children who witness violence are psychologically affected. I am aware that this part does not constitute legal, and thus not under the legal qualification of the work area. However, I am of the opinion that in order to understand the background of the enhanced protection it is necessary to ensure the concrete damage and thus understand what the legislator believes is worthy of protection. The advent of strengthening protection for children who witness violence largely follow the right development and research that surrounded violence against women.
Purpose of this thesis has been to see why the law come to, responsibilities and SoL 5:11 gave the rash and enhanced protection that the legislature åsyftat. With the legislature's motives because the criteria for entitlement to the allowance raised. How the family legal responsibility looks and then the social responsibility that will in the municipalities. In addition, a selection of the abstracts notified well after processed applications for criminal injuries compensation. Finally, the analysis and conclusions of the completed preliminary work, reports, abstracts, etc. Here, however, the right psychological part omitted since it does not constitute the basis for analysis, but only as part of understanding why protective value for children caught the attention of the legislator (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Falk, Benita LU
alternative title
Children who witness domestic violence, origin, responsibility and application
JUR092 20151
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
date added to LUP
2015-06-22 13:10:57
date last changed
2015-06-25 14:57:13
  abstract     = {{Swedish society has for some time looked to the protection of family life, private life, weighed heavier than a public ruling. The legal development, however, has been changing over time, and the legislature has weighed in parameters that children can be exposed in family life where those who must care for them are those who expose children to harmful acts. According to the UNCRC, the child's best interests are taken into account in the first place, and as part of strengthening the rights of vulnerable children and the fact that it emerged medical studies that demonstrated that children who witness domestic violence demonstrates the same symptoms as the children themselves exposed to violence physically lifted the legislature until children who witness violence as victims in solar sentence. The most vulnerable children are not victims of criminal law sense and thus can not be injured parties in trial. The legislature decreed a right for children who witness violence by and / or against other related parties to apply for crime victim compensation as part of the children who witness violence may possibly feel they get little redress and to society demonstrates that the document is aimed to harm the trust and security to a related socially reprehensible and is taken very seriously.

Initially, there is a brief historical review of the legal status of children. There is also a paragraph about how children who witness violence are psychologically affected. I am aware that this part does not constitute legal, and thus not under the legal qualification of the work area. However, I am of the opinion that in order to understand the background of the enhanced protection it is necessary to ensure the concrete damage and thus understand what the legislator believes is worthy of protection. The advent of strengthening protection for children who witness violence largely follow the right development and research that surrounded violence against women.
Purpose of this thesis has been to see why the law come to, responsibilities and SoL 5:11 gave the rash and enhanced protection that the legislature åsyftat. With the legislature's motives because the criteria for entitlement to the allowance raised. How the family legal responsibility looks and then the social responsibility that will in the municipalities. In addition, a selection of the abstracts notified well after processed applications for criminal injuries compensation. Finally, the analysis and conclusions of the completed preliminary work, reports, abstracts, etc. Here, however, the right psychological part omitted since it does not constitute the basis for analysis, but only as part of understanding why protective value for children caught the attention of the legislator}},
  author       = {{Falk, Benita}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Barn som bevittnar våld i nära relationer,tillkomst, ansvar och tillämpning}},
  year         = {{2015}},