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Informations- och materialflödet i underhållsentreprenader

Månsson, Lovisa LU (2015) In TVBP VBEM01 20151
Construction Management
Abstract (Swedish)
Syftet med denna studie är att få en inblick i orsaken till
hämtordrar inom underhållsentreprenader. Även varför
alternativ till hämtordrar såsom leveranser inte nyttjas lika
frekvent och vad som kan öka detta användande undersöks.
Genom intervjuer med platschefer, hantverkare och annan
personal på fallföretaget kartläggs uppfattningen om olika
alternativ till hämtordrar.

En fallstudie med kvalitativa aspekter har genomförts med
halvstrukturerade intervjuer. Resultaten baseras på intervjuer
med tio platschefer, en arbetsledare och 23 hantverkare samt
entreprenadingenjör, inköpschef och projektchef med olika
kopplingar till underhållsarbete för att kartlägga uppfattningen
av hämtordrar och de alternativ som finns till dessa.
... (More)
Syftet med denna studie är att få en inblick i orsaken till
hämtordrar inom underhållsentreprenader. Även varför
alternativ till hämtordrar såsom leveranser inte nyttjas lika
frekvent och vad som kan öka detta användande undersöks.
Genom intervjuer med platschefer, hantverkare och annan
personal på fallföretaget kartläggs uppfattningen om olika
alternativ till hämtordrar.

En fallstudie med kvalitativa aspekter har genomförts med
halvstrukturerade intervjuer. Resultaten baseras på intervjuer
med tio platschefer, en arbetsledare och 23 hantverkare samt
entreprenadingenjör, inköpschef och projektchef med olika
kopplingar till underhållsarbete för att kartlägga uppfattningen
av hämtordrar och de alternativ som finns till dessa.
Även en kvantitativ undersökning av hämtordrars förekomst
på olika arbetsplatser har utförts i form av observationer. För
att få representativa uppgifter har fakturor från både större
och mindre arbetsplatser undersökts.
De från studien erhållna resultaten har slutligen analyserats
mot den framtagna teorin för att besvara frågeställningarna.

Att hämtordrar genererar kostnader för företaget är allmänt
vedertaget inom byggbranschen. Kostnaderna bygger både
på arbetskostnader för hantverkare och på bildriftskostnader.

I större städer med flertalet bygghandlare nära till hands är
det svårmotiverat att eliminera hämtordrar helt, speciellt i
underhållsarbete där beställningar av arbete kan inkomma
precis innan arbetet behöver utföras och där själva arbetet
endast pågår under ett fåtal timmar.

Som ett första led i att minska antalet hämtordrar bör kontakt
med taxibolag upprättas. Dessa har möjlighet att hämta upp
mindre beställt material på bygghandlarna och lämna detta
på arbetsplatser runt om i städerna. Kostnaderna för dessa
taxileveranser understiger kostnaden för en hämtorder
samtidigt som hantverkarna kan producera på arbetsplatsen
under tiden som leveransen sker. Med detta alternativ finns
det möjlighet att minska antalet hämtordrar redan i morgon.
Genom att över en längre tid succesivt bearbeta sina
materialleverantörer och -distributörer så att bättre leveransvillkor
och leveransaviseringar i nära anslutningar till
leverans kan avtalas om, är det möjligt att påverka
uppfattningen av utomstående leveranser i positiv riktning.
Samtidigt som det blir lättare och mer tidseffektivt att
använda sig av utomstående leveranser bör andelen hämtordrar
minska. Detta alternativ till hämtordrar kräver en
längre tid av förhandling med redan etablerade leverantörsoch
distributörspartners men mynnar efter hand ut i att
antalet hämtordrar minskar.

Företaget har möjlighet att succesivt gå över till att använda
sig av ambulerande leveranser och utomstående lager där den
förstnämnda lösningen innebär att en eller ett par tjänster
skapas inom företaget. Det sistnämnda alternativet innebär
att avtal med utomstående företag ingås. Dessa sista
lösningar kräver troligtvis en längre förhandlingstid eftersom
det i dagsläget inte finns några liknande avtal inom
fallföretaget. Dock finns det erfarenhet inom koncernen av
båda dessa alternativ, varför man inte startar på ruta noll utan
kan ta till vara på dessa erfarenheter. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
The purpose of this study is to understand the reason for
pick up orders within construction maintenance sectors.
Also why alternatives to pick up orders such as deliveries
aren´t being utilized as frequently and what can be used
to increase the usage of these alternatives is being reviewed.
Via interviews with local managers, artisans and
other staff within the case company, the opinions on differrent
alternatives to pick up orders are being surveyed.

A case study with qualitative aspects has been carried out
with half structured interviews. The results are based on
interviews with ten local managers, one gaffer and 23
artisans as well as site purchaser, purchasing manager
and project manager with different connections to
... (More)
The purpose of this study is to understand the reason for
pick up orders within construction maintenance sectors.
Also why alternatives to pick up orders such as deliveries
aren´t being utilized as frequently and what can be used
to increase the usage of these alternatives is being reviewed.
Via interviews with local managers, artisans and
other staff within the case company, the opinions on differrent
alternatives to pick up orders are being surveyed.

A case study with qualitative aspects has been carried out
with half structured interviews. The results are based on
interviews with ten local managers, one gaffer and 23
artisans as well as site purchaser, purchasing manager
and project manager with different connections to
construction maintenance. During these interviews, the
opinions on pick up orders and the alternatives are being

In addition, a quantitative survey of the occurrence of
pick up orders at different workplaces has been conducted.
In order to obtain representative data, invoices
from both larger and smaller workplaces have been

The results received from the study, have finally been
analyzed against the theory to be able to answer the
questions at issue.

The fact that pick up orders generate costs for the
company is widely recognized within the construction
industry. The costs consist of both labor costs for artisans
and of operating costs for the car. In bigger cities with
several hardware stores close at hand, it can be hard to
warrant the elimination of pick up orders completely,
especially in construction maintenance where working
orders can be submitted just before it is to be carried out
and where the work itself only lasts for a couple of hours.
As a first step to decrease the quantity of pick up orders,
contacts with taxi companies should be constituted.
These taxies have the ability to pick up smaller, ordered
materials at the hardware stores and drop these materials
off at the workplaces around the cities. The costs for
these taxi deliveries are lower than the costs of a pick up
order. In addition, the artisans can use the meantime for
production at the workplace. With this alternative, there
is a possibility to decrease the amount of pick up orders
by tomorrow.

By gradually working through its material suppliers and
material distributors during a longer time with the
purpose of getting better delivery terms and delivery
notifications that occur closer to the real-time deliveries,
it is thereby possible to influence the view of third party
deliveries in a positive way. As it gets easier and more
time efficient to use third party deliveries, the amount of
pick up orders should decrease. This alternative to pick
up orders demands a longer time of negotiations with
already established suppliers and delivery partners and
affects the amount of pick up orders over a longer time.
The company has the possibility to gradually start using
ambulant deliveries and third party storage, where the former solution implicates that one or a couple of new
employments are being created. The latter alternative
most likely involves a longer time for negotiation
because of the lack of analogous arrangements within the company. Yet, there is a certain amount of adeptness within the parent company of both these solutions, thus there is a possibility to not start from square one if
utilizing these experiences. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Månsson, Lovisa LU
alternative title
Information and material flow in construction maintenance
VBEM01 20151
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
Underhållsarbete, Logistik, Lean, Sex sigma, Just-In-Time, Tilläggstjänster, Hämtordrar Construction maintenance, Logistics, Six sigma, Additional service, Pick up order
report number
other publication id
additional info
Handledare: Stefan Olander
Examinator: Anne Landin
date added to LUP
2015-10-27 12:15:08
date last changed
2019-11-14 16:40:51
  abstract     = {{The purpose of this study is to understand the reason for
pick up orders within construction maintenance sectors.
Also why alternatives to pick up orders such as deliveries
aren´t being utilized as frequently and what can be used
to increase the usage of these alternatives is being reviewed.
Via interviews with local managers, artisans and
other staff within the case company, the opinions on differrent
alternatives to pick up orders are being surveyed.

A case study with qualitative aspects has been carried out
with half structured interviews. The results are based on
interviews with ten local managers, one gaffer and 23
artisans as well as site purchaser, purchasing manager
and project manager with different connections to
construction maintenance. During these interviews, the
opinions on pick up orders and the alternatives are being

In addition, a quantitative survey of the occurrence of
pick up orders at different workplaces has been conducted.
In order to obtain representative data, invoices
from both larger and smaller workplaces have been

The results received from the study, have finally been
analyzed against the theory to be able to answer the
questions at issue.

The fact that pick up orders generate costs for the
company is widely recognized within the construction
industry. The costs consist of both labor costs for artisans
and of operating costs for the car. In bigger cities with
several hardware stores close at hand, it can be hard to
warrant the elimination of pick up orders completely,
especially in construction maintenance where working
orders can be submitted just before it is to be carried out
and where the work itself only lasts for a couple of hours.
As a first step to decrease the quantity of pick up orders,
contacts with taxi companies should be constituted.
These taxies have the ability to pick up smaller, ordered
materials at the hardware stores and drop these materials
off at the workplaces around the cities. The costs for
these taxi deliveries are lower than the costs of a pick up
order. In addition, the artisans can use the meantime for
production at the workplace. With this alternative, there
is a possibility to decrease the amount of pick up orders
by tomorrow.

By gradually working through its material suppliers and
material distributors during a longer time with the
purpose of getting better delivery terms and delivery
notifications that occur closer to the real-time deliveries,
it is thereby possible to influence the view of third party
deliveries in a positive way. As it gets easier and more
time efficient to use third party deliveries, the amount of
pick up orders should decrease. This alternative to pick
up orders demands a longer time of negotiations with
already established suppliers and delivery partners and
affects the amount of pick up orders over a longer time.
The company has the possibility to gradually start using
ambulant deliveries and third party storage, where the former solution implicates that one or a couple of new
employments are being created. The latter alternative
most likely involves a longer time for negotiation
because of the lack of analogous arrangements within the company. Yet, there is a certain amount of adeptness within the parent company of both these solutions, thus there is a possibility to not start from square one if
utilizing these experiences.}},
  author       = {{Månsson, Lovisa}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  series       = {{TVBP}},
  title        = {{Informations- och materialflödet i underhållsentreprenader}},
  year         = {{2015}},