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Åka hem? – Den individuella utlänningskontrollen och rörlighetsdirektivets genomförande i svensk rätt

Redin, Anna LU (2016) LAGM01 20152
Department of Law
With regard to international law, a state is only required to allow its citizens to reside within its own territory. However, from an EU law perspective, each Member State is obliged to apply regulations which intend to facilitate the free movement of persons within the EU. This is expressly laid down in the EU treaties, but must be viewed within the context of secondary law, in particular, the Citizens’ Rights Directive (CRD) 2004/38/EC. The directive lays down the particular conditions for the right to free movement and residence within the union, for Union citizens and their family members. It also sets out the limits to those rights on grounds of public policy, public security or public health.

This thesis has been formulated within... (More)
With regard to international law, a state is only required to allow its citizens to reside within its own territory. However, from an EU law perspective, each Member State is obliged to apply regulations which intend to facilitate the free movement of persons within the EU. This is expressly laid down in the EU treaties, but must be viewed within the context of secondary law, in particular, the Citizens’ Rights Directive (CRD) 2004/38/EC. The directive lays down the particular conditions for the right to free movement and residence within the union, for Union citizens and their family members. It also sets out the limits to those rights on grounds of public policy, public security or public health.

This thesis has been formulated within the framework of Swedish immigration law, having regard to the provisions of the free movement of persons set out in the CRD. The purpose of this thesis is to analyse how the CRD has influenced Sweden’s individual control of aliens. It is evident that the function of this control is to prevent unwanted aliens residing in Sweden. This prevention often takes place through rejection or expulsion as a result of material circumstances which may include; incapacity of economic maintenance, criminality or any other circumstance that is attributable to the behaviour of a person.

In order to achieve the overall purpose of this thesis, it is necessary to examine how the incorporation of the CRD into Swedish law has affected the individual control of aliens. This thesis will therefore also define what constitutes the terms of public policy and public security and identify those EU values which should always be considered when a beneficiary of the CRD is about to be rejected or expelled. The thesis also examines the indirect link between the CRD residence rules and Sweden’s individual control of aliens and includes a discussion about the beneficiary-term. This analysis has mainly been conducted on the basis of an EU legal method but has in some respects also been based upon an analytic legal approach.

The general conclusion of this thesis is that the CRD has affected Sweden’s individual control of aliens in several ways. This is partly evidenced by the increasing number of immigrants within Sweden that have become subject to the special provisions regarding the removal of EEA nationals and their family members. Another contention of this thesis lies in the fact that the CRD was incorporated into Swedish law in a defective manner. Thus, a consequence of this incorporation is that the individual control of aliens was being conducted on the basis of unclear regulation and therefore characterized by legal uncertainty. This uncertainty has significantly influenced Sweden’s individual control of aliens until the Aliens Act was revised in the year 2014. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
I folkrättsligt hänseende är en stat endast skyldig att låta de egna medborgarna uppehålla sig på dess territorium. Ur ett EU-rättsligt perspektiv är dock varje medlemsstat förpliktad att tillämpa de regler som avser främja fri rörlighet för personer inom unionen. Dessa återfinns i EU:s primärrättsliga stadganden men konkretiseras genom sekundärrättsliga bestämmelser, framförallt genom direktiv 2004/38/EG (rörlighetsdirektivet). Direktivet klargör under vilka omständigheter som unionsmedborgare och deras familjemedlemmar har rätt att resa in och uppehålla sig i en annan medlemsstat. Det fastställer även när rätten till inresa och uppehåll kan inskränkas av hänsyn till allmän ordning, säkerhet eller hälsa.

Den här uppsatsen har... (More)
I folkrättsligt hänseende är en stat endast skyldig att låta de egna medborgarna uppehålla sig på dess territorium. Ur ett EU-rättsligt perspektiv är dock varje medlemsstat förpliktad att tillämpa de regler som avser främja fri rörlighet för personer inom unionen. Dessa återfinns i EU:s primärrättsliga stadganden men konkretiseras genom sekundärrättsliga bestämmelser, framförallt genom direktiv 2004/38/EG (rörlighetsdirektivet). Direktivet klargör under vilka omständigheter som unionsmedborgare och deras familjemedlemmar har rätt att resa in och uppehålla sig i en annan medlemsstat. Det fastställer även när rätten till inresa och uppehåll kan inskränkas av hänsyn till allmän ordning, säkerhet eller hälsa.

Den här uppsatsen har författats inom ramen för svensk utlänningsrätt med beaktande av rörlighetsdirektivets bestämmelser på den fria person- rörlighetens område. Syftet med uppsatsen är att analysera hur rörlighetsdirektivet har påverkat Sveriges individuella utlänningskontroll. Funktionen av den individuella utlänningskontrollen är att förhindra icke önskvärda utländska personer från att vistas i Sverige. Förhindrandet sker genom avvisning eller utvisning och föranleds av materiella omständigheter, t.ex. en persons bristande försörjningsförmåga, kriminalitet eller någon annan omständighet som är att hänföra till en individs person.

För att förverkliga det övergripande syftet, undersöker uppsatsen hur sättet för rörlighetsdirektivets införlivande i svensk rätt har påverkat den individuella utlänningskontrollen. Den diskuterar även innebörden av be- greppen allmän ordning och säkerhet samt identifierar de EU-rättsliga värden som alltid ska beaktas i samband med att en förmånstagare till direktivet avvisas eller utvisas. Uppsatsen redogör dessutom för de indirekta samband som föreligger mellan rörlighetsdirektivets uppehållsregler och den individuella utlänningskontrollens bedrivande. I diskussionen inkluderas även ett resonemang kring direktivets förmånstagarbegrepp. Utredningen har i huvudsak bedrivits utifrån en EU-rättslig metod men har i vissa hänseenden präglats av ett mer rättsanalytiskt tillvägagångssätt.

Uppsatsens övergripande slutsats är att rörlighetsdirektivet har påverkat Sveriges individuella utlänningskontroll på åtskilliga sätt. Det beror delvis på att fler personer än tidigare har kommit att omfattas av de särskilda avlägsnanderegler, vilka gäller i förhållande till EES-medborgare och deras familjemedlemmar. En annan förklaring är att rörlighetsdirektivet införlivades med svensk lagstiftning på ett bristfälligt sätt. En följd av införlivandet var således att den individuella utlänningskontrollen kom att bedrivas utifrån en otydlig reglering och därmed präglas av rättsosäkerhet. Ifrågavarande problematik torde sedermera ha identifierat Sveriges individuella utlänningskontroll fram till dess att utlänningslagens avlägsnanderegler reviderades år 2014. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Redin, Anna LU
alternative title
Going home? – The individual control of aliens and the incorporation of the Citizens' Rights Directive into Swedish law
LAGM01 20152
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
Förvaltningsrätt, Administrative law, EU-rätt, EU law, Migrationsrätt, Utlänningslagen, Rörlighetsdirektivet, Individuell utlänningskontroll, Uppehållsrätt, Avvisning, Utvisning, Allmän ordning och säkerhet, EES-medborgare, Unionsmedborgare, Fri rörlighet för personer
date added to LUP
2016-01-29 13:21:41
date last changed
2017-01-27 14:06:47
  abstract     = {{With regard to international law, a state is only required to allow its citizens to reside within its own territory. However, from an EU law perspective, each Member State is obliged to apply regulations which intend to facilitate the free movement of persons within the EU. This is expressly laid down in the EU treaties, but must be viewed within the context of secondary law, in particular, the Citizens’ Rights Directive (CRD) 2004/38/EC. The directive lays down the particular conditions for the right to free movement and residence within the union, for Union citizens and their family members. It also sets out the limits to those rights on grounds of public policy, public security or public health.

This thesis has been formulated within the framework of Swedish immigration law, having regard to the provisions of the free movement of persons set out in the CRD. The purpose of this thesis is to analyse how the CRD has influenced Sweden’s individual control of aliens. It is evident that the function of this control is to prevent unwanted aliens residing in Sweden. This prevention often takes place through rejection or expulsion as a result of material circumstances which may include; incapacity of economic maintenance, criminality or any other circumstance that is attributable to the behaviour of a person.

In order to achieve the overall purpose of this thesis, it is necessary to examine how the incorporation of the CRD into Swedish law has affected the individual control of aliens. This thesis will therefore also define what constitutes the terms of public policy and public security and identify those EU values which should always be considered when a beneficiary of the CRD is about to be rejected or expelled. The thesis also examines the indirect link between the CRD residence rules and Sweden’s individual control of aliens and includes a discussion about the beneficiary-term. This analysis has mainly been conducted on the basis of an EU legal method but has in some respects also been based upon an analytic legal approach.

The general conclusion of this thesis is that the CRD has affected Sweden’s individual control of aliens in several ways. This is partly evidenced by the increasing number of immigrants within Sweden that have become subject to the special provisions regarding the removal of EEA nationals and their family members. Another contention of this thesis lies in the fact that the CRD was incorporated into Swedish law in a defective manner. Thus, a consequence of this incorporation is that the individual control of aliens was being conducted on the basis of unclear regulation and therefore characterized by legal uncertainty. This uncertainty has significantly influenced Sweden’s individual control of aliens until the Aliens Act was revised in the year 2014.}},
  author       = {{Redin, Anna}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Åka hem? – Den individuella utlänningskontrollen och rörlighetsdirektivets genomförande i svensk rätt}},
  year         = {{2016}},