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The Conflict of Laws and Jurisdiction - An essay on the connection between Private International Law and Copyright in enforcing online

Lundin, Emma LU (2016) LAGF03 20161
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Since the emergence of the Internet in the early 1990’s a lot has changed in the world and the area of law is no exception. Important for this essay is that the internet created a strong connection between the areas of Private International Law and Copyright, mainly since copyright infringements became transnational to a higher extent and happened more through ubiquitous medias. These two legal fields now work together to create rules on enforcement of copyright infringements. However it appears that the effectiveness of enforcement is lagging behind, mainly because of reluctance from the EU to change the rules to better fit the digital climate. These existing rules worked well when they were first introduced, but that was at a time when... (More)
Since the emergence of the Internet in the early 1990’s a lot has changed in the world and the area of law is no exception. Important for this essay is that the internet created a strong connection between the areas of Private International Law and Copyright, mainly since copyright infringements became transnational to a higher extent and happened more through ubiquitous medias. These two legal fields now work together to create rules on enforcement of copyright infringements. However it appears that the effectiveness of enforcement is lagging behind, mainly because of reluctance from the EU to change the rules to better fit the digital climate. These existing rules worked well when they were first introduced, but that was at a time when the nature of infringements was different from today. The issue lies in the rules’ dependence on the principle of territoriality, the issue being that it is difficult to regulate a non-territorial infringement with territorial rules.

The new types of infringements cause issues in both the field of jurisdiction and applicable law. These are issues of major importance to solve to be able to effectively enforce infringements and catch infringers globally. But, as this essay will show, the existing rules are inadequate. To create an enforcement process that is not extremely expensive or overly time consuming the rules need to evolve to fit the nature of today’s copyright infringements.

Copyrights provide rights for authors and artists in the creative industries, and an ineffective enforcement of those rights could make it hard for those protected to keep creating, leading to fewer artistic works being published. Should this happen it could have devastating consequences not only concerning the viability of businesses and the economy, but also ultimately for culture as a whole. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Allt sedan Internet introducerades på 1990-talet har mycket förändrats i världen och juridik är inget undantag. Genom internet skapades en ny koppling mellan copyright och Internationell Privaträtt, detta för att copyrightintrång blev transnationella till en högre utsträckning och började ske genom massmediala kanaler. Sedan denna förändring får nu Copyright och Internationell Privaträtt arbeta tillsammans för att skapa bra regler som gör att rättighetsinnehavare kan ta tillvara sin rätt även i den nya internationella miljön . Tyvärr har dessa regler inte hängt med i utvecklingen då EU inte verkar vara villiga att uppdatera dem till något som fungerar i dagens digitala klimat.
De regler som finns fungerade bra när de först antogs av EU,... (More)
Allt sedan Internet introducerades på 1990-talet har mycket förändrats i världen och juridik är inget undantag. Genom internet skapades en ny koppling mellan copyright och Internationell Privaträtt, detta för att copyrightintrång blev transnationella till en högre utsträckning och började ske genom massmediala kanaler. Sedan denna förändring får nu Copyright och Internationell Privaträtt arbeta tillsammans för att skapa bra regler som gör att rättighetsinnehavare kan ta tillvara sin rätt även i den nya internationella miljön . Tyvärr har dessa regler inte hängt med i utvecklingen då EU inte verkar vara villiga att uppdatera dem till något som fungerar i dagens digitala klimat.
De regler som finns fungerade bra när de först antogs av EU, men då såg intrången inte ut som de gör idag. Problemet ligger i att reglerna är så bundna till territorialitetsprincipen, detta blir ett problem då det är svårt att reglera icke-territoriella intrång med territoriella regler.

Den nya formen av intrång skapar problem både gällande jurisdiktion och tillämplig lag. Dessa frågor är viktiga att ha bra svar på för att man som rättighetsinnehavare på ett effektiv sätt ska kunna ta tillvara sin rätt och de som gjort intrång ska kunna straffas. Som vi kommer se kan dagens regler inte ge oss den effektiviteten. För att skapa en process som inte är orimligt dyr eller tar alldeles för lång tid måste reglerna anpassas för att fungera ihop med dagens Copyrightintrång.

Copyright skapar rättigheter för artister och författare i de kreativa branscherna. En ineffektiv process för att tillvarata dessa rättigheter skulle kunna innebära att de som tidigare har skapat t.ex. musik tappar motivationen till att fortsätta. Detta skulle leda till att färre verk publiceras, något som skulle kunna påverka inte bara ekonomi och affärsverksamheter men hela kulturscenen. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Lundin, Emma LU
LAGF03 20161
M2 - Bachelor Degree
Copyright, Internationell Privaträtt, Private International Law
date added to LUP
2016-07-04 08:41:46
date last changed
2016-07-04 08:41:46
  abstract     = {{Since the emergence of the Internet in the early 1990’s a lot has changed in the world and the area of law is no exception. Important for this essay is that the internet created a strong connection between the areas of Private International Law and Copyright, mainly since copyright infringements became transnational to a higher extent and happened more through ubiquitous medias. These two legal fields now work together to create rules on enforcement of copyright infringements. However it appears that the effectiveness of enforcement is lagging behind, mainly because of reluctance from the EU to change the rules to better fit the digital climate. These existing rules worked well when they were first introduced, but that was at a time when the nature of infringements was different from today. The issue lies in the rules’ dependence on the principle of territoriality, the issue being that it is difficult to regulate a non-territorial infringement with territorial rules. 

The new types of infringements cause issues in both the field of jurisdiction and applicable law. These are issues of major importance to solve to be able to effectively enforce infringements and catch infringers globally. But, as this essay will show, the existing rules are inadequate. To create an enforcement process that is not extremely expensive or overly time consuming the rules need to evolve to fit the nature of today’s copyright infringements. 

Copyrights provide rights for authors and artists in the creative industries, and an ineffective enforcement of those rights could make it hard for those protected to keep creating, leading to fewer artistic works being published. Should this happen it could have devastating consequences not only concerning the viability of businesses and the economy, but also ultimately for culture as a whole.}},
  author       = {{Lundin, Emma}},
  language     = {{eng}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{The Conflict of Laws and Jurisdiction - An essay on the connection between Private International Law and Copyright in enforcing online}},
  year         = {{2016}},