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LUP Student Papers


Kommunikationsbaserad kursmanipulation - En tolkning och systematisering

Johansson, Gustav LU (2016) LAGF03 20161
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
I uppsatsen tolkas och systematiseras förbudet mot kursmanipulation med
särskilt fokus på den särpräglade kommunikationsbaserade formen. För att
tolka och systematisera förbudet sker en operationalisering av ekonomisk
teori och empiri genom uppställandet av en kritisk assimilationslära. I
uppsatsen utreds även det mångfacetterade informationsbegreppet. Den
värdepappersrättsliga regleringen av marknadsmissbruksbrotten är präglad
av ett offensivt effektivitetstänk, medan straffrätten har en mer defensive prägel. Till dags dato har det defensiva behovet vägt tyngre än det offensive vid marknadsmissbruksbrott.

Förbudet mot kommunikationsbaserad kursmanipulation är något av ett
problemområde i svensk rätt på grund av komplexiteten i... (More)
I uppsatsen tolkas och systematiseras förbudet mot kursmanipulation med
särskilt fokus på den särpräglade kommunikationsbaserade formen. För att
tolka och systematisera förbudet sker en operationalisering av ekonomisk
teori och empiri genom uppställandet av en kritisk assimilationslära. I
uppsatsen utreds även det mångfacetterade informationsbegreppet. Den
värdepappersrättsliga regleringen av marknadsmissbruksbrotten är präglad
av ett offensivt effektivitetstänk, medan straffrätten har en mer defensive prägel. Till dags dato har det defensiva behovet vägt tyngre än det offensive vid marknadsmissbruksbrott.

Förbudet mot kommunikationsbaserad kursmanipulation är något av ett
problemområde i svensk rätt på grund av komplexiteten i den rättsliga
bedömningen och utredningen, men även på grund av vissa brister och
oklarheter i regelverket. Slutsatsen blir att rättsläget i många avseenden är oklart då det saknas praxis och djuplodande utredningar om den kommunikationsbaserade kursmanipulationen i den svenska rätten. (Less)
This essay interprets and systematizes the ban on market manipulation with a particular focus on the communication-based form. The interpretation and systematizing of the ban calls for an operationalization of economic theory and empirical evidence through the setting of a critical assimilation doctrine.
The essay also investigates the multifaceted concept of information. The
securities markets regulation of market manipulation is characterized by
offensive efficiency, whereas criminal law has more of a defensive
character. To this date, the defensive need has been of more use than the
offensive in market manipulation offenses.

The ban on communication based price manipulation is somewhat of a
problem area in the Swedish legal... (More)
This essay interprets and systematizes the ban on market manipulation with a particular focus on the communication-based form. The interpretation and systematizing of the ban calls for an operationalization of economic theory and empirical evidence through the setting of a critical assimilation doctrine.
The essay also investigates the multifaceted concept of information. The
securities markets regulation of market manipulation is characterized by
offensive efficiency, whereas criminal law has more of a defensive
character. To this date, the defensive need has been of more use than the
offensive in market manipulation offenses.

The ban on communication based price manipulation is somewhat of a
problem area in the Swedish legal system due to the complexity of the legal analysis and the investigation, but also because of certain shortcomings and ambiguities in the regulations. The conclusion is that the legal situation in many ways is unclear since there are no court decisions and in-depth investigations into communication based price manipulation in the Swedish legal system. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Johansson, Gustav LU
LAGF03 20161
M2 - Bachelor Degree
Straffrätt, Värdepappersmarknadsrätt, Kursmanipulation, Otillbörlig marknadspåverkan
date added to LUP
2016-07-04 11:48:06
date last changed
2016-07-04 11:48:06
  abstract     = {{This essay interprets and systematizes the ban on market manipulation with a particular focus on the communication-based form. The interpretation and systematizing of the ban calls for an operationalization of economic theory and empirical evidence through the setting of a critical assimilation doctrine.
The essay also investigates the multifaceted concept of information. The
securities markets regulation of market manipulation is characterized by
offensive efficiency, whereas criminal law has more of a defensive
character. To this date, the defensive need has been of more use than the
offensive in market manipulation offenses.

The ban on communication based price manipulation is somewhat of a
problem area in the Swedish legal system due to the complexity of the legal analysis and the investigation, but also because of certain shortcomings and ambiguities in the regulations. The conclusion is that the legal situation in many ways is unclear since there are no court decisions and in-depth investigations into communication based price manipulation in the Swedish legal system.}},
  author       = {{Johansson, Gustav}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Kommunikationsbaserad kursmanipulation - En tolkning och systematisering}},
  year         = {{2016}},