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LUP Student Papers


Rättssäkerhet och psykiatrisk tvångsvård

Thäter, Emil LU (2016) LAGF03 20162
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Sedan mentalsjukhusen avskaffades har olika åtgärder vidtagits för att stärka patientens rättssäkerhet. Den speciella instansordning med utskrivningsnämnder som första instans och psykiatrinämnden som andra instans övergavs. Domstolsprövningen utförs nu av de ordinarie förvaltningsdomstolarna som inhämtar medicinsk expertis från chefsöverläkaren och en annan läkare utifrån. Vidare, har LSPV ersatts av LPT som stärkt patientens rättssäkerhet, främst genom att reglera olika tvångsåtgärder under vårdtiden och förse dessa åtgärder med överprövningsmöjligheter. Vårdens innehåll har dock lämnats utanför lagstiftningen vilket lett till att tvångsmedicinering i princip är oreglerat.

Vad rättssäkerhet innebär är beroende av i vilket rättsområde... (More)
Sedan mentalsjukhusen avskaffades har olika åtgärder vidtagits för att stärka patientens rättssäkerhet. Den speciella instansordning med utskrivningsnämnder som första instans och psykiatrinämnden som andra instans övergavs. Domstolsprövningen utförs nu av de ordinarie förvaltningsdomstolarna som inhämtar medicinsk expertis från chefsöverläkaren och en annan läkare utifrån. Vidare, har LSPV ersatts av LPT som stärkt patientens rättssäkerhet, främst genom att reglera olika tvångsåtgärder under vårdtiden och förse dessa åtgärder med överprövningsmöjligheter. Vårdens innehåll har dock lämnats utanför lagstiftningen vilket lett till att tvångsmedicinering i princip är oreglerat.

Vad rättssäkerhet innebär är beroende av i vilket rättsområde begreppet uppkommer. Generellt, beskrivs rättssäkerhet som ett skydd mot godtycklig maktutövning för att rättsstaten följer regler som är förutsebara. Reglernas förutsebarhet måste dock vägas samman med att vara etisk godtagbara. Rättssäkerhet kommer till uttryck genom legalitetsprincipen och andra regler i RF om t.ex. domstolarnas oberoende och självständighet eller rätten till domstolsprövning. I psykiatrirättsliga sammanhang betonas även rätten att överklaga och att bistås av juridisk expertis vid en rättegång som ska ske utan onödigt dröjsmål.

Förutsättningarna för psykiatrisk tvångsvård utgår främst från patientens vårdbehov och har kritiserats för att vara motsägelsefulla, vaga och otydliga. Bortsett från den inskränkning som ett frihetsberövande i sig innebär får en patient intagen för psykiatrisk tvångsvård finna sig i många inskränkningar mot sin person och integritet. Även dessa inskränkningar motiveras med patientens vårdbehov, men också av personalens och andras säkerhet.

Vilka beslut som kan överklagas framgår explicit av LPT, inga andra beslut kan överklagas. I vissa fall kan dock överklaganden avskrivas som onyttigt besvär utan någon närmare förklaring av Kammarrätten trots att beslutet återfinns i LPT. (Less)
Since the mental hospitals were abolished various measures have been taken to strengthen the patients’ legal certainty. The special scheme of appeal with the discharge board as first court and the psychiatric board as appeal court was abandoned. The judicial review is now carried out by the regular administrative courts who acquires medicinal expertise from the chief doctor and another doctor from outside. Furthermore, LSPV has been replaced by LPT which has strengthen the patients’ legal certainty mainly by regulating different forced measures during the time of care and provide these measures with the opportunity to appeal. The health care content was however left outside legislation which has led to that forced medication is in... (More)
Since the mental hospitals were abolished various measures have been taken to strengthen the patients’ legal certainty. The special scheme of appeal with the discharge board as first court and the psychiatric board as appeal court was abandoned. The judicial review is now carried out by the regular administrative courts who acquires medicinal expertise from the chief doctor and another doctor from outside. Furthermore, LSPV has been replaced by LPT which has strengthen the patients’ legal certainty mainly by regulating different forced measures during the time of care and provide these measures with the opportunity to appeal. The health care content was however left outside legislation which has led to that forced medication is in principal unregulated.

What legal certainty means is dependent off in which legal area the term arises. Generally, legal certainty is described as a protection against arbitrary exercise of power because the legal state follows rules that are predictable. The rules predictability must however be weighed together with being ethically acceptable. Legal certainty is expressed through the rule of law and other rules in RF about e.g. the courts self-reliance and independence or the right to judicial review. Psychiatric legal context also emphasizes the right to appeal and to be assisted by a legal counsel at a trail that should take place without any unnecessary delay.

The conditions for compulsory psychiatric care are mainly based on the patients’ need for care and have been criticized for being contradictory, vague and unclear. Apart from the restriction that a detention in itself means a patient taken in for compulsory psychiatric care have to find himself in many restrictions against his person and integrity. Also these restrictions are motivated by the patients’ need for care, but also by the staffs and others security.

Which decisions that can be appealed is shown explicitly by LPT, no other decisions can be appealed. In some cases, however, appeals may be written off as unnecessary without any further explanation by the court of appeal even though the decision is found in LPT. (Less)
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Thäter, Emil LU
LAGF03 20162
M2 - Bachelor Degree
Rättssäkerhet, psykiatrisk tvångsvård, tvångsåtgärder, integritet.
date added to LUP
2017-03-11 12:05:18
date last changed
2017-03-11 12:05:18
  abstract     = {{Since the mental hospitals were abolished various measures have been taken to strengthen the patients’ legal certainty. The special scheme of appeal with the discharge board as first court and the psychiatric board as appeal court was abandoned. The judicial review is now carried out by the regular administrative courts who acquires medicinal expertise from the chief doctor and another doctor from outside. Furthermore, LSPV has been replaced by LPT which has strengthen the patients’ legal certainty mainly by regulating different forced measures during the time of care and provide these measures with the opportunity to appeal. The health care content was however left outside legislation which has led to that forced medication is in principal unregulated.

What legal certainty means is dependent off in which legal area the term arises. Generally, legal certainty is described as a protection against arbitrary exercise of power because the legal state follows rules that are predictable. The rules predictability must however be weighed together with being ethically acceptable. Legal certainty is expressed through the rule of law and other rules in RF about e.g. the courts self-reliance and independence or the right to judicial review. Psychiatric legal context also emphasizes the right to appeal and to be assisted by a legal counsel at a trail that should take place without any unnecessary delay.

The conditions for compulsory psychiatric care are mainly based on the patients’ need for care and have been criticized for being contradictory, vague and unclear. Apart from the restriction that a detention in itself means a patient taken in for compulsory psychiatric care have to find himself in many restrictions against his person and integrity. Also these restrictions are motivated by the patients’ need for care, but also by the staffs and others security.

Which decisions that can be appealed is shown explicitly by LPT, no other decisions can be appealed. In some cases, however, appeals may be written off as unnecessary without any further explanation by the court of appeal even though the decision is found in LPT.}},
  author       = {{Thäter, Emil}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Rättssäkerhet och psykiatrisk tvångsvård}},
  year         = {{2016}},