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Marknadsargumentet- och hur Arbetsdomstolen kan begränsa den strukturella diskrimineringen på arbetsmarknaden

Bengtsson, Emma LU and Björklund, Jimmy LU (2017) HARH16 20162
Department of Business Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Dold i samhällets uppbyggnad finns en undermedveten strukturell lönediskriminering. Internationell och nationell rätt är endast tillämplig på den individuella lönediskrimineringen, vilket innebär att den strukturella diskrimineringen per automatik tolereras. Kandidatuppsatsen utreder och ifrågasätter rättsläget vad gäller individuell lönediskriminering samt uppmärksammar den strukturella lönediskrimineringen. Slutligen undersöks om Arbetsdomstolen kan ställa högre beviskrav på arbetsgivare som hävdar att marknadskrafterna ligger bakom en löneskillnad. För att uppfylla syftet och besvara frågeställningarna används rättsdogmatisk metod och EU-metod. Nationell rätt är underordnad EU-rätten varför även EU-rätten givits stort... (More)
Dold i samhällets uppbyggnad finns en undermedveten strukturell lönediskriminering. Internationell och nationell rätt är endast tillämplig på den individuella lönediskrimineringen, vilket innebär att den strukturella diskrimineringen per automatik tolereras. Kandidatuppsatsen utreder och ifrågasätter rättsläget vad gäller individuell lönediskriminering samt uppmärksammar den strukturella lönediskrimineringen. Slutligen undersöks om Arbetsdomstolen kan ställa högre beviskrav på arbetsgivare som hävdar att marknadskrafterna ligger bakom en löneskillnad. För att uppfylla syftet och besvara frågeställningarna används rättsdogmatisk metod och EU-metod. Nationell rätt är underordnad EU-rätten varför även EU-rätten givits stort fokus. Efter en grundlig rättslig utredning av den individuella diskrimineringen studeras Arbetsdomstolens praxis gällande arbetsvärdering och marknadsargumentet ingående. I uppsatsen konstateras att det ställs höga krav på arbetsvärderingar som syftar till att bevisa två arbetens lika värde. Vidare konstateras även att motsvarande höga beviskrav inte ställs när arbetsgivaren anger marknadskrafterna som orsak till en löneskillnad. Domstolen hanterar marknaden som en könsneutral faktor som påverkar lönesättningen utan att närmare undersöka om den i realiteten är könsneutral. Avslutningsvis klargörs med stöd i bl.a. brittiska domstolars praxis och i recast-direktivet 2006/54 att det finns ett utrymme för Arbetsdomstolen att ställa högre krav på arbetsgivaren då denne hävdar marknadsargumentet utan att på något sätt frångå EU-rätten. (Less)
Hidden in the construction of society lies subconscious structural wage discrimination. International and national law is only applicable on the individual wage discrimination, which means that the structural discrimination is automatically tolerated. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to investigate and question the current legislation regarding individual wage discrimination and highlight the structural wage discrimination. Finally the thesis examines whether the Swedish Labour Court can set a higher standard for the burden of proof from the employers who argue that market forces are the reason behind the pay gap. To fulfil the purpose and answer the questions a legal dogmatic method and EU-methods were used. Since national law... (More)
Hidden in the construction of society lies subconscious structural wage discrimination. International and national law is only applicable on the individual wage discrimination, which means that the structural discrimination is automatically tolerated. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to investigate and question the current legislation regarding individual wage discrimination and highlight the structural wage discrimination. Finally the thesis examines whether the Swedish Labour Court can set a higher standard for the burden of proof from the employers who argue that market forces are the reason behind the pay gap. To fulfil the purpose and answer the questions a legal dogmatic method and EU-methods were used. Since national law is subordinate to the EU-law the EU law has been given great emphasis. After a thorough legal inquiry of the individual discrimination, the Swedish Labour Courts practices concerning evaluation of the value of labour and the argument concerning market forces are studied in depth. The thesis concludes that the demands on proof concerning evaluation of the value of labour are far reaching when it comes to proving that two jobs are of equal value. Further it is found that the demands of proof are far less when it comes to cases where the employer points at the market forces as the cause of the wage gap. The Labour Court sees the market as a gender-neutral factor that affects the wage setting without further investigating whether that is the reality. A final conclusion is that with support from among others British Courts practices and in the recast-directive 2006/54 that there is room for the Swedish Labour Court to raise the bar concerning the demand of proof in cases where the employer is pointing at market forces without departing from EU-law. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Bengtsson, Emma LU and Björklund, Jimmy LU
HARH16 20162
M2 - Bachelor Degree
Arbetsdomstolen, lönediskriminering, strukturell diskriminering, marknadsargumentet, the Swedish Labour Court, wage discrimination, structural discrimination, market forces
date added to LUP
2017-01-19 09:39:06
date last changed
2017-01-19 11:28:22
  abstract     = {{Abstract
Hidden in the construction of society lies subconscious structural wage discrimination. International and national law is only applicable on the individual wage discrimination, which means that the structural discrimination is automatically tolerated. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to investigate and question the current legislation regarding individual wage discrimination and highlight the structural wage discrimination. Finally the thesis examines whether the Swedish Labour Court can set a higher standard for the burden of proof from the employers who argue that market forces are the reason behind the pay gap. To fulfil the purpose and answer the questions a legal dogmatic method and EU-methods were used. Since national law is subordinate to the EU-law the EU law has been given great emphasis. After a thorough legal inquiry of the individual discrimination, the Swedish Labour Courts practices concerning evaluation of the value of labour and the argument concerning market forces are studied in depth. The thesis concludes that the demands on proof concerning evaluation of the value of labour are far reaching when it comes to proving that two jobs are of equal value. Further it is found that the demands of proof are far less when it comes to cases where the employer points at the market forces as the cause of the wage gap. The Labour Court sees the market as a gender-neutral factor that affects the wage setting without further investigating whether that is the reality. A final conclusion is that with support from among others British Courts practices and in the recast-directive 2006/54 that there is room for the Swedish Labour Court to raise the bar concerning the demand of proof in cases where the employer is pointing at market forces without departing from EU-law.}},
  author       = {{Bengtsson, Emma and Björklund, Jimmy}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Marknadsargumentet- och hur Arbetsdomstolen kan begränsa den strukturella diskrimineringen på arbetsmarknaden}},
  year         = {{2017}},