Mamma, pappa, barn på arbetet - En analys av familjeundantaget i 1§ 2 st. 2p. LAS
(2017) HARH01 20162Department of Business Law
- Abstract (Swedish)
- Lagen (1982:80) om anställningsskydd, är den lag som torde vara av störst betydelse när det kommer till anställningar. Den reglerar bl.a hur en anställning ingås, vilka anställningsformer som finns och regler kring hur en anställning upphör. Från lagens tillämpningsområde undantas bl.a. personer med en företagsledande ställning och arbetsgivarens familjemedlemmar. Undantagen har motiverats med att förhållandet mellan en arbetsgivare och en arbetstagare i sådana sammanhang är så särpräglat och personligt, att det inte rimligen bör lagregleras. Undantaget är utan ändringar överfört från den äldre anställningsskyddslagen från 1974.
I förarbetena till den äldre anställningsskyddslagen gavs definitioner både på vem som skulle betraktas som... (More) - Lagen (1982:80) om anställningsskydd, är den lag som torde vara av störst betydelse när det kommer till anställningar. Den reglerar bl.a hur en anställning ingås, vilka anställningsformer som finns och regler kring hur en anställning upphör. Från lagens tillämpningsområde undantas bl.a. personer med en företagsledande ställning och arbetsgivarens familjemedlemmar. Undantagen har motiverats med att förhållandet mellan en arbetsgivare och en arbetstagare i sådana sammanhang är så särpräglat och personligt, att det inte rimligen bör lagregleras. Undantaget är utan ändringar överfört från den äldre anställningsskyddslagen från 1974.
I förarbetena till den äldre anställningsskyddslagen gavs definitioner både på vem som skulle betraktas som företagsledande och vem som skulle betraktas som en familjemedlem. Arbetsdomstolen (AD) har i sin praxis gett begreppen en något vidare tolkning i takt med att samhället har förändrats. Företag kan byta ägare och nya familjekonstellationer har bildats.
För att kunna undersöka vem som ska omfattas av begreppet ”arbetsgivarens familjemedlem” ska det först undersökas vem som ska anses vara arbetsgivare på ett företag. Det vanligaste torde vara att företag bedrivs i bolagsform, där själva arbetsgivaren är en juridisk person. För att betraktas som arbetsgivare måste man enligt AD ha ett starkt inflytande i företaget. AD har i sin praxis konstaterat att familjeundantaget ska gälla oavsett vilken bolagsform företaget bedrivs i.
LAS innehåller många skyddsregler gentemot arbetstagaren, bl.a. regler om saklig grund för uppsägning, turordning och rätt till återanställning. Följden av att familjemedlemmar inte omfattas av LAS är att de inte har detta skydd. Det kan uppfattas som negativt att exkluderas från en lag som finns till för att skydda arbetstagare. Däremot ska det poängteras att bara för att man inte omfattas av LAS, så har man fortfarande rättigheter gentemot sin arbetsgivare gällande t.ex. föräldraledighet, diskriminering och facklig verksamhet.
Undantagsregeln finns inte till för att det ska vara enkelt att säga upp en familjemedlem utan eftersom man inte anser att det finns ett behov av att skydda en arbetstagare som man har en personlig relation till. Oftast behöver sådana personer inte samma rättsliga skydd eftersom dessa oftast har ett moraliskt skydd, som övriga arbetstagare saknar. Det kan ses som ett verktyg från lagstiftarens sida att införa denna undantagsregel. (Less) - Abstract
- The Swedish law regarding the protection of employment, LAS (1982:80) is probably the most important law when it comes to employments. The law regulates how an employment is concluded, which kind of employment one may have and the rules on how employment is terminated. Persons with management positions and family members of the employer are excluded from the scope of the law. The reason that these groups of people are excluded from the scope of the law is because there are a distinctive and personal relationship between an employer and a worker, that it cannot reasonably be regulated by law. The exception was transferred without change from the older Employment Act from 1974.
In the preamble to the older labour law, definitions both of... (More) - The Swedish law regarding the protection of employment, LAS (1982:80) is probably the most important law when it comes to employments. The law regulates how an employment is concluded, which kind of employment one may have and the rules on how employment is terminated. Persons with management positions and family members of the employer are excluded from the scope of the law. The reason that these groups of people are excluded from the scope of the law is because there are a distinctive and personal relationship between an employer and a worker, that it cannot reasonably be regulated by law. The exception was transferred without change from the older Employment Act from 1974.
In the preamble to the older labour law, definitions both of who would be considered senior management and who would be considered a family member, was given. The Labour Court (AD) has in their rulings given the concept a slightly wider interpretation as the society has changed. Companies can change owners and new families are formed.
In order to examine who should be covered by the term “employer´s family member” it must be examined who is deemed to be the employer of a company. The most common thing is probably that the business is conducted in corporate form, where the employer is a legal person. To be deemed as the employer you must have a very strong influence on the company, according to the court. AD has in its rulings stated that the family exception applies regardless of the legal form of which the company is conducted.
LAS contains many rules to protect the worker, for example rules of cause for termination, and the right to reinstatement. Since family members are not covered by LAS, they don’t have this protection. It can be considered obvious that it is not positive to be excluded from an Act which protects workers. However it should be pointed out that just because you are not covered by LAS, you still have legal right towards your employer regarding for example the right to parental leave, discrimination and belonging to an employee organization. The exceptions to the rule do not exist so it can be easy to terminate a family member, but because there is no reason to protect workers who have a personal relationship to their employer. Such persons do not need the same legal protection as other workers because they usually have a moral protection as other workers lack. It must be seen as a tool of the legislature to have this exemption. (Less)
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- author
- Tholén, Linda LU
- supervisor
- organization
- course
- HARH01 20162
- year
- 2017
- type
- M2 - Bachelor Degree
- subject
- keywords
- familj, familjemedlem, arbetsgivare, LAS, anställningsskyddslagen, företagsledande ställning, arbetsrättsligt skydd, arbetsrätt, arbetsdomstolen
- language
- Swedish
- id
- 8899934
- date added to LUP
- 2017-01-20 10:47:50
- date last changed
- 2017-01-20 10:47:50
@misc{8899934, abstract = {{The Swedish law regarding the protection of employment, LAS (1982:80) is probably the most important law when it comes to employments. The law regulates how an employment is concluded, which kind of employment one may have and the rules on how employment is terminated. Persons with management positions and family members of the employer are excluded from the scope of the law. The reason that these groups of people are excluded from the scope of the law is because there are a distinctive and personal relationship between an employer and a worker, that it cannot reasonably be regulated by law. The exception was transferred without change from the older Employment Act from 1974. In the preamble to the older labour law, definitions both of who would be considered senior management and who would be considered a family member, was given. The Labour Court (AD) has in their rulings given the concept a slightly wider interpretation as the society has changed. Companies can change owners and new families are formed. In order to examine who should be covered by the term “employer´s family member” it must be examined who is deemed to be the employer of a company. The most common thing is probably that the business is conducted in corporate form, where the employer is a legal person. To be deemed as the employer you must have a very strong influence on the company, according to the court. AD has in its rulings stated that the family exception applies regardless of the legal form of which the company is conducted. LAS contains many rules to protect the worker, for example rules of cause for termination, and the right to reinstatement. Since family members are not covered by LAS, they don’t have this protection. It can be considered obvious that it is not positive to be excluded from an Act which protects workers. However it should be pointed out that just because you are not covered by LAS, you still have legal right towards your employer regarding for example the right to parental leave, discrimination and belonging to an employee organization. The exceptions to the rule do not exist so it can be easy to terminate a family member, but because there is no reason to protect workers who have a personal relationship to their employer. Such persons do not need the same legal protection as other workers because they usually have a moral protection as other workers lack. It must be seen as a tool of the legislature to have this exemption.}}, author = {{Tholén, Linda}}, language = {{swe}}, note = {{Student Paper}}, title = {{Mamma, pappa, barn på arbetet - En analys av familjeundantaget i 1§ 2 st. 2p. LAS}}, year = {{2017}}, }