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Våld utan slag - En studie av det straffbara området för psykiskt våld i nära relationer

Dahlberg, Edvin LU (2017) LAGF03 20171
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Mäns våld mot kvinnor har på senare tid blivit ett alltmer erkänt samhällsproblem. En vanlig uppfattning är att våldet till största del utgörs av fysiska gärningar men ett psykiskt nedbrytande och kontrollerande beteende är dock mer vanligt förekommande. Tydligt är att mäns våld mot kvinnor till stor del grundas i den mellan könen existerande maktobalansen vilket är en viktig utgångspunkt i förståelsen av våldet som en pågående process. I den svenska brottskatalogen finns ingen särskild kriminalisering av psykiskt våld men vissa brottsrubriceringar kan likväl vara av relevans i kontexten. Framställningen syftar till att utröna det straffbara områdets omfång för psykiskt våld i nära relationer samt att analysera huruvida omfånget är... (More)
Mäns våld mot kvinnor har på senare tid blivit ett alltmer erkänt samhällsproblem. En vanlig uppfattning är att våldet till största del utgörs av fysiska gärningar men ett psykiskt nedbrytande och kontrollerande beteende är dock mer vanligt förekommande. Tydligt är att mäns våld mot kvinnor till stor del grundas i den mellan könen existerande maktobalansen vilket är en viktig utgångspunkt i förståelsen av våldet som en pågående process. I den svenska brottskatalogen finns ingen särskild kriminalisering av psykiskt våld men vissa brottsrubriceringar kan likväl vara av relevans i kontexten. Framställningen syftar till att utröna det straffbara områdets omfång för psykiskt våld i nära relationer samt att analysera huruvida omfånget är tillfredsställande utifrån ett könsmaktsperspektiv.

Framställningen visar på att psykiskt våld i viss mån är straffbart i dagens rättsläge, främst genom frihet- och fridsbrotten. Hur brottsrubriceringarna förhåller sig till just psykiskt våld i en nära relation framgår inte av förarbetena vilket tillsammans med relativt inkonsekvent praxis bidrar till ett något oklart rättsläge. Kvinnovåldskommissionens förslag till kvinnofridsbrott, som syftade till att kriminalisera viss negativ psykisk påverkan, kritiserades av remissinstanserna på grund av en alltför vag brottsbeskrivning. Detta bidrog troligtvis till att regeringens slutgiltiga förslag, grov kvinnofridskränkning, tog sin utgångspunkt i redan tidigare kriminaliserade gärningar och därav inte medförde ett utökat straffbart område. Vissa former av psykiskt våld, såsom hotelser, kan beaktas i större utsträckning än andra. Framställningen visar dock på att det förefaller vara svårt att beakta den mer långtgående kontrollerande processen av psykiskt våld åtminstone vad gäller straffbarhet. Detta bidrar till att det psykiska våldet förblir en osynlig maktfaktor i mäns våld mot kvinnor vad gäller det straffrättsliga systemet. Genom att denna maktfaktor inte beaktas på ett enhetligt eller tydligt sätt manifesteras den manliga makten, i viss mån, i rätten som institution. (Less)
Men’s violence against women has in recent times become a more and more recognised social issue. It is a common misconception that the violence mainly consists of physical abuse, but psychological abuse in terms of controlling and degrading behaviour is somewhat more common. It is apparent gender structures serves as a base from which men’s violence against women can originate and grow. This is important to understand to be able to visualise the abuse as a process. There is no particular criminalisation of psychological abuse in the Swedish Penal Code. However, certain clauses might still be applicable in the context of psychological abuse. The report aims to determine to which extent psychological abuse is punishable in today’s legal... (More)
Men’s violence against women has in recent times become a more and more recognised social issue. It is a common misconception that the violence mainly consists of physical abuse, but psychological abuse in terms of controlling and degrading behaviour is somewhat more common. It is apparent gender structures serves as a base from which men’s violence against women can originate and grow. This is important to understand to be able to visualise the abuse as a process. There is no particular criminalisation of psychological abuse in the Swedish Penal Code. However, certain clauses might still be applicable in the context of psychological abuse. The report aims to determine to which extent psychological abuse is punishable in today’s legal situation as well as if the legal situation in question is satisfactory given regard to power structures between genders.

The report points out that psychological abuse, in some forms, can be considered in today’s legal situation. Mainly through clauses criminalising acts against individuals’ liberty and peace. Analysing the legislative history of these clauses, it becomes apparent psychological abuse in a close relationship was not specifically taken in to consideration when discussing the scope of the criminalisation. This, together with inconsistent court practice, indicates a relatively unclear legal situation. The Commission of Domestic Violence proposed a new clause, expressively criminalising psychological abuse. Many referral organisations criticised the new proposition mainly because the wording of the clause was perceived as vague. The final proposal by the government was instead based on previously criminalised acts, which did not change the legal situation regarding punishable acts of psychological abuse. Some forms of psychological abuse are more inclined to be punishable, for example threats. However, it seems to be difficult to consider a more extensive controlling process of psychological abuse at least when it comes to punishable acts. This contributes to giving psychological abuse a somewhat invisible status as a power element in violent relationships. Power structures are therefore, in a way, manifested by the judicial system. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Dahlberg, Edvin LU
LAGF03 20171
M2 - Bachelor Degree
Straffrätt, Könsmakt, Psykiskt våld, Mäns våld mot kvinnor
date added to LUP
2017-06-29 10:59:33
date last changed
2017-06-29 10:59:33
  abstract     = {{Men’s violence against women has in recent times become a more and more recognised social issue. It is a common misconception that the violence mainly consists of physical abuse, but psychological abuse in terms of controlling and degrading behaviour is somewhat more common. It is apparent gender structures serves as a base from which men’s violence against women can originate and grow. This is important to understand to be able to visualise the abuse as a process. There is no particular criminalisation of psychological abuse in the Swedish Penal Code. However, certain clauses might still be applicable in the context of psychological abuse. The report aims to determine to which extent psychological abuse is punishable in today’s legal situation as well as if the legal situation in question is satisfactory given regard to power structures between genders. 

The report points out that psychological abuse, in some forms, can be considered in today’s legal situation. Mainly through clauses criminalising acts against individuals’ liberty and peace. Analysing the legislative history of these clauses, it becomes apparent psychological abuse in a close relationship was not specifically taken in to consideration when discussing the scope of the criminalisation. This, together with inconsistent court practice, indicates a relatively unclear legal situation. The Commission of Domestic Violence proposed a new clause, expressively criminalising psychological abuse. Many referral organisations criticised the new proposition mainly because the wording of the clause was perceived as vague. The final proposal by the government was instead based on previously criminalised acts, which did not change the legal situation regarding punishable acts of psychological abuse. Some forms of psychological abuse are more inclined to be punishable, for example threats. However, it seems to be difficult to consider a more extensive controlling process of psychological abuse at least when it comes to punishable acts. This contributes to giving psychological abuse a somewhat invisible status as a power element in violent relationships. Power structures are therefore, in a way, manifested by the judicial system.}},
  author       = {{Dahlberg, Edvin}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Våld utan slag - En studie av det straffbara området för psykiskt våld i nära relationer}},
  year         = {{2017}},