Det straffrättsliga skyddet mot hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck mot kvinnor: reellt skydd eller fikonlöv?
(2017) JURM02 20171Department of Law
- Abstract (Swedish)
- Syftet med denna uppsats är att utreda det straffrättsliga skyddet mot hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck mot kvinnor, samt studera hur strukturella ojämlikheter påverkar kvinnors möjligheter till skydd mot denna typ av våld i Sverige. För att uppnå detta syfte behandlas frågor som exempelvis vad hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck är, hur den svenska lagstiftningen på området ser ut samt hur lagstiftningen tillämpas i praktiken. Till hjälp används en genusrättsvetenskaplig metod i kombination med en klassisk rättsdogmatisk metod och uppsatsen utgår från teorier kring genussystem och genusrättsvetenskap.
Efter en genomgång av vad hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck är, hur gällande rätt ser ut, en kortare studie av rättspraxis på området... (More) - Syftet med denna uppsats är att utreda det straffrättsliga skyddet mot hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck mot kvinnor, samt studera hur strukturella ojämlikheter påverkar kvinnors möjligheter till skydd mot denna typ av våld i Sverige. För att uppnå detta syfte behandlas frågor som exempelvis vad hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck är, hur den svenska lagstiftningen på området ser ut samt hur lagstiftningen tillämpas i praktiken. Till hjälp används en genusrättsvetenskaplig metod i kombination med en klassisk rättsdogmatisk metod och uppsatsen utgår från teorier kring genussystem och genusrättsvetenskap.
Efter en genomgång av vad hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck är, hur gällande rätt ser ut, en kortare studie av rättspraxis på området samt en undersökning av rättsväsendets arbete har uppsatsen kommit fram till följande slutsatser. Hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck utgör allvarliga kränkningar av kvinnors mänskliga rättigheter och är ett relativt utbrett problem i dagens Sverige. Den svenska straffrätten behandlar inte uttryckligen hedersvåld utan de allmänna straffbestämmelserna tillämpas på våldet. Många av de handlingar som utgör hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck är straffbelagda i svensk rätt. Tillämpliga straffbestämmelser är exempelvis mord, misshandel, olaga hot, olaga frihetsberövande, grov (kvinno)fridskränkning, äktenskapstvång, vilseledande till äktenskapsresa, ofredande och förbud mot könsstympning. Trots detta medför det hedersrelaterade våldet en del utmaningar för den svenska straffrätten. Dessa utmaningar är exempelvis våldets kollektiva och systematiska prägel samt de frekventa inslagen av psykiskt våld, förtryck och kontroll. Straffrätten måste kontextualiseras på ett bättre sätt för att fånga helhetsbilden av hedersproblematiken och flera av de nuvarande straffbestämmelserna måste ses över för att kunna hantera våldet på ett adekvat sätt. Straffrätten måste även bli bättre på att inkludera psykiskt våld och förtryck eftersom det utgör en viktig beståndsdel i kontrollen av kvinnor. En uttrycklig reglering kan underlätta, antingen genom införandet av ett ”hedersbrott” eller en straffskärpningsgrund i 29 kap. BrB, då det tydliggör för rättstillämparen och har en viktig symbolisk funktion.
När det gäller rättstillämpningen har uppsatsen identifierat ett flertal brister i hanteringen av hedersrelaterade ärenden. Inom domstolsväsendet verkar det finnas oklarheter kring hur det komplexa hedersbegreppet ska hanteras samt eventuellt en rädsla för att stigmatisera vissa grupper genom en felaktig tillämpning. Mycket av detta kan förbättras genom en tydligare lagstiftning, ökad kunskap, mer frekvent användning av experter i rättprocessen samt strukturell medvetenhet. Under senare år har ett flertal insatser gjorts för att förbättra hanteringen av hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck, exempelvis utbildning och utveckling av handböcker och stöddokument. Trots detta finns stora brister i hanteringen. Dessa brister beror på okunskap, bristande rutiner och riktlinjer, oklara rättsregler, bristande resurser samt inte minst strukturella ojämlikheter. För att komma tillrätta med problemen krävs utbildning, strukturell medvetenhet, utveckling av metodstöd och rutiner samt sociala åtgärder. I dagsläget kan det straffrättsliga systemet inte anses ge kvinnor ett tillräckligt skydd mot hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. Ett flertal åtgärder, både på lagstiftningsnivå, tillämpningsnivå samt strukturell nivå, krävs för att garantera ett adekvat skydd. (Less) - Abstract
- The purpose of this thesis is to examine whether the Swedish criminal justice system gives women adequate protection against honor related violence and oppression. The thesis also examines how structural inequalities effects the protection provided by the system. To achieve this, the thesis defines what honor related violence and oppression is, examines how the applicable Swedish law is designed and how the law is applied by the judicial system. The thesis uses feminist legal theory in combination with traditional legal theory and has its starting-point in various gender theories.
After a walkthrough of definitions of honor related violence and oppression, an examination of the applicable law, a short case study and an analysis of the... (More) - The purpose of this thesis is to examine whether the Swedish criminal justice system gives women adequate protection against honor related violence and oppression. The thesis also examines how structural inequalities effects the protection provided by the system. To achieve this, the thesis defines what honor related violence and oppression is, examines how the applicable Swedish law is designed and how the law is applied by the judicial system. The thesis uses feminist legal theory in combination with traditional legal theory and has its starting-point in various gender theories.
After a walkthrough of definitions of honor related violence and oppression, an examination of the applicable law, a short case study and an analysis of the judicial systems work the thesis has reached the following conclusions. Honor related violence and oppression constitutes serious violations of women’s rights and is a relatively extensive problem in Sweden today. The Swedish criminal law does not explicitly deal with honor related violence and oppression, however, the general criminal provisions are often applicable. Several of the acts that constitutes honor related violence and oppression are criminalized in Sweden. Legal provisions includes murder, assault, unlawful threats, unlawful restraint, violation of integrity offence, abuse, marriage coercion and prohibition of female genital mutilation. However, honor related violence and oppression creates problems for the criminal justice system. A few examples of this is the collective and systematic character of the violence and the frequent use of psychological violence, oppression and control. The criminal justice system has to be contextualized to be able to capture the full picture of honor related crimes. In addition, several of the legal provisions have to be adjusted to be able to handle the violence and oppression in an adequate way. The criminal justice system also have to include psychological violence and oppression in a more suitable way since it constitutes and effective way to control women. An explicit legal provision may help to handle the issue more effectively. This can be done either through the introduction of an “honor crime” or through the inclusion of “honor motive” as a factor to raise the penal value in chapter 29 of the Swedish penal code. This helps to make the law clearer for judges and it sends an important symbolic message to the public.
Regarding the application of the law the thesis has identified several flaws in the handling of honor related cases. Within the court system there seems to be some ambiguities about how the complex term honor should be understood or a fear of stigmatizing some groups through faulty application of the law. This can be corrected through clearer legal provisions, better knowledge, more frequent use of experts in the court process and structural awareness. Several measures have been taken in recent years to help police and prosecutors in their work with honor related violence and oppression. Measures such as education of personnel and the development of guidelines and handbooks have been introduced. However, there are still several flaws in the dealing with honor related cases. These flaws are due to lack of knowledge, inadequate routines and guidelines, ambiguous legal provisions, lack of resources and structural inequalities. To achieve change there is a need for education, structural awareness, the development of adequate guidelines and routines in addition to social measures. As it is today, the Swedish criminal justice system does not give women adequate protection against honor related violence and oppression. Several measures, both legislative, structural and with the application of law, are needed to guarantee women satisfactory protection. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
- author
- Lundgren, Sofia LU
- supervisor
- Karol Nowak LU
- organization
- alternative title
- The criminal justice system's protection against honor related violence and oppression against women: substantial protection or fig leaf?
- course
- JURM02 20171
- year
- 2017
- type
- H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
- subject
- keywords
- Straffrätt, hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck, våld mot kvinnor, strukturell diskriminering
- language
- Swedish
- id
- 8908197
- date added to LUP
- 2017-06-08 11:23:54
- date last changed
- 2017-06-08 11:23:54
@misc{8908197, abstract = {{The purpose of this thesis is to examine whether the Swedish criminal justice system gives women adequate protection against honor related violence and oppression. The thesis also examines how structural inequalities effects the protection provided by the system. To achieve this, the thesis defines what honor related violence and oppression is, examines how the applicable Swedish law is designed and how the law is applied by the judicial system. The thesis uses feminist legal theory in combination with traditional legal theory and has its starting-point in various gender theories. After a walkthrough of definitions of honor related violence and oppression, an examination of the applicable law, a short case study and an analysis of the judicial systems work the thesis has reached the following conclusions. Honor related violence and oppression constitutes serious violations of women’s rights and is a relatively extensive problem in Sweden today. The Swedish criminal law does not explicitly deal with honor related violence and oppression, however, the general criminal provisions are often applicable. Several of the acts that constitutes honor related violence and oppression are criminalized in Sweden. Legal provisions includes murder, assault, unlawful threats, unlawful restraint, violation of integrity offence, abuse, marriage coercion and prohibition of female genital mutilation. However, honor related violence and oppression creates problems for the criminal justice system. A few examples of this is the collective and systematic character of the violence and the frequent use of psychological violence, oppression and control. The criminal justice system has to be contextualized to be able to capture the full picture of honor related crimes. In addition, several of the legal provisions have to be adjusted to be able to handle the violence and oppression in an adequate way. The criminal justice system also have to include psychological violence and oppression in a more suitable way since it constitutes and effective way to control women. An explicit legal provision may help to handle the issue more effectively. This can be done either through the introduction of an “honor crime” or through the inclusion of “honor motive” as a factor to raise the penal value in chapter 29 of the Swedish penal code. This helps to make the law clearer for judges and it sends an important symbolic message to the public. Regarding the application of the law the thesis has identified several flaws in the handling of honor related cases. Within the court system there seems to be some ambiguities about how the complex term honor should be understood or a fear of stigmatizing some groups through faulty application of the law. This can be corrected through clearer legal provisions, better knowledge, more frequent use of experts in the court process and structural awareness. Several measures have been taken in recent years to help police and prosecutors in their work with honor related violence and oppression. Measures such as education of personnel and the development of guidelines and handbooks have been introduced. However, there are still several flaws in the dealing with honor related cases. These flaws are due to lack of knowledge, inadequate routines and guidelines, ambiguous legal provisions, lack of resources and structural inequalities. To achieve change there is a need for education, structural awareness, the development of adequate guidelines and routines in addition to social measures. As it is today, the Swedish criminal justice system does not give women adequate protection against honor related violence and oppression. Several measures, both legislative, structural and with the application of law, are needed to guarantee women satisfactory protection.}}, author = {{Lundgren, Sofia}}, language = {{swe}}, note = {{Student Paper}}, title = {{Det straffrättsliga skyddet mot hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck mot kvinnor: reellt skydd eller fikonlöv?}}, year = {{2017}}, }