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LUP Student Papers


Barnets vilja - beaktas den?

Larsson, Christoffer LU (2017) LAGF03 20171
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Föräldrabalken 6 kap. 2 a § stadgar att barnets bästa ska vara avgörande för alla beslut angående vårdnad, boende och umgänge. Barnets vilja ska även vägas in i bedömningen av barnets bästa, med beaktande av barnets ålder och mognad. Sverige är dessutom folkrättsligt bunden av barnkonventionen, där barnets vilja lyfts som en viktig del. Denna uppsats syftar till att diskutera hur barnets vilja beaktas av rätten i mål beträffande vårdnad, boende och umgänge.

I förarbetena finns det inget direkt ställningstagande till hur domstolarna ska förhålla sig till ålders- och mognadskriteriet. Domstolarna har istället fått göra egna helhetsbedömningar utifrån det enskilda fallet. För att ett barns åsikter ska beaktas av rätten måste de för... (More)
Föräldrabalken 6 kap. 2 a § stadgar att barnets bästa ska vara avgörande för alla beslut angående vårdnad, boende och umgänge. Barnets vilja ska även vägas in i bedömningen av barnets bästa, med beaktande av barnets ålder och mognad. Sverige är dessutom folkrättsligt bunden av barnkonventionen, där barnets vilja lyfts som en viktig del. Denna uppsats syftar till att diskutera hur barnets vilja beaktas av rätten i mål beträffande vårdnad, boende och umgänge.

I förarbetena finns det inget direkt ställningstagande till hur domstolarna ska förhålla sig till ålders- och mognadskriteriet. Domstolarna har istället fått göra egna helhetsbedömningar utifrån det enskilda fallet. För att ett barns åsikter ska beaktas av rätten måste de för närvarande vara otvetydiga och bestämda. Barnets inställning får inte heller ha påverkats i större utsträckning av någon av föräldrarna.

Barnets vilja kommer oftast till uttryck i vårdnadsutredningen, som rätten kan begära socialnämnden att utföra. Huruvida barnets vilja framkommer i själva domen korrelerar starkt med åldern på barnet, detta visar en undersökning gjord av 2002 års vårdnadskommitté. I flera domar adresserar dock domstolen inte barnets vilja även om den framkom i vårdnadsutredningen, detta ses som ett stort problem.

Den svenska rätten har fått en stor del kritik när det kommer till beaktandet av barnets vilja. FN:s barnrättskommitté har pekat på brister i arbetet hos myndigheter och domstolar. De menar att det måste etableras bättre procedurer och system för att på effektivt sätt ta tillvara på barnets åsikter. I övrigt har det framkommit kritik angående kompetens hos bland annat socialarbetare. Det har dessutom påpekats i doktrinen att det finns brist på transparens i tillämpningen. Fram tills att detta åtgärdas har svensk rätt ett underskott på barnperspektiv. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
According to the 6th chapter, section 2(a) of the Children and Parents code, the best interest of the child shall constitute the main consideration in the determination of all questions concerning custody, residence and contact. Part of the assessment of the best interest of the child, given due weight in accordance with the age and maturity of the child, shall be the views of the child in question.

Sweden is bound by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) by international law. The convention states that the view of the child must be taken into consideration. The fundamental purpose of this essay is to discuss how the views of the child are accounted for in questions regarding custody, residence and contact.

There is no... (More)
According to the 6th chapter, section 2(a) of the Children and Parents code, the best interest of the child shall constitute the main consideration in the determination of all questions concerning custody, residence and contact. Part of the assessment of the best interest of the child, given due weight in accordance with the age and maturity of the child, shall be the views of the child in question.

Sweden is bound by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) by international law. The convention states that the view of the child must be taken into consideration. The fundamental purpose of this essay is to discuss how the views of the child are accounted for in questions regarding custody, residence and contact.

There is no clear guidance in the legislative history when it comes to the interpretation of the age and maturity criteria. Currently the view of the child must be expressed in a definite and unambiguous manner for the court to take it into consideration. The court will not take the child’s view into account if it can be considered to be strongly influenced by someone, for example one of the parents.

The courts can demand a custody enquiry from the social welfare committee, where the the view of the child is most often expressed. There exists a correlation between the view of the child being reported in the judgment and the age of said child. In various cases the courts have not presented the view of the child in the judgment even though it is addressed in the custody enquiry, this is considered a major issue.

The Swedish system has been criticised for not sufficiently implementing the CRC in practice. The UN CRC Committé has emphasized that there are flaws in the current procedures where the view of the child is expressed. The committé recommends Sweden to establish a more effective system for the courts and agencies. In the swedish doctrine there are some who argues that one of the main concerns is a lack of competence amongst social workers. It has also been pointed out that there is a shortage of a perspective where the child is highlighted. Part of the solution to these problems has been suggested to be an increased amount of transparency. (Less)
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Larsson, Christoffer LU
LAGF03 20171
M2 - Bachelor Degree
Familjerätt, vårdnad, barnets vilja
date added to LUP
2017-06-30 12:54:49
date last changed
2017-06-30 12:54:49
  abstract     = {{According to the 6th chapter, section 2(a) of the Children and Parents code, the best interest of the child shall constitute the main consideration in the determination of all questions concerning custody, residence and contact. Part of the assessment of the best interest of the child, given due weight in accordance with the age and maturity of the child, shall be the views of the child in question. 

Sweden is bound by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) by international law. The convention states that the view of the child must be taken into consideration. The fundamental purpose of this essay is to discuss how the views of the child are accounted for in questions regarding custody, residence and contact.

There is no clear guidance in the legislative history when it comes to the interpretation of the age and maturity criteria. Currently the view of the child must be expressed in a definite and unambiguous manner for the court to take it into consideration. The court will not take the child’s view into account if it can be considered to be strongly influenced by someone, for example one of the parents. 

The courts can demand a custody enquiry from the social welfare committee, where the the view of the child is most often expressed. There exists a correlation between the view of the child being reported in the judgment and the age of said child. In various cases the courts have not presented the view of the child in the judgment even though it is addressed in the custody enquiry, this is considered a major issue. 

The Swedish system has been criticised for not sufficiently implementing the CRC in practice. The UN CRC Committé has emphasized that there are flaws in the current procedures where the view of the child is expressed. The committé recommends Sweden to establish a more effective system for the courts and agencies. In the swedish doctrine there are some who argues that one of the main concerns is a lack of competence amongst social workers. It has also been pointed out that there is a shortage of a perspective where the child is highlighted. Part of the solution to these problems has been suggested to be an increased amount of transparency.}},
  author       = {{Larsson, Christoffer}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Barnets vilja - beaktas den?}},
  year         = {{2017}},