Upphörande av vård med stöd av LVU - En balans mellan principen om barnets bästa och legalitetsprincipen
(2017) JURM02 20171Department of Law
- Abstract
- The thesis deals with the cessation of compulsory care for children. LVU is a child protection legislation, which acts as a guarantee to fulfill the care needs of vulnerable children. In accordance with 1 § of the LVU, all decisions concerning children should be decisive as to what is best for the individual child. The society has the power to provide compulsory care if the child lives in a vulnerable home environment that presents a significant risk to the child's health and development, 2 § of the LVU. However, jurisdiction only extends until the prerequisites for compulsory care have ceased in accordance with 21 § LVU.
This assessment is complicated because even though the initial reason for the compulsive care has been discontinued... (More) - The thesis deals with the cessation of compulsory care for children. LVU is a child protection legislation, which acts as a guarantee to fulfill the care needs of vulnerable children. In accordance with 1 § of the LVU, all decisions concerning children should be decisive as to what is best for the individual child. The society has the power to provide compulsory care if the child lives in a vulnerable home environment that presents a significant risk to the child's health and development, 2 § of the LVU. However, jurisdiction only extends until the prerequisites for compulsory care have ceased in accordance with 21 § LVU.
This assessment is complicated because even though the initial reason for the compulsive care has been discontinued other circumstances may have arisen while the child has been placed in a family home, which suggests that continued compulsory care would be the best for the individual child. Because the new circumstance did not cause the compulsory care for the child the new circumstance creates a great unpredictability for the custodians if continued compulsory care would be decided. Especially if the custodians have tried to make thoroughgoing and sustainable changes to the home environment which caused the compulsory care for their child in the first place. The new circumstance may prevent reunification between the child and the guardians, even if the initial reason has been terminated completely. This can be regarded as a violation of the custodians’ right to a private- and family life.
Taking a decision that compulsory care of the child should be discontinued would not be in accordance with the principle of the best interests of the child, but to decide on continued compulsory care would not be in accordance with the principle of legality. Which principle should weigh heaviest in such a decision, without the fundamental rights of either the child or its custodian being violated, and what new circumstances can be covered by both principles shall be investigated in the thesis. Furthermore, it will also be investigated if there are circumstances that indicate that continued compulsory care would be the best for the individual child but isn’t supported by law and therefore renders impossibility for a decision on continued compulsory care.
My investigation concludes that new circumstances which indicates that continued compulsory care would be the best for the child and stems from either the child’s current home environment, the exceptional care needs for the child or the child’s own will all legitimizes a decision for continued compulsory care. In this case both the principles are balanced according to the weight norm between the both principles. Even though some circumstances are less rooted in the principle of legality, the weight norm is applied if the principle of the best interest of the child weighs heavier in a decision of discontinuing compulsory care. The circumstances that are considered applicable in recently mentioned requirements can’t be explicably described therefore they need to be judged case by case. No circumstances which did not have support by law but was for the best interest of the child appeared in my investigation although there was a decision that was not to the best interest of the child and not supported by law. The investigation indicates therefore that when some circumstances advocates for a decision, in whatever direction, that it is according to the principle of the best interest of the child there is a support in the law which legitimize the decision. (Less) - Abstract (Swedish)
- Examensarbetet behandlar upphörande av tvångsvård för barn. Lag (1990:52) med särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga är en skyddslagstiftning som garanterar att utsatta barn ska få sina behov av vård tillgodosedda. Enligt 1 § LVU ska alla beslut som rör barn vara avgörande till vad som är det bästa för det individuella barnet. Samhället har befogenhet att bereda barnet tvångsvård om barnet lever i en utsatt hemmiljö som innebär en påtaglig risk för barnets hälsa och utveckling enligt 2 § LVU. Men befogenheten sträcker sig enbart fram till att dessa förutsättningarna för tvångsvården upphör enligt 21 § LVU.
Bedömningen av hur länge denna befogenhet sträcker sig är komplicerad för trots om den initiala grunden för beredandet av... (More) - Examensarbetet behandlar upphörande av tvångsvård för barn. Lag (1990:52) med särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga är en skyddslagstiftning som garanterar att utsatta barn ska få sina behov av vård tillgodosedda. Enligt 1 § LVU ska alla beslut som rör barn vara avgörande till vad som är det bästa för det individuella barnet. Samhället har befogenhet att bereda barnet tvångsvård om barnet lever i en utsatt hemmiljö som innebär en påtaglig risk för barnets hälsa och utveckling enligt 2 § LVU. Men befogenheten sträcker sig enbart fram till att dessa förutsättningarna för tvångsvården upphör enligt 21 § LVU.
Bedömningen av hur länge denna befogenhet sträcker sig är komplicerad för trots om den initiala grunden för beredandet av tvångsvården har upphört så kan det ha tillkommit andra omständigheter som pekar på att fortsatt tvångsvård vore bäst för det individuella barnet. Den nya omständigheten som tillkommit var alltså inte anledningen till att barnet bereddes tvångsvård. Att ett beslut om fortsatt tvångsvård tas med anledning av den nya omständigheten förorsakar därför en oförutsägbarhet för vårdnadshavarna. Framförallt med tanke på att vårdnadshavarna antagligen försökt genomgå genomgripande och varaktiga förändringar av omständigheten i deras hemmiljö som förorsakade att deras barn kom i kontakt med LVU regleringen. Den nya omständigheten kan vidare innebära att en återförening mellan barnet och vårdnadshavaren förhindras även om den initiala grunden har upphört helt, vilket kan anses vara en kränkning av rätten till ett privat- och familjeliv.
Ett beslut att tvångsvården ska upphöra för barnet vore inte enligt principen om barnets bästa men att besluta om fortsatt tvångsvård vore inte förenligt med legalitetsprincipen. Vilken princip som ska väga tyngst i ett sådant beslut utan att varken barnet eller dess vårdnadshavare grundläggande rättigheter blir kränkta utreds i examensarbetet. Dessutom utreds vilka nya omständigheter som kan omfattas av båda principer och legitimera fortsatt tvångsvård. Vidare utreds det om det finns omständigheter som pekar på att fortsatt vård vore det bästa för det individuella barnet men inte har stöd i lag och därför omöjliggör ett beslut om fortsatt vård.
Av min utredning kan det konstateras att nya omständigheter som pekar på att fortsatt vård vore det bästa för barnet och som härrör ur antingen barnets aktuella hemmiljö, barnets särskilda vårdbehov eller barnets egna vilja legitimerar ett beslut om fortsatt vård. Båda principerna balanseras i dessa fall även om vissa omständigheter är mindre förankrade till legalitetsprincipen. Detta i sig innebär att principen om barnets bästa väger tyngre i beslut om upphörande av tvångsvård. Vilka omständigheter som anses vara tillämpbara på ovannämnda krav kan inte beskrivas uttömmande, för att veta vilka omständigheter som anses vara tillämpbara måste en bedömning göras av omständigheterna i det enskilda fallet. Alla omständigheter som var till barnets bästa ansågs ha stöd i lag enligt min utredning, likaså förekom det ett mål där omständigheten inte ansågs vara till barnets bästa och inte heller hade stöd i lag. Utredningen indikerar på att omständigheter som förespråkar barnets bästa har stöd i lag. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
- author
- Wyrwal, Alicia LU
- supervisor
- organization
- alternative title
- The cessation of compulsory care for children with the support of LVU - A balance between the principle of the best interest of the child and the principle of legality
- course
- JURM02 20171
- year
- 2017
- type
- H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
- subject
- keywords
- Principen om barnets bästa, Upphörande av tvångsvård, Förvaltningsrätt, Socialrätt, Legalitetsprincipen
- language
- Swedish
- id
- 8908682
- date added to LUP
- 2017-06-08 11:57:32
- date last changed
- 2017-06-08 11:57:32
@misc{8908682, abstract = {{The thesis deals with the cessation of compulsory care for children. LVU is a child protection legislation, which acts as a guarantee to fulfill the care needs of vulnerable children. In accordance with 1 § of the LVU, all decisions concerning children should be decisive as to what is best for the individual child. The society has the power to provide compulsory care if the child lives in a vulnerable home environment that presents a significant risk to the child's health and development, 2 § of the LVU. However, jurisdiction only extends until the prerequisites for compulsory care have ceased in accordance with 21 § LVU. This assessment is complicated because even though the initial reason for the compulsive care has been discontinued other circumstances may have arisen while the child has been placed in a family home, which suggests that continued compulsory care would be the best for the individual child. Because the new circumstance did not cause the compulsory care for the child the new circumstance creates a great unpredictability for the custodians if continued compulsory care would be decided. Especially if the custodians have tried to make thoroughgoing and sustainable changes to the home environment which caused the compulsory care for their child in the first place. The new circumstance may prevent reunification between the child and the guardians, even if the initial reason has been terminated completely. This can be regarded as a violation of the custodians’ right to a private- and family life. Taking a decision that compulsory care of the child should be discontinued would not be in accordance with the principle of the best interests of the child, but to decide on continued compulsory care would not be in accordance with the principle of legality. Which principle should weigh heaviest in such a decision, without the fundamental rights of either the child or its custodian being violated, and what new circumstances can be covered by both principles shall be investigated in the thesis. Furthermore, it will also be investigated if there are circumstances that indicate that continued compulsory care would be the best for the individual child but isn’t supported by law and therefore renders impossibility for a decision on continued compulsory care. My investigation concludes that new circumstances which indicates that continued compulsory care would be the best for the child and stems from either the child’s current home environment, the exceptional care needs for the child or the child’s own will all legitimizes a decision for continued compulsory care. In this case both the principles are balanced according to the weight norm between the both principles. Even though some circumstances are less rooted in the principle of legality, the weight norm is applied if the principle of the best interest of the child weighs heavier in a decision of discontinuing compulsory care. The circumstances that are considered applicable in recently mentioned requirements can’t be explicably described therefore they need to be judged case by case. No circumstances which did not have support by law but was for the best interest of the child appeared in my investigation although there was a decision that was not to the best interest of the child and not supported by law. The investigation indicates therefore that when some circumstances advocates for a decision, in whatever direction, that it is according to the principle of the best interest of the child there is a support in the law which legitimize the decision.}}, author = {{Wyrwal, Alicia}}, language = {{swe}}, note = {{Student Paper}}, title = {{Upphörande av vård med stöd av LVU - En balans mellan principen om barnets bästa och legalitetsprincipen}}, year = {{2017}}, }