Att sälja sitt jag
(2017) SKOK01 20171Department of Strategic Communication
- Abstract
- In 1997, the concept of personal branding was popularized. Since then our world has changed, and is still changing, with the use of technology, digitization and so-cial media. Constructing and managing one's personal brand is something that to-day largely occurs in the online environment. Those who are considered comfor-table in, and accustomed to, the social media environment are referred to as digital naturals. With this in mind, this study aims to extract in-depth knowledge regar-ding digital naturals view of, and handling of, personal branding on social media. As personal branding can be considered to lead to both personal and professional success, the study focuses on the social network sites Facebook and LinkedIn, with a private... (More)
- In 1997, the concept of personal branding was popularized. Since then our world has changed, and is still changing, with the use of technology, digitization and so-cial media. Constructing and managing one's personal brand is something that to-day largely occurs in the online environment. Those who are considered comfor-table in, and accustomed to, the social media environment are referred to as digital naturals. With this in mind, this study aims to extract in-depth knowledge regar-ding digital naturals view of, and handling of, personal branding on social media. As personal branding can be considered to lead to both personal and professional success, the study focuses on the social network sites Facebook and LinkedIn, with a private respectively professional niched user base. Eleven qualitative inter-views have been conducted with the intention to take part of the respondents’ point of views. These interviews are analyzed using a multidisciplinary approach, based on sociological theories as well as marketing theories. The result pictures personal branding as a process that digital naturals are comprehensive of, however to different degrees of awareness. A consensus that “everyone” has a personal brand is found, coincidentally contradictions arise in the question of whether digi-tal naturals see themselves as personal brands. Differences within the outlook of personal branding as a societal phenomenon are also found. Some see it as a posi-tive development in which they willingly embrace the branding mindset, while others express a worry for the future and the consequences that this type of self-commodification possibly could lead to. Finally, conclusions are drawn in regard to the factor “occupation” and its role in the context of personal branding. (Less)
- Abstract (Swedish)
- År 1997 populariserades begreppet personligt varumärkesbyggande. Sedan dess har vår värld förändrats, och förändras fortfarande, med hjälp av teknologi, digitalisering och sociala medier. Att bygga och hantera sitt personliga varumärke är något som idag till stor del sker online. De som anses röra sig bekvämt och vant på sociala medier kallas digital naturals. Mot denna bakgrund ämnar studien utvinna fördjupad kunskap om digital naturals syn på, och hantering av, personligt varumärkesbyggande på sociala medier. Då personligt varumärkesbyggande anses kunna leda till både personlig och professionell framgång fokuserar studien på de sociala nätverkssajterna Facebook och LinkedIn, nischade mot en mer privat respektive professionell... (More)
- År 1997 populariserades begreppet personligt varumärkesbyggande. Sedan dess har vår värld förändrats, och förändras fortfarande, med hjälp av teknologi, digitalisering och sociala medier. Att bygga och hantera sitt personliga varumärke är något som idag till stor del sker online. De som anses röra sig bekvämt och vant på sociala medier kallas digital naturals. Mot denna bakgrund ämnar studien utvinna fördjupad kunskap om digital naturals syn på, och hantering av, personligt varumärkesbyggande på sociala medier. Då personligt varumärkesbyggande anses kunna leda till både personlig och professionell framgång fokuserar studien på de sociala nätverkssajterna Facebook och LinkedIn, nischade mot en mer privat respektive professionell användarkrets. Elva kvalitativa intervjuer har genomförts där vi ämnat ta del av respondenternas livsvärld. Dessa intervjuer analyseras utifrån ett multidisciplinärt tillvägagångssätt som tar avstamp i både sociologiska teorier och marknadsföringsteorier. Resultatet visar att personligt varumärkesbyg-gande är en process som digital naturals är inbegripna i, dock till olika grader av medvetenhet. En samstämmighet om att “alla” har personliga varumärken återfinns, samtidigt som motsägelser uppstår i frågan om digital naturals ser på sig själva som varumärken. Skillnader i synen på personligt varumärkesbyggande som samhällsfenomen påträffas också. En del ser det som en positiv utveckling där de villigt anammar varumärkestänkandet, medan andra uttrycker en framtids-oro över de konsekvenser som denna form av kommersialisering av jaget skulle kunna leda till. Avslutningsvis dras även slutsatser om faktorn “sysselsättning” och dess roll i personligt varumärkesbyggande. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
- author
- Falkenberg, Johanna LU and Östberg, Agnes LU
- supervisor
- organization
- course
- SKOK01 20171
- year
- 2017
- type
- M2 - Bachelor Degree
- subject
- keywords
- digital naturals, sociala medier, personligt varumärkesbyggande, intrycksstyrning, självpresentation, digital identitet, strategisk kommunikation
- language
- Swedish
- id
- 8911470
- date added to LUP
- 2017-06-07 13:56:01
- date last changed
- 2017-06-07 13:56:01
@misc{8911470, abstract = {{In 1997, the concept of personal branding was popularized. Since then our world has changed, and is still changing, with the use of technology, digitization and so-cial media. Constructing and managing one's personal brand is something that to-day largely occurs in the online environment. Those who are considered comfor-table in, and accustomed to, the social media environment are referred to as digital naturals. With this in mind, this study aims to extract in-depth knowledge regar-ding digital naturals view of, and handling of, personal branding on social media. As personal branding can be considered to lead to both personal and professional success, the study focuses on the social network sites Facebook and LinkedIn, with a private respectively professional niched user base. Eleven qualitative inter-views have been conducted with the intention to take part of the respondents’ point of views. These interviews are analyzed using a multidisciplinary approach, based on sociological theories as well as marketing theories. The result pictures personal branding as a process that digital naturals are comprehensive of, however to different degrees of awareness. A consensus that “everyone” has a personal brand is found, coincidentally contradictions arise in the question of whether digi-tal naturals see themselves as personal brands. Differences within the outlook of personal branding as a societal phenomenon are also found. Some see it as a posi-tive development in which they willingly embrace the branding mindset, while others express a worry for the future and the consequences that this type of self-commodification possibly could lead to. Finally, conclusions are drawn in regard to the factor “occupation” and its role in the context of personal branding.}}, author = {{Falkenberg, Johanna and Östberg, Agnes}}, language = {{swe}}, note = {{Student Paper}}, title = {{Att sälja sitt jag}}, year = {{2017}}, }