Effekter av presumtionsregelns borttagande
(2017) VFT920 20171Real Estate Science
- Abstract
- The presumption rule in the Expropriation Act was introduced in the 1970s. The introduction of the rule was a tool for implementing one of several social housing goals in a Sweden with housing shortage. On the basis of the compensation rules, this had the effect of attenuating compensation costs from values due to expectations of a future land use change from the land's permitted use. The property owner was, at the time, not determined deserving of a reward for the values that the public sectors had created through investments and other efforts. In 2010, the presumption rule is lifted from the expropriation law's remuneration rules. Changes in the housing market had led to the rule being considered to be obsolete and unreasonable. A goal... (More)
- The presumption rule in the Expropriation Act was introduced in the 1970s. The introduction of the rule was a tool for implementing one of several social housing goals in a Sweden with housing shortage. On the basis of the compensation rules, this had the effect of attenuating compensation costs from values due to expectations of a future land use change from the land's permitted use. The property owner was, at the time, not determined deserving of a reward for the values that the public sectors had created through investments and other efforts. In 2010, the presumption rule is lifted from the expropriation law's remuneration rules. Changes in the housing market had led to the rule being considered to be obsolete and unreasonable. A goal of the amendment was to strengthen the right of ownership of the property owner by giving him or her a full compensation for the entire market value in the event of expropriation.
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the effects of the law change in the Expropriation Act with regard to the removal of the presumption rule. The study aims at giving answering what effect the removal of the presumption rule has had on compensation, negotiation, and valuation of raw land with expected values.
Overall, the method has been based on a total of 15 interviews that aim to answer the essay's purpose and question. The questions formulated for the interviews have been adapted to three main categories: authorized real estate valuers, public servants at municipal offices and land dealer at the Swedish Transport Administration. This selection of individuals has been considered necessary in order to answer the questions of the thesis.
The result tends to show that the removal of the presumption rule has only had a marginal impact on remuneration. Expropriation in Sweden has been greatly reduced since the introduction of the rule and the attitude of municipalities to exercise this compulsory procedure has probably had a major impact on the indirect importance of the presumption rule. The result of the paper shows that the negotiation space between landowners and expropriation entitled purchasers of land has changed after the law change. The change should be the most evident in municipalities that have conducted an active land policy and where the threat of expropriation, with strict application of the presumption rule, was perceived as a reality by landowners. Nearly all interviewees working as property valuers are of the opinion that the deletion of the presumption rule has made more difficult the valuation of raw land with expected values. (Less) - Abstract (Swedish)
- Presumtionsregeln i expropriationslagen infördes under 1970-talet. Regelns införande var ett verktyg för att genomföra ett utav flera bostadssociala mål i bostadsbristens Sverige. Denna hade som utgångspunkt i ersättningsbestämmelserna att dämpa ersättningskostnader från värden som berodde på förväntningar om en framtida ändrad markanvändning från markens tillåtna användning. Fastighetsägaren ansågs vid tiden inte vara förtjänt en ersättning för värden som det offentliga hade skapat genom investeringar och andra insatser. År 2010 lyftes presumtionsregeln ur expropriationslagens ersättningsbestämmelser. Förändringar på bostadsmarknaden hade lett till att regeln ansågs förlegad och oskälig. En målsättning med lagändringen var att stärka... (More)
- Presumtionsregeln i expropriationslagen infördes under 1970-talet. Regelns införande var ett verktyg för att genomföra ett utav flera bostadssociala mål i bostadsbristens Sverige. Denna hade som utgångspunkt i ersättningsbestämmelserna att dämpa ersättningskostnader från värden som berodde på förväntningar om en framtida ändrad markanvändning från markens tillåtna användning. Fastighetsägaren ansågs vid tiden inte vara förtjänt en ersättning för värden som det offentliga hade skapat genom investeringar och andra insatser. År 2010 lyftes presumtionsregeln ur expropriationslagens ersättningsbestämmelser. Förändringar på bostadsmarknaden hade lett till att regeln ansågs förlegad och oskälig. En målsättning med lagändringen var att stärka äganderätten för fastighetsägaren genom att ge denna en full ersättning för hela marknadsvärdet vid expropriation.
Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka effekterna av lagändringen i expropriationslagen med avseende på borttagandet av presumtionsregeln. Studien syftar att svara på vilka effekter borttagandet av presumtionsregeln har haft på ersättningar, vid förhandlingar, och vid värdering av råmark med förväntningsvärden.
Sammantaget har metoden baserats på totalt 15 intervjuer för att besvara uppsatsens syfte och frågeställning. De frågor som formulerats till intervjuerna har anpassats till tre olika huvudgrupper: auktoriserade fastighetsvärderare, tjänstemän på kommunkontor och markförhandlare på Trafikverket. Detta urval av personer har ansetts vara motiverat för att kunna besvara arbetets frågeställningar.
Resultatet tenderar att visa att presumtionsregelns borttagande endast har haft en marginell påverkan på ersättningar. Expropriation i Sverige har reducerats kraftigt sedan införandet av regeln och inställningen hos kommuner att utöva detta tvångsförfarande har troligen haft en inverkan på presumtionsregelns indirekta betydelse. Resultatet från uppsatsen visar att förhandlingsutrymmet mellan markägare och expropriationsberättigad markförvärvare har förändrats efter lagändringen. Förändringen borde vara som tydligast i de kommuner som har bedrivit en aktiv markpolitik och där hotet om expropriation, med en strikt tillämpning av presumtionsregeln, uppfattades som en realitet av markägarna. Nästintill samtliga intervjupersoner yrkessamma som fastighetsvärderare har uppfattning om att presumtionsregelns borttagande har försvårat värderingen av råmark med förväntningsvärden. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
- author
- Ericson Montgomery, Mauritz LU and Trygg, Sebastian LU
- supervisor
- Eric Norén LU
- organization
- course
- VFT920 20171
- year
- 2017
- type
- H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
- subject
- keywords
- Markexploatering, expropriation, markåtkomst, markersättning, råmark, förväntningsvärde, äganderätt, fastighetsvärdering
- other publication id
- language
- Swedish
- id
- 8914840
- date added to LUP
- 2017-06-15 16:54:54
- date last changed
- 2017-06-15 16:54:54
@misc{8914840, abstract = {{The presumption rule in the Expropriation Act was introduced in the 1970s. The introduction of the rule was a tool for implementing one of several social housing goals in a Sweden with housing shortage. On the basis of the compensation rules, this had the effect of attenuating compensation costs from values due to expectations of a future land use change from the land's permitted use. The property owner was, at the time, not determined deserving of a reward for the values that the public sectors had created through investments and other efforts. In 2010, the presumption rule is lifted from the expropriation law's remuneration rules. Changes in the housing market had led to the rule being considered to be obsolete and unreasonable. A goal of the amendment was to strengthen the right of ownership of the property owner by giving him or her a full compensation for the entire market value in the event of expropriation. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the effects of the law change in the Expropriation Act with regard to the removal of the presumption rule. The study aims at giving answering what effect the removal of the presumption rule has had on compensation, negotiation, and valuation of raw land with expected values. Overall, the method has been based on a total of 15 interviews that aim to answer the essay's purpose and question. The questions formulated for the interviews have been adapted to three main categories: authorized real estate valuers, public servants at municipal offices and land dealer at the Swedish Transport Administration. This selection of individuals has been considered necessary in order to answer the questions of the thesis. The result tends to show that the removal of the presumption rule has only had a marginal impact on remuneration. Expropriation in Sweden has been greatly reduced since the introduction of the rule and the attitude of municipalities to exercise this compulsory procedure has probably had a major impact on the indirect importance of the presumption rule. The result of the paper shows that the negotiation space between landowners and expropriation entitled purchasers of land has changed after the law change. The change should be the most evident in municipalities that have conducted an active land policy and where the threat of expropriation, with strict application of the presumption rule, was perceived as a reality by landowners. Nearly all interviewees working as property valuers are of the opinion that the deletion of the presumption rule has made more difficult the valuation of raw land with expected values.}}, author = {{Ericson Montgomery, Mauritz and Trygg, Sebastian}}, language = {{swe}}, note = {{Student Paper}}, title = {{Effekter av presumtionsregelns borttagande}}, year = {{2017}}, }