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Förlängning av fideikommissförordnanden - En analys av tillämpningen av dispensregeln i avvecklingslagen

Strindlöv, Jacob LU (2017) LAGF03 20172
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Fideikommiss är benämningen på den särskilda förvaltarform och successionsordning som innebär att all egendom som ingår i ett visst fideikommiss ska succederas till endast en person, oftast äldste manliga arvingen. Rätten baseras på urkunden som vanligtvis kommer i form av ett testamente, ofta med förordnande om att gälla för all framtid.
Instiftande av nya fideikommiss förbjöds i Sverige för fast egendom 1810 och för lös egendom 1930. När Lag (1963:583) om avveckling av fideikommiss trädde ikraft 1964 inleddes en avveckling av de bestående fideikommissen. Enligt lagen ska ett fideikommiss avvecklas när den som var innehavare vid lagens tillkomst avlider. Ett undantag skrevs dock in i lagens 6 § som möjliggjorde en förlängning av... (More)
Fideikommiss är benämningen på den särskilda förvaltarform och successionsordning som innebär att all egendom som ingår i ett visst fideikommiss ska succederas till endast en person, oftast äldste manliga arvingen. Rätten baseras på urkunden som vanligtvis kommer i form av ett testamente, ofta med förordnande om att gälla för all framtid.
Instiftande av nya fideikommiss förbjöds i Sverige för fast egendom 1810 och för lös egendom 1930. När Lag (1963:583) om avveckling av fideikommiss trädde ikraft 1964 inleddes en avveckling av de bestående fideikommissen. Enligt lagen ska ett fideikommiss avvecklas när den som var innehavare vid lagens tillkomst avlider. Ett undantag skrevs dock in i lagens 6 § som möjliggjorde en förlängning av fideikommiss efter ansökan till regeringen. Sju ansökningar har sedan dess inkommit till regeringen, varav sex har beviljats.

I denna uppsatsen har analyserats hur tillämpningen av förlängningsregeln har utvecklats i förhållande till avvecklingslagens och undantagsregelns syfte. I ett första steg har jag redogjort för förarbetena till avvecklingslagen och dess 6 §. Därefter har jag studerat förlängningsärendena och analyserat vad som har medfört en förlängning i varje enskilt fall. Det är svårt att urskilja klara mönster i tillämpningen av regeln då det endast finns sju ärenden om förlängning. Det tycks emellertid som om kulturvärdena har vägt tyngre som skäl i de bedömningar som gjorts på 90-talet och framåt. Några av fallen har varit kontroversiella och diskutabla sedda i förhållande till lagens syfte, men vid den enda prövning som gjorts av ett beslut om förlängning klargjorde Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen att regeringen har ett betydande handlingsutrymme i sina bedömningar vid tillämpningen av 6 § avvecklingslagen. (Less)
Fideikommiss is the name of the special form of administration and succession, which means that all property belonging to a holder of a certain fideikommiss is to be succeeded to only one person, usually the oldest male heir. The right is based on the record which usually comes in the form of a will, often with the order of validity for all future. The creation of new fideikommiss was banned in Sweden, for property in 1810 and for movable property in 1930. When the Act (1963: 583) on the winding up of fideikommiss came into force in 1964, a decommissioning of the existing fideikommisses commenced. According to the law, a fideikommiss shall be dissolved when the holder of the fideikommiss pass away. An exception was, however, entered in... (More)
Fideikommiss is the name of the special form of administration and succession, which means that all property belonging to a holder of a certain fideikommiss is to be succeeded to only one person, usually the oldest male heir. The right is based on the record which usually comes in the form of a will, often with the order of validity for all future. The creation of new fideikommiss was banned in Sweden, for property in 1810 and for movable property in 1930. When the Act (1963: 583) on the winding up of fideikommiss came into force in 1964, a decommissioning of the existing fideikommisses commenced. According to the law, a fideikommiss shall be dissolved when the holder of the fideikommiss pass away. An exception was, however, entered in article 6 of the Act, which allowed an extension of the fideikommiss upon application to the government. Seven applications have since been submitted to the government, of which six have been granted.

In this paper is analyzed how the application of the extension rule has developed in relation to the purpose of the winding-up-act and the exception rule. In a first step, I have explained the preliminary work to the winding-up-act and its article 6. After that, I have studied the extension issues and analyzed what has led to an extension in each case. It is difficult to distinguish clear patterns in the application of the rule as there are only seven cases of extension. It seems, however, that the cultural values ​​have weigh heavier as reasons in the assessments made in the 90's and beyond. Some of the cases have been controversial and questionable in relation to the purpose of the law, but at the sole examination of an extension decision, the Supreme Administrative Court stated that the government has a large margin of action in its assessments under article 6 of the winding-up-act. (Less)
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Strindlöv, Jacob LU
LAGF03 20172
M2 - Bachelor Degree
fastighetsrätt förvaltningsrätt, administrative law, rättshistoria, legal history, rättsvetenskap
date added to LUP
2018-02-06 11:58:33
date last changed
2018-02-06 11:58:33
  abstract     = {{Fideikommiss is the name of the special form of administration and succession, which means that all property belonging to a holder of a certain fideikommiss is to be succeeded to only one person, usually the oldest male heir. The right is based on the record which usually comes in the form of a will, often with the order of validity for all future. The creation of new fideikommiss was banned in Sweden, for property in 1810 and for movable property in 1930. When the Act (1963: 583) on the winding up of fideikommiss came into force in 1964, a decommissioning of the existing fideikommisses commenced. According to the law, a fideikommiss shall be dissolved when the holder of the fideikommiss pass away. An exception was, however, entered in article 6 of the Act, which allowed an extension of the fideikommiss upon application to the government. Seven applications have since been submitted to the government, of which six have been granted.

In this paper is analyzed how the application of the extension rule has developed in relation to the purpose of the winding-up-act and the exception rule. In a first step, I have explained the preliminary work to the winding-up-act and its article 6. After that, I have studied the extension issues and analyzed what has led to an extension in each case. It is difficult to distinguish clear patterns in the application of the rule as there are only seven cases of extension. It seems, however, that the cultural values ​​have weigh heavier as reasons in the assessments made in the 90's and beyond. Some of the cases have been controversial and questionable in relation to the purpose of the law, but at the sole examination of an extension decision, the Supreme Administrative Court stated that the government has a large margin of action in its assessments under article 6 of the winding-up-act.}},
  author       = {{Strindlöv, Jacob}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Förlängning av fideikommissförordnanden - En analys av tillämpningen av dispensregeln i avvecklingslagen}},
  year         = {{2017}},