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Vårdnadstvister med hedersrelaterad problematik - En fallstudie i huruvida domstolar i Sverige tar hederaspekter i beaktande vid sina bedömningar

Eriksen, Gabriella LU (2017) JURM02 20172
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
I denna uppsats undersöks huruvida hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck kan utgöra en grund för ensam vårdnad enligt gällande svensk rätt. Syftet är att utreda om domstolar tar hänsyn till hedersproblematik i sina bedömningar i tvister som rör vårdnad, boende och umgänge. För att uppnå detta syfte behandlas frågor som till exempel vad hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck är, hur den svenska lagstiftningen gällande vårdnad, boende och umgänge ser ut samt hur lagstiftningen tillämpas i praktiken.

Efter en studie av utvalda domar i tvistemål angående vårdnad, boende och umgänge, vilka har en bakgrund i hedersrelaterad problematik, har uppsatsen kommit fram till följande slutsatser. Hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck utgör inte en grund för ensam... (More)
I denna uppsats undersöks huruvida hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck kan utgöra en grund för ensam vårdnad enligt gällande svensk rätt. Syftet är att utreda om domstolar tar hänsyn till hedersproblematik i sina bedömningar i tvister som rör vårdnad, boende och umgänge. För att uppnå detta syfte behandlas frågor som till exempel vad hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck är, hur den svenska lagstiftningen gällande vårdnad, boende och umgänge ser ut samt hur lagstiftningen tillämpas i praktiken.

Efter en studie av utvalda domar i tvistemål angående vårdnad, boende och umgänge, vilka har en bakgrund i hedersrelaterad problematik, har uppsatsen kommit fram till följande slutsatser. Hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck utgör inte en grund för ensam vårdnad i tvister som rör vårdnad, boende och umgänge. Sveriges domstolar behandlar inte hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck som en uttrycklig grund i sina bedömningar. När domstolen i sin bedömning utreder om det föreligger en ”tillräcklig risk” i enlighet med 6 kap. 2 a § föräldrabalken är omständigheter av betydelse för den bedömningen till exempel hot om våld, övergrepp och kränkningar. I de fall där övergrepp har skett systematiskt under en längre tid, varit allvarliga eller riktats mot flera personer, finns det skäl att utgå från att barnet kan fara illa med den aktuella föräldern som vårdnadshavare. Är rekvisitet tillräcklig risk uppfyllt blir barnens bästa en fråga om barnets behov av skydd. Om det inte anses föreligga en tillräcklig risk går bedömningen vidare till vad som anses vara barnets bästa i det enskilda fallet. Av det som framkommit i undersökningen så har domstolen inte bedömt hedersrelaterad problematik som en omständighet som talar för en tillräcklig risk i något av målen.

Sammanfattningsvis kan det kostrateras att domstolar undviker att kategorisera en förälder som olämplig vårdnadshavare. Istället för att göra ett sådant utpekande används andra mer allmänt hållna grunder i domstolens bedömning för att på så vis tillerkänna en förälder ensam vårdnad om barnet. Vidare saknas en tillfredsställande forskning avseende hedersrelaterad problematik i vårdnadstvister, vilket leder till att domstolen inte tar hänsyn till hedersaspekter i sina avgöranden då det saknas ett vetenskapligt stöd. (Less)
The object of this thesis is to examine whether honour-based violence and oppression may constitute a basis for sole custody according to current Swedish law. The thesis also examines whether Swedish courts take honour-related problems in deliberation in their assessments during cases involving custody, housing and visitation. To achieve this, the thesis defines what honour-related violence and oppression is, examines how the Swedish legislation is designed regarding custody, housing and visitation and how the Swedish legislation is applied by the judicial system.

After conducting a case study on a number of civil cases regarding custody, housing and visitation, which all has a background of honour-related issues, the thesis has... (More)
The object of this thesis is to examine whether honour-based violence and oppression may constitute a basis for sole custody according to current Swedish law. The thesis also examines whether Swedish courts take honour-related problems in deliberation in their assessments during cases involving custody, housing and visitation. To achieve this, the thesis defines what honour-related violence and oppression is, examines how the Swedish legislation is designed regarding custody, housing and visitation and how the Swedish legislation is applied by the judicial system.

After conducting a case study on a number of civil cases regarding custody, housing and visitation, which all has a background of honour-related issues, the thesis has established following conclusions. Honour-related violence and oppression does not constitute a legal basis for sole custody in civil cases concerning custody, housing and visitation. Swedish courts do not treat honour-related violence and oppression as a specific legal basis in their judgments. When courts in their risk assessments investigates if there is a “sufficient risk” or not, the circumstances that are of significance for the assessment are for example threats of violence, assault or violation. In cases which has an established pattern of systematic assault during a long period of time, been severe or directed towards several people, the court has considered it as a reason to assume that the child is in harm’s way with the unfit parent as a guardian. If the necessary condition of sufficient risk is fulfilled, the question is what’s the child’s need of protection rather than what the best interest of the child is. When investigating the judgments, which are brought to attention in this thesis, there is not a single case in which the court assessed honour-related issues as a circumstance which speaks for sufficient risk.

In summary, this thesis has found that the courts avoid categorizing a parent as an invalid guardian. Instead of making such judgments, it is more likely that the court will use more general legal basis when deciding sole custody. There is no adequate research on honour-related issues in cases involving custody, housing and visitation, which means that the court does not take account no honour-related problems in their decisions as there are no scientific support. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Eriksen, Gabriella LU
alternative title
Custody disputes with honorary-related issues - A case study of whether the Swedish court takes into account honours aspects in their assessments
JURM02 20172
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
Heder, Hedersrelaterat, Vårdnadstvist
date added to LUP
2018-01-22 13:35:21
date last changed
2018-01-22 13:35:21
  abstract     = {{The object of this thesis is to examine whether honour-based violence and oppression may constitute a basis for sole custody according to current Swedish law. The thesis also examines whether Swedish courts take honour-related problems in deliberation in their assessments during cases involving custody, housing and visitation. To achieve this, the thesis defines what honour-related violence and oppression is, examines how the Swedish legislation is designed regarding custody, housing and visitation and how the Swedish legislation is applied by the judicial system. 

After conducting a case study on a number of civil cases regarding custody, housing and visitation, which all has a background of honour-related issues, the thesis has established following conclusions. Honour-related violence and oppression does not constitute a legal basis for sole custody in civil cases concerning custody, housing and visitation. Swedish courts do not treat honour-related violence and oppression as a specific legal basis in their judgments. When courts in their risk assessments investigates if there is a “sufficient risk” or not, the circumstances that are of significance for the assessment are for example threats of violence, assault or violation. In cases which has an established pattern of systematic assault during a long period of time, been severe or directed towards several people, the court has considered it as a reason to assume that the child is in harm’s way with the unfit parent as a guardian. If the necessary condition of sufficient risk is fulfilled, the question is what’s the child’s need of protection rather than what the best interest of the child is. When investigating the judgments, which are brought to attention in this thesis, there is not a single case in which the court assessed honour-related issues as a circumstance which speaks for sufficient risk. 

In summary, this thesis has found that the courts avoid categorizing a parent as an invalid guardian. Instead of making such judgments, it is more likely that the court will use more general legal basis when deciding sole custody. There is no adequate research on honour-related issues in cases involving custody, housing and visitation, which means that the court does not take account no honour-related problems in their decisions as there are no scientific support.}},
  author       = {{Eriksen, Gabriella}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Vårdnadstvister med hedersrelaterad problematik - En fallstudie i huruvida domstolar i Sverige tar hederaspekter i beaktande vid sina bedömningar}},
  year         = {{2017}},