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Ett begränsat internet? - Om internetleverantörers ansvar vid tredje mans upphovsrättsintrång

Anstrin, Marcus LU (2018) LAGF03 20181
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att utreda internetleverantörers ansvar vid tredje mans upphovsrättsintrång då internetleverantörer tillhandahåller internetuppkoppling till sådant intrång. Uppsatsen har också klargjort vilka upphovsrättsintrång som kan aktualisera internetleverantörers ansvar, samt vilka åtgärder företagen kan tvingas vidta för att förhindra förevarande intrång.

Internet möjliggör idag omfattande upphovsrättsintrång genom fildelning och streaming via webbsidor. När detta sker är det svårt att identifiera intrångsgöraren. Upphovsrättsinnehavare angriper därför internetleverantörer, vilka möjliggör intrången på internet genom att sprida det illegala materialet i sina kommunikationsnät.

I takt med att immateriella... (More)
Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att utreda internetleverantörers ansvar vid tredje mans upphovsrättsintrång då internetleverantörer tillhandahåller internetuppkoppling till sådant intrång. Uppsatsen har också klargjort vilka upphovsrättsintrång som kan aktualisera internetleverantörers ansvar, samt vilka åtgärder företagen kan tvingas vidta för att förhindra förevarande intrång.

Internet möjliggör idag omfattande upphovsrättsintrång genom fildelning och streaming via webbsidor. När detta sker är det svårt att identifiera intrångsgöraren. Upphovsrättsinnehavare angriper därför internetleverantörer, vilka möjliggör intrången på internet genom att sprida det illegala materialet i sina kommunikationsnät.

I takt med att immateriella rättigheter erkänts större betydelse genom att skapa ekonomisk tillväxt och arbetstillfällen på den inre marknaden har flertalet EU-direktiv utfärdats för att skärpa det immaterialrättsliga skyddet. Svenska regler grundas på dessa direktiv, vilket innebär att även EU- rättsliga principer och rättigheter måste beaktas då den implementerade rätten tillämpas.

Framställningen har visat att både straff- och ersättningsrättsligt ansvar kan åläggas internetleverantörer enligt e-handelslagen, då företagen tillhandahåller internetuppkoppling till olovligt publicerat material. Likaså kan internetleverantörer åläggas medverkansansvar till upphovsrättsintrång enligt 53b§ upphovsrättslagen. När internetleverantörer åläggs medverkansansvar måste dessa upphöra sin delaktighet genom att blockera internetuppkoppling till de webbsidor där det olovliga materialet publicerats.

Av utredningen framgår att EU-stadgan spelar en avgörande roll vid rättstillämpningen eftersom grundläggande rättigheter kan komma i kollision. Detta sker när internetleverantörernas näringsfrihet och internetanvändares informationsfrihet riskerar att inskränkas till fördel för skyddet för immateriella rättigheter. Domstolarna är därför tvungna att vidta en rättighetsavvägning för att bestämma huruvida förevarande ålägganden är proportionella, men också för att avgöra utformningen av de åtgärder internetleverantörer har att vidta för att upphöra sin medverkan.

Undersökningen har visat att de grundläggande rättigheterna har kommit att begränsa tillämpningen av 53b§ upphovsrättslagen till att endast gälla upphovsrättsintrång som sker på webbsidor som till uteslutande del tillhandahåller material som utgör upphovsrättsintrång. Likaså kan endast blockering av domännamn och webbadresser bli aktuella åtgärder att vidta. Dessa blockeringsåtgärder är idag enkla att kringgå utan vidare teknisk kunskap. Att upphovsrättsintrång genom fildelning och streaming i realiteten faktiskt förhindras då internetleverantörer åläggs ansvar är därför inte säkert. (Less)
The purpose with this paper has been to examine internet service providers, also known as ISP:s, responsibility when they operates as an intermediate during third party copyright infringement. The essay has also investigated which copyright infringements that actualize such responsibility and what measures may be required by ISP:s to prevent copyright infringements.

Today the internet makes copyright infringements possible through file- sharing and streaming through webpages. When such copyright infringement is performed, it is highly difficult to identify the individual who has committed these illegal acts. The copyright owners therefore targets ISP:s, which make copyright infringements possible on the internet by distributing the... (More)
The purpose with this paper has been to examine internet service providers, also known as ISP:s, responsibility when they operates as an intermediate during third party copyright infringement. The essay has also investigated which copyright infringements that actualize such responsibility and what measures may be required by ISP:s to prevent copyright infringements.

Today the internet makes copyright infringements possible through file- sharing and streaming through webpages. When such copyright infringement is performed, it is highly difficult to identify the individual who has committed these illegal acts. The copyright owners therefore targets ISP:s, which make copyright infringements possible on the internet by distributing the digital material globally through their communication networks.

As intellectual property becomes more important by creating economic growth and jobs on the European internal market, lots of EU-directives has been issued to strengthen the intellectual property protection. Swedish law on the issue has been influenced to a large extent by the EU-law. Swedish legal rules are based on EU-directives. EU-law principles and fundamental rights must therefore be taken into account when the implemented law is to be applied.

The essay has proved that ISP:s may be imposed with both criminal and indemnity liability according to the swedish electronic commercial act when the companies provide internet connection to illegally published material. Likewise, the companies can be subject to co-responsibility for copyright infringements according to 53b§ in the swedish copyright act. When such responsibility becomes current, the ISP:s need to cease their participation by blocking the internet connection to webpages where the copyright infringements occurs.

According to the study, The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union has a decisive part during the legal assessment. Fundamental rights gets into divergence when ISP:s ”freedom to conduct a business" and internet users ”freedom of information” risks being restricted in favor for the protection of intellectual property. In such situations, the courts needs to undertake an application of law that ensures a fair balance between the applicable fundamental rights. Therefore, measures that ISP:s have to undertake to terminate their participation, needs to be specified and proportional.

The essay has shown that the applicable fundamental rights have infringed the application of 53b§ in the swedish copyright act. The legal rule can only be applied to block webpages that exclusively provides material that constitutes copyright infringements. Likewise, only blocking of domain names and web addresses can be the current actions to take. These blocking measures are however easy to bypass without profound technical knowledge. Therefore, it is not for certain that copyright infringements through file-sharing and streaming will cease because of these actions. (Less)
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Anstrin, Marcus LU
LAGF03 20181
M2 - Bachelor Degree
immaterialrätt, internetleverantörer, upphovsrättsintrång, internet
date added to LUP
2018-07-04 18:21:23
date last changed
2018-07-04 18:21:23
  abstract     = {{The purpose with this paper has been to examine internet service providers, also known as ISP:s, responsibility when they operates as an intermediate during third party copyright infringement. The essay has also investigated which copyright infringements that actualize such responsibility and what measures may be required by ISP:s to prevent copyright infringements.

Today the internet makes copyright infringements possible through file- sharing and streaming through webpages. When such copyright infringement is performed, it is highly difficult to identify the individual who has committed these illegal acts. The copyright owners therefore targets ISP:s, which make copyright infringements possible on the internet by distributing the digital material globally through their communication networks.

As intellectual property becomes more important by creating economic growth and jobs on the European internal market, lots of EU-directives has been issued to strengthen the intellectual property protection. Swedish law on the issue has been influenced to a large extent by the EU-law. Swedish legal rules are based on EU-directives. EU-law principles and fundamental rights must therefore be taken into account when the implemented law is to be applied.

The essay has proved that ISP:s may be imposed with both criminal and indemnity liability according to the swedish electronic commercial act when the companies provide internet connection to illegally published material. Likewise, the companies can be subject to co-responsibility for copyright infringements according to 53b§ in the swedish copyright act. When such responsibility becomes current, the ISP:s need to cease their participation by blocking the internet connection to webpages where the copyright infringements occurs.

According to the study, The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union has a decisive part during the legal assessment. Fundamental rights gets into divergence when ISP:s ”freedom to conduct a business" and internet users ”freedom of information” risks being restricted in favor for the protection of intellectual property. In such situations, the courts needs to undertake an application of law that ensures a fair balance between the applicable fundamental rights. Therefore, measures that ISP:s have to undertake to terminate their participation, needs to be specified and proportional.

The essay has shown that the applicable fundamental rights have infringed the application of 53b§ in the swedish copyright act. The legal rule can only be applied to block webpages that exclusively provides material that constitutes copyright infringements. Likewise, only blocking of domain names and web addresses can be the current actions to take. These blocking measures are however easy to bypass without profound technical knowledge. Therefore, it is not for certain that copyright infringements through file-sharing and streaming will cease because of these actions.}},
  author       = {{Anstrin, Marcus}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Ett begränsat internet? - Om internetleverantörers ansvar vid tredje mans upphovsrättsintrång}},
  year         = {{2018}},