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Kvinnors rätt till högre statstjänster - Diskussionen om behörighetsfrågan i Sverige 1919–1923

Möller Andréewitch, Amelia LU (2018) LAGF03 20181
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
I denna uppsats görs ett nedslag i den del av kvinnorörelsens historia som behandlar kvinnors rätt till högre statstjänster. Kvinnor hade varit aktiva på den statliga arbetsmarknaden sedan mitten av 1800-talet och sedan år 1870 haft tillgång till universitetsstudier. Ändå hade de ingen rätt att tillträda högre statliga tjänster och kunde exempelvis inte bli universitetslärare, domare, ämbetsman, sjukhusläkare eller provinsialläkare. Den s.k. behörighetskommittén tillsattes år 1919 för att utreda saken. Kommitténs betänkanden samt riksdagsdebatterna som fördes i kamrarna angående kvinnors behörighet ligger till grund för denna uppsats.
Diskussionen om kvinnors behörighet fördes under en tid då det demokratiska genombrottet redan var ett... (More)
I denna uppsats görs ett nedslag i den del av kvinnorörelsens historia som behandlar kvinnors rätt till högre statstjänster. Kvinnor hade varit aktiva på den statliga arbetsmarknaden sedan mitten av 1800-talet och sedan år 1870 haft tillgång till universitetsstudier. Ändå hade de ingen rätt att tillträda högre statliga tjänster och kunde exempelvis inte bli universitetslärare, domare, ämbetsman, sjukhusläkare eller provinsialläkare. Den s.k. behörighetskommittén tillsattes år 1919 för att utreda saken. Kommitténs betänkanden samt riksdagsdebatterna som fördes i kamrarna angående kvinnors behörighet ligger till grund för denna uppsats.
Diskussionen om kvinnors behörighet fördes under en tid då det demokratiska genombrottet redan var ett faktum, i och med beslutet om kvinnlig rösträtt år 1919. Könens likställighet på det offentligrättsliga området tycktes av många redan erkänd, men det var mer komplicerat än så. Föreställningarna om kvinnans olämplighet för vissa tjänster var seglivade och debatten dubbeltydig. Samtidigt som likställigheten premierades användes kvinnans avvikande natur både som skäl för och emot behörighetsreformerna. Uppsatsen behandlar behörighetsfrågan utifrån resonemang och åsikter uttryckta av riksdagen och behörighetskommittén. Syftet har varit att försöka fastställa behörighetsfrågans karaktär, huruvida den uppfattades som en demokratifråga eller som en s.k. kvinnofråga. Jag har även ämnat söka ett svar till om det går att urskilja gemensamma uppfattningar om kvinnor bland reformförespråkare och skeptiker. I min slutliga analys konstaterar jag att förespråkare och skeptiker delade uppfattningen om kvinnan som bärare av specifika egenskaper. Jag kommer även fram till att behörighetsfrågan i sitt sammanhang där och då i huvudsak betraktades som en kvinnofråga. Argument baserade på ren rättvisa, om kvinnors medborgerliga rätt att konkurrera på arbetsmarknaden på samma villkor som män vägde tungt, men inte nödvändigtvis tyngre än argument baserade på samhällsnytta och ekonomiska vinningar. (Less)
This essay examines a part of the history of the Swedish women’s rights movement, the story about women’s right to be appointed to higher state offices. Women had been largely represented at the public labour market since the middle of the 19th century and since the year of 1870, they had access to university education. Nevertheless, they had no legal right to apply for higher government positions and could thereby not advance within their area of expertise and become for example university teachers, judges, officers, hospital doctors or provincial doctors. A committee of inquiry was appointed in 1919 to further investigate the matter of women’s access to higher state offices. The reports of the committee and the parliamentary debates held... (More)
This essay examines a part of the history of the Swedish women’s rights movement, the story about women’s right to be appointed to higher state offices. Women had been largely represented at the public labour market since the middle of the 19th century and since the year of 1870, they had access to university education. Nevertheless, they had no legal right to apply for higher government positions and could thereby not advance within their area of expertise and become for example university teachers, judges, officers, hospital doctors or provincial doctors. A committee of inquiry was appointed in 1919 to further investigate the matter of women’s access to higher state offices. The reports of the committee and the parliamentary debates held in the Swedish parliament regarding women's right to access higher state offices, form the basis for this paper.
The discussion of women's access to higher government positions was conducted during a time when the democratic breakthrough was already a fact, with the proclamation of the bill that recognised women’s right to vote in 1919. Gender equality seemed to already have been recognized, but it was more complicated than that. The beliefs of women's unsuitability for some public positions were still present and the debate was ambiguous. As gender equality was praised by some, the deviant nature of the woman was used both as a reason for, and against the reforms.
The essay addresses the alleged issue of women’s lack of competence based on the reasonings and opinions expressed by the parliament and the committee of inquiry. The purpose has been to try to determine the nature of the issue of women’s right to higher state offices, whether it was perceived as a democracy issue or as a so-called women’s issue. I have also sought to seek an answer to if it is possible to distinguish any common views about women among the advocates and the sceptics. In my final analysis, I find that advocates and sceptics shared the perception of the woman as an owner of specific characteristics. I also come to the conclusion that in the context of the issue of women’s access to higher state offices, the question was essentially regarded as a women's issue. Arguments based on pure justice principles, women's civil rights to compete on the same terms as men on the labour market weighed heavily, but not necessarily heavier than arguments based on social benefits and economic gains. (Less)
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Möller Andréewitch, Amelia LU
LAGF03 20181
M2 - Bachelor Degree
date added to LUP
2018-07-09 16:25:47
date last changed
2018-07-09 16:25:47
  abstract     = {{This essay examines a part of the history of the Swedish women’s rights movement, the story about women’s right to be appointed to higher state offices. Women had been largely represented at the public labour market since the middle of the 19th century and since the year of 1870, they had access to university education. Nevertheless, they had no legal right to apply for higher government positions and could thereby not advance within their area of expertise and become for example university teachers, judges, officers, hospital doctors or provincial doctors. A committee of inquiry was appointed in 1919 to further investigate the matter of women’s access to higher state offices. The reports of the committee and the parliamentary debates held in the Swedish parliament regarding women's right to access higher state offices, form the basis for this paper.
The discussion of women's access to higher government positions was conducted during a time when the democratic breakthrough was already a fact, with the proclamation of the bill that recognised women’s right to vote in 1919. Gender equality seemed to already have been recognized, but it was more complicated than that. The beliefs of women's unsuitability for some public positions were still present and the debate was ambiguous. As gender equality was praised by some, the deviant nature of the woman was used both as a reason for, and against the reforms.
The essay addresses the alleged issue of women’s lack of competence based on the reasonings and opinions expressed by the parliament and the committee of inquiry. The purpose has been to try to determine the nature of the issue of women’s right to higher state offices, whether it was perceived as a democracy issue or as a so-called women’s issue. I have also sought to seek an answer to if it is possible to distinguish any common views about women among the advocates and the sceptics. In my final analysis, I find that advocates and sceptics shared the perception of the woman as an owner of specific characteristics. I also come to the conclusion that in the context of the issue of women’s access to higher state offices, the question was essentially regarded as a women's issue. Arguments based on pure justice principles, women's civil rights to compete on the same terms as men on the labour market weighed heavily, but not necessarily heavier than arguments based on social benefits and economic gains.}},
  author       = {{Möller Andréewitch, Amelia}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Kvinnors rätt till högre statstjänster - Diskussionen om behörighetsfrågan i Sverige 1919–1923}},
  year         = {{2018}},